What are your thoughts on NAD+ restoration? Answer to aging or oversimplifying a more complex problem? Promising idea or a scam?


As the subject entails, what are your general thoughts on the idea that aging can be halted or reversed simply by restoring NAD+ in the body to a more youthful state, through the implementation of various compounds which presumably "fix" the NAD+ system? I am not arguing that this can or can't be done, all I am asking is IF it were totally possibly right now to completely fix the NAD+ production system within a cell, so that an older person can have the NAD+ levels of a 20 year old, would the body actually reverse the aging process?

There is indeed some fascinating science behind this and there are some super smart people like Dr. David Sinclair and Dr. Nichola Conlon, who would argue such a scenario but the question is, is this oversimplifying a more complex problem? 

So perhaps the question should be phrased another way: Lets just suppose for a moment that you could successfully restore NAD+ levels in the body of an older person to that of a much younger person and keep it there indefinitely. Would this be the answer to reverse aging?    

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    • Van
    • Van
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I have been taking Rapa since 3/2017, and senolytic treatment for last 2 years.  76 yo, 62 yo epigentic age per Levin test.  Been searching for what I have been missing for last 15 years.  More energy and shorter recovery time. ( drop off is dramatic past 65)  Have tried many NAD+ treatments without success.  NR/NMN/B3,  do not work and I will explain.  At the beginning the dosing was too small and nothing could get pass gut and liver into bloodstream.  So bought B3 powder and Riboside.  Would mix 50/50 and tried 1-2 grams daily.  No increase in energy.  Tried Niacin also, no luck.  Then read a very good paper recommended by Dr Attia where it proved that NAD precussors do not get into cell where NAD is made. (Radioactive dye used to track)   Bloodstream does no good.  Dr. Attia does not recommend NAD precussors..  Sinclair is nothing more than hustler to make money.. He has no credibility with scientific community.  Will continue to experiment with any credible new therapy.  Have spent 1,000's with no success.  Show me evidence that therapy will get into cell and I will try.  Only thing I see is "Blood Dilution" therapy to dilute the old factors in our blood that interfers with new NAD creation in the cell.   ( Conroy at Berkley)

    • Van One of the things I read -- & I don't remember the details -- goes something like the amount of NAD in the cell/mitochondria is important.  Too much also causes the mitochondria to self-destruct.

      Nick Lane's book, Transformer, is all about the mitochondria.  Lane thinks aging has a lot to do with changing mitochondrial function, but the processes are complex & we don't presently have a way to modify them to avoid aging, or even understand them in detail.

      • Van
      • Van
      • 1 yr ago
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      Elizabeth Kirby Elizabeth Kirby   HElizabeth Kirby Hi, here is a kindle book, I dowloaded a couple years ago and enjoyed it. Might be of interest to others on this blog. https://www.amazon.com/Mitochondria-Future-Medicine-Understanding-Disease/dp/1603587675 Concerning NAD, I feel is very important as far as energy and stamina are concerned. As a very healthy 76 yo male, my energy level has gone down every year. I would try anything to get more stamina and energy, but to date have not found anything that worked for me. You can be sure that I have tried just about everything to increase NAD. My main interest is Energy and not live extension. Younger people are more concerned with possible life extension benefits with increased NAD. (has to be in the cell, not blood stream) because they still have a high level of natural NAD levels in there bodies.

    • Van have you tried creatine for energy? It works for me and I'm 66yo.

      • Van
      • Van
      • 1 yr ago
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      Tyrone Faulkner   No, I have not.  How much do you take and when?



      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 1 yr ago
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      Van , I feel your pain.  At 73 the energy level and stamina just isn't what I want it to be.  I've tried NR, NMN, creatine and a variety of other things over the years without much effect.  The only consistent help I continue to notice comes from several cups of coffee in the morning.  The effect, however, dwindles after about 4 hours.  I also mix a 200 mg capsule of caffeine powder with about 18-20 ounces of water which I will use mid-morning and possibly later in the day.  I drink only about 5 ounces at a time for a mild pickup.  It's probably the oldest method to boost energy, but it still works for me.  

    • Van 1½ tsps before breakfast.I also take ¾ tsp of cordyceps twice a day.

      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 1 yr ago
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      Tyrone Faulkner , What brand of cordyceps do you use?  Thanks.  

    • Jay Orman Pure Gaia. It's an Australian brand.


      Regarding creatine. I started of with 2 teaspoons for a week or so before eventually settling on 1½ tsps.


      This may be of interest. It's what I'm planning to try. Basically 6 to 8 grams dha/epa 85%, melatonin and gse.


    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    I doubt that it’s more than a small part of the aging process.  And before I believe that supplements help, I’d like to see evidence that nad increases inside mitochondria.

      • cjacek
      • cjacek
      • 1 yr ago
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      Van Karl 

      Thanks guys, so sorry for the delayed response, I never received an email notification of new posts and failed to check in here. Might be too late but thanks again for the informative responses and your time. Much appreciated. 

    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    I rarely come here anymore either.

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