Good Metformin Research Paper to convince doctor

I am looking for a good Metformin research paper that I can email to my doctor to convince him to prescribe metformin off label to me. I do NOT have diabetes.

Alternatively, which online pharmacies do you trust to sell a good quality metformin without prescription ?

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    • Suzanne
    • Suzanne
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view is part of , Profound Products and IAS Group that sells Rapamycin (RapPro), Metformin (MetPro), bio peptides and much more. They are in UK and US .  Check in UK to see if you can order without a prescription.

    • RobH
    • RobH
    • 5 yrs ago
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    You can order without a prescription, but you can't use a credit card to pay for items that are prescription in the US.

    • Rick
    • Rick
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Metformin may be great ..i don't  know ,I never used it ..but o know some people that tried it ,some had problems with it ..and others use it today ..but I think it may be better to use supplements or foods as opposed to drugs ...berberine ,gynostemma,lrose hips ...and there is also night intensity exercise ,hot or cold temperature and fasting ..ofcourse I wounded how would some know what works best ..for example ,some people have ampk turned on by genetics...and Alison there is the claim that metformin is more than just an ampk activator ...anywau I just found this site and I am happy to have found ,thankfully for it !

  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I listened recently on YouTube to an interview to David Sinclair on the Joe Rogan show, and he said that he takes one gram of Metformin every morning. Over two years, that's 0.73 kg. That, and other things, got me thinking of trying to buy it from China using Alibaba. But I am concerned about being sold some fake stuff such as chalk powder. I have read stories online of people saying they bought what they thought was NMN on Alibaba, and it turned out to be fake.

    Any suggestions of a Chinese manufacturer who makes genuine metformin and who is small enough to respond to an individual ? I emailed one from the list at with no success.

    • Abdenour Achab , Metformin is  a pretty cheap drug. I take a gram per day and it cost me $89 for three months at my local pharmacy (with a prescription, in Canada)

      • LMV
      • lmv12345
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Abdenour Achab I have used many times and the products I've used from them all seem to be legit

    • MAC
    • MAC
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Recent paper on Metformin as it relates to its effects on resistance exercise.

    Metformin blunts muscle hypertrophy in response to progressive resistance exercise training in older adults: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, multicenter trial: The MASTERS trial

    This is in addition to another recent paper what showed negative effects on aerobic exercise.

    Metformin inhibits mitochondrial adaptations to aerobic exercise training in older adults

    In summary, metformin appears to have significant NEGATIVE effects on the health promoting benefits of aerobic/resistance exercise in the overall context of healthy aging/longevity objectives. As exercise is my #1 longevity lifestyle prevention protocol, I have not added metformin to my stack.

  • Mac, great articles. Important to post them for the longevity crowd to assess. Of course, those who compete in aerobic exercise... knew that performance was severely impaired because of lactic acidosis. My lactate was 2.0 mmol/l rest! Poisoned mitochondria are not compatible with competitive sports. 

  • Hi Everyone, Bill Faloon, encouraged us to make an announcement on the age-reversal blog (sorry if this is not the right thread). Please check out our platform to get prescriptions for longevity therapies. QALYTUDE.COM

    We have doctors licensed in all 50 states and Canada, and educated on the benefits of variety of therapies. Please email with any questions

    Like 3
    • Anar Isman This is a great resource.  Thank you.

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