Is it me or is Apigenin not so hot in this forum

Treatment of cells with apigenin or quercetin inhibits CD38 and promotes an increase in intracellular NAD+ levels. An increased NAD+ level decreases protein acetylation through sirtuin activation. ... Apigenin treatment improves glucose homeostasis, glucose tolerance, and lipid metabolism in obese mice. Mar 14, 2013

Apigenin seems to me, in that it is so common in edible plants, I assume it is very safe.

I do not see any discussions on it, could be just me, or am I missing something?

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    • Jimmy
    • Jim_N
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I eat a lot of parsley which has apigenin.  I have not experienced anything acute but I feel like my mind is sharp due to all of the various supplements and exercise I've been doing.  Could it be the parsley?  Who knows.  As far as NAD, I just take TruNiagen which will raise NAD levels for sure.

  • Unless you do expensive tests, who knows what really works in your own body?
    My attitude is: It's cheap, it's harmless, why not, when studies show it's beneficial?

    • Jimmy
    • Jim_N
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Are you supplementing apigenin? I read that too much parsley is bad for you and can cause kidney and liver issues.

  • An overdose of anything is bad for you. Usually, the first symptom is diarrhea if you are overdosing. If you do not have kidney and liver problems, your body will be able to handle it. Otherwise, parsley will be banned. Even then, I usually "take a break" from anything that I consume.

  • Sure, it will take longer than otherwise but it will also prevent any chance for an overdose.

    I can tell you my patience paid off.

  • See the link. I can hardly 2 minutes (as I remember) when I was 20 years old. After the aging backwards for a few years, I can do 4 minutes. I plank like less than 15 times my whole life, up till today. Yet the that day when I tried to do it, I could do 4 minutes. I have no reasons why I can do 4 minutes, other than that I practice aging reversal.

    • Andrew P K Yap I did 9 minutes the other day and thought I was hot stuff. So I googled the record holder - a 62 year old who held a plank for 8 hrs 15 minutes. He has reversed aging all the way!

    • Paul Beauchemin wow 9 minutes, imagine

    • Andrew P K Yap Broke my 9 minute best with an 11 minute plank today - growing younger by the week!

    • Jimmy
    • Jim_N
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I suppose planking time is as good an indicator of health as the number of pushups you can do.  I think they did a study on that.

    Like 1
  • The point is, I can only do that AFTER doing aging reversal. This tells me that aging backwards is possible.

  • The question then becomes, "How far back can humans age backwards and for how long is it possible, to do that?"

    I am 60 now and for sure, with tangible results (the planking) I have successfully age backwards. Will I be able to, when I am 70, similarly continue to age backwards? 80? 90? 100?

    At what age will it become impossible to do reverse aging? Or is it that for some systems in the body, you can age backwards, but not for others?

    Whatever, it sure is exciting times we live in. 

  • Judith Campisi  if I remember correctly, she's the senescence expert, said in an interview, "Nobody really knows why people die."

    Some people get really sick and recovers but some get worse and die. Why? Why did they die? Who knows?

  • Ha, I was inspired by your post to make a video about apigenin!

    Like 1
    • michael lustgarten nad+ supplements are expensive. Epigenin is dirt cheap vegetables.

  • Apigenin is not bioavailable in the liver without resveratrol

    Proanthocyanidins is more effective

  • "Co-administration of apigenin and resveratrol led to a 2.39 fold increase in plasma apigenin levels compared to administration of apigenin alone, "

    Increases bio availability by 2.39 fold but it is still bioavailable without resveratrol. 

    This strengthens the case for real whole foods. I take all my supplements with food and I take all my supplements together at the same time.

    Who knows how they interact? In nature all nutrients are packaged together in food. The nutrients do not come in pills and tablets form.

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    • micro2000
    • Bernard_Younger
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I've been interested in apigenin and other polyphenols for some time now. The biggest issue is bioavailability which is dismal for apigenin. Transdermal and injectable are possible solutions to this problem, but I have not attempted either as of yet. 


    Apigenin, ursolic acid, epicatechin, etc. have potential to combat age related sarcopenia and mitochondrial loss. 

  • Apigenin increases muscle mass and function in both young and old mice, so I agree, it's an underrated nutrient!

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      michael lustgarten every time I see something new being discussed, I realize I'm already taking it via the sandra kaufmann protocol. She's quite the gal.

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