Just Ordered Rapamycin w/ No Prescription

When I was at Raadfest18, it was announced that there was a vendor in the Exhibition Hall from whom Rapamycin could be ordered at a good price. Later I found out exactly what vendor from someone central to Life Extension. I went over there, and they said I could order Rapamycin online, and they gave me a coupon for $15 off the regular price. I just successfully ordered it from www.antiaging-systems.com The product is called "Rapa-Pro (rapamycin) and consists of 12 x 5mg Double Scored Tablets. The coupon worked (Code: RAAD15) so I was able to purchase Rapa-Pro for $74.99 plus shipping, which is a lot lower price that available from many sources discussed in this forum. They did not request a prescription. I would suspect something fishy here, except that the person who sent me to them was someone I trust. I will probably start taking 2.5 mg a week, and if I have no unpleasant side effects, I will increase that to 5mg a week. I will have my biomarkers measured first, as recommended in Age Reversal Update, published by the Society for Age Reversal that was distributed at Raadfest18, so that i can hopefully tell if it is doing me any good and also so my personal experience will add to what is known about the use of Rapamycin for anti-aging purposes. If you don't have Age Reversal Update, I'd try to obtain a copy. It describes the specifics of the anti-aging techniques currently available , as well as the order in which they should be pursued to achieve the optimal result.


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    • Chet
    • Chet
    • 6 yrs ago
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    This looks really good.  I did a little research on the seller's website and did not find any big red flags.  I hope it's the real deal.  Please post a followup.

    • JP Abello
    • JP_Abello
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Any updates?

  • Do you have any updates for the community?

    • Richard Sapp I had been taking 1mg per day of real rapamycin for an autoimmune condition. My blood levels were slightly low at 2.2ng. I began taking RapaPro from the antiaging store  (after confirming with them that it was in fact rapamycin), at an INCREASED dose of 1.5 g per day. My levels are now lower than the assay can detect. Clearly the product is NOT rapamycin.... or compounded at dosed lower than stated. I suspect that few people taking rapamycin for anti-aging get levels done.

    • Steve Roedde Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, medications are commonly switched or undersized. Anyone purchasing a product from outside the u.s. may want to consider testing. I'm sorry to hear about your results.

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      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Steve Roedde 

      Hi Steve

      can you advise exactly what test this is your doing?


    •  BobM Serum rapamycin levels. I was stable at 2 and 2.1 ng on one mg/day of real rapamycin from a real pharmacy. on 1.5 mg/day of "Rapapro"  I was < 1.5 ng (below testing threshold). My plan is to increase the dose to 2.5 mg per day and retest. That way I will have some Idea of the actual amount in a "5mg" tablet.

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  • Hi, I use lots of the "Pro" products from Profound Products, including MetPro (metformin), RapaPro (Rapamycin), and NalPro ( low dose naltrexone ), and have found them to be just fine.  IAS (anti-agingsystems) is a reliable company, and I've  ordered from them for years.

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  • Serum rapamycin levels. I was stable at 2 and 2.1 ng on one mg/day of real rapamycin from a real pharmacy. on 1.5 mg/day of "Rapapro"  I was < 1.5 ng (below testing threshold). My plan is to increase the dose to 2.5 mg per day and retest. That way I will have some Idea of the actual amount in a "5mg" tablet.

    Like 3
    • Steve Roedde  Please let us know about further tests.

    • Patient 139 I will be getting my follow-up test on Monday morning. I have to wait 5-6 1/2 lives of the rapamycin to have a stable trough level. I expect results to be available next Wed.

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    • Steve Roedde Many thanks for sharing your findings!

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  • Steve reported in another thread that the higher dosage still resulted in no detectable sirolimus in his blood. I can only conclude that RapaPro is indeed fake! I thank Steve for his efforts.

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    • Wayne Johnson you are most welcome. I am pasting a comment I made on another thread, because I think it’s important. My experience suggests that there great risks (for me this goes beyond wasted money), in purchasing ANY drug through ANY of these (presumably), off-shore entities. Such is the power of the placebo effect... that I must state that if you have not checked, or been offered real proof... you simply do not know.  “I have done more hard thinking about my experience with placebo sold as “RapaPro” purchased through the AAS. I implied that the store itself is complicit in the fraud. This is possible, but not certain. I know nothing of their supply-chains or who makes their products. Although they are ultimately responsible for selling mis-labelled placebo, it is possible that they have been victims, not perpetrators of this fraud. However, if this is the case, they should provide  clear, transparent, and complete information about how things went so terribly wrong. Until then, I’d have to view any productsold by them with suspicion. As for other suppliers such as Dropshipmd, at the moment, I will go back to the grossly overpriced “Rappamune” and suck up the $12 per mg. I can sell somestuff. However, if anyone can offer evidence that any of these companies sell the real deal, I will be willing to take another risk.”

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      • Larry
      • Larry.1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Steve Roedde I used Dropshipmd before I had a prescription and I'm sure that has real rapamycin in it. I can't say for sure about the strength. I know because I tried two "extend" the dose by drinking grapefruit juice (don't recommend) and I consistently got mouth sores. That was two years ago so I can't say if they are still selling real rapamycin. I also rest my weight set point lower with that drug which is further evidence that it's real. 

      • Larry
      • Larry.1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Larry That's "reset my weight setpoint"

    • Larry That was my first choice... before getting sucked in by a placebo:-). It's almost certain that the Biocon product is real rapamycin. If I can't get the rapamycin covered, I'll try again... once I get my refund from the AAS.... (who is being quite fair).

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      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Steve Roedde I'm not sure how to explain your results, Steve. But I'm confident that RapaPro is indeed rapamycin, though I can't say exactly how much. 

      I'm confident because I have been testing many blood biomarkers for over 10 years. After taking one, 5 mg dose of RapaPro from IAS, I found that my blood glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, and leptin all went WAY UP; much higher than any test result I have had in over a decade of testing 2-3 times annually. 

      Those of you on this forum that have read some scientific studies of rapamycin know that elevated glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterols are to be expected after taking rapamycin. 

      Moreover, I have experimented with dozens of supplements, different diets, fasting and calorie restriction regimens over the past 10+ years, and I have NEVER had test results (especially glucose, leptin, and triglycerides) like I did after one dose of RapaPro. Moreover, I can not think of any chemical they could have put into the RapaPro tablets to cause these kinds of test result changes with such a small amount of chemical. 

      So I don't know what happened with your test results Steve, but I am confident RapaPro contains a significant amount of rapamycin. Screenshots of my lab test results, before and after RapaPro, are attached. 

      Steve, can you provide images of your rapamycin tests for us to evaluate, as I have done here for my self-experimentation with RapaPro? 

      Like 1
  • Profound Products has informed me that they are initiating third party testing of RapaPro and will be posting the results on their website. I’m not holding my breath, but...

    I’ ll let you know if/when they get back to me again.

    Like 1
    • Wayne Johnson , thanks so much for the update ... I’ve ordered many of their products over the years , most recently DasaPro , and have never had any suspicion that they weren’t genuine .  I use their MetPro (Metformin) every day , their estrogen cream , and used their low dose naltrexone back when it was in stock .  I surely hope not all for naught!

      Like 1
    • angie4life As an admittedly poor and dangerous test of my suspicions, I took 4 tablets of RapaPro 4 days ago (20mg). Result: no mouth sores, no appetite reduction, no ANYTHING! Sure, I may be an outlier, but I’m not willing to commit any more funds when fasting is proven to yield similar results as Rapamycin.

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    • CSC
    • CSC
    • 5 yrs ago
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    In 28 years IAS never had an issue and there’s no need to distrust the supply chain. However we’ve halted RapaPro sales in the meantime until the results are in and we will take steps accordingly when we have them.

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    •  CSC When would you expect the results to be available?

    • CSC So what do YOUR tests prove?

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  • Some of you might find this article...and perhaps the book "bottle of lies" of interest. I listened to a podcast with the author.... frightening! Sadly, at the moment, I would not trust any offshore supplier...or their tests... Unless the testing was done by a reputable body in the USA or Western Europe.



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