Finding a Dr to prescribe Metformin and Rapamycin

I have contacted several doctors listed at this site as longevity doctors. Their web sites seem to indicate they have very rich clients. I'm more looking for a Dr willing to prescribe for my self-directed therapy. I'm ok with them charging for their time, etc but want to avoid very expensive therapies they offer. The doctors from this list I have contacted are not responding; I suspect because I'm not a good candidate for their uber-therapies. Has anyone found a Dr willing to prescribe for a reasonable cost? Thx.

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  • will do metformin

    Dr Green in NY will do rapamycin and metformin but only if you visit may do both

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    • Paul Beauchemin 

    • Brook Norton Thanks Paul. It's a lead.

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Paul Beauchemin Qalytude apparently plans to offer rapamycin in the future but not yet. I signed up to notified when they do.

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Paul Beauchemin I wrote to Qalytude earlier today.  They answered that they hope to be able prescribe rapamycin within 2 months and dasatinib in 4-5 months.

      Like 1
    • David H I also just signed up at Qalytude for rapamycin availability notification. When I spoke to their ops mgr he said rapamycin is only available as part of a trial study and Qalytude was now doing the FDA paperwork for such a study, all as needed to be able to offer rapamycin.

  • Healthcare providers (MD, DO, APRN) have to abide by professional standards and law. This requires establishing a physician patient relationship, face to face visit(s), history and physical examination, treatment plan which includes follow up care. These elements are the very least required to provide what you are desiring - that being access to a "prescriber". In addition, the professional can work with you on a treatment plan but the idea that a simple prescription can be provided with the patient then doing self directed methods cannot work within this framework. We have to assume the responsibility for our care and the consequences of such or risk our livelyhood via state health department actions against us which then triggers third party payers and the federal government potentially removing us from insurance panels and medicare.

    I've provided the type of access you are desiring by treating some select intractable chronic pain patients whom I follow closely for years and integrate it into their care program. The only non-patients I have provided such access is some spouses of patient's being treated this way (because that inevitably becomes an issue), or immediate family and my closest friends. I  see them as self pay patients and perform a "Longevity consultation" which includes the elements of a physician patient relationship as described above.

    Poor access to these treatments is due to a general ignorance of anti-aging treatments among medical professionals who are also self protective because of our hyper-litigous society. Being an M.D. I genuinely feel bad about this as me and my loved ones can access these things so easily while others are struggling to find sources. I have even found a compounding pharmacy that provides rapamycin capsules for $1.00 per milligram and dastinib for $3.50 per 50mg capsule. Like any pharmacy, they require a prescription.

    Sorry to hear that the physicians listed on this site are not what they seem to be. At this point I believe that Dr. Green is probably the best avenue but he is but one physician in one city. Telemedicine laws are so unclear that I don't even think that is an option in most states.

    I thought this post would provide some information from a physician perspective into this anti-aging care access problem.

    Like 2
    • Mark Thimineur Your post are always informative and totally makes sense. Are you able to provide the name of the compound pharmacy and contact information? I have a prescription but I have been using Costco which cost much more even with the good RX coupon. Thanks 

    • John Mcgough Tailor made compounding. The doctors office is required to send the script direct.

      Like 3
    • Mark Thimineur 

      Thank you!

    • An additional disappointment is that outside traditional access to medical doctors, it usually means "concierge" medicine involving an ongoing annuity payment to the doctor in addition to cost of meds and lab tests. 

    • Mark Thimineur Thanks for your MD perspective. All good.

    • Mark Thimineur 

      Have you used their product and do I have any reason to be concerned about their quality? 

    • John Mcgough Compounding pharmacies are quite ubiquitious in the U.S. and provide needed services for human and veterinary medicine. Using drugs off-label for extremely valid medical reasons often go through such pharmacies. I have used multiple compounding pharmacies in multiple states to treat patients with such things as intraspinal drugs, low dose naltrexone, ketamine nasal spray, ketamine transdermals, various mistures of topical drugs etc. I have always found them extremely reliable. In fact, The best man at my wedding runs a compounding pharmacy for 3 decades and I know all about the processes involved.

      A pharmacist who is compounding has professional responsibility which exceeds that of one who is simply filling a normal script. They are also responsible for the drug purity and preparation. They are not regulated by the FDA the same way that pharmaceutical companies are but they are still bound by various laws, pharmacy boards, and ethics to provide the exact prescription that is being called for.

      I have communicated with them and feel pretty positive on my interaction with the staff. I have no doubt that they will fill a prescription for 3mg rapamycin capsules with exactly that. The drug will be pharmaceutical grade and the fillers (typically sucrose) will also be pharm grade. Measurements are done by very exact scales and clean rooms are used in preparation of the pharmaceuticals. Although it is possible that any professional can be an outlier, in my experience pharmacists do not want to jeopardize their license for any reason. They can legally purchase bulk quantities of drugs cheaply, prepare them, fill scripts, and make a profit.

      I am about to send three scripts for patients to the pharmacy but I have not personally filled one yet. I intend to because it is far more convenient and less expensive than getting the biocon from India. I hope this answer is helpful.

      Like 2
    • Mark Thimineur 

      Just information I needed. Thank you

  • Not sure where you're located but Dr. Fred Bloem is a very good doctor that works out of his house in Olney, MD I'm sure he will work with you but you may have to provide some type of medical data etc. assuming your not able to visit his office. Been using him for years, very satisfied. Tell him I recommended you, it wouldn't hurt. 

    Dr. Fred Bloem 301-802-0878

    Like 1
    • Gary Gilley Thanks for the lead with Dr Bloem. I spoke with him this morning. Due to various regulations, he must conduct an in-person visit. He's in MD and I'm in CA, so not so good. He suggested that some naturopathic Drs in CA may be able to prescribe rapamycin. I'll investigate and report back here if successful.

    • Brook Norton California MD, also lectures at A4M, practices "cutting edge preventive and regenerative medicine".  Perhaps you might inquire-

      Like 1
    • Dorian Gray Thanks. I sent an inquiry. Am finding that getting a rapamycin prescription is not going to be easy.

  • I am an internist working at a hormone clinic. I am offering anti-aging therapies including: thymic rejuvenation with GH augmentation, metformin, rapamycin, NAD, dasatinib and quercetin, M&F and transitioning hormone replacement.

    I require in person visit for initial eval and f/u can be done telemedicine (do require in person eyeball once yearly, though).

    Am located in Greenville, SC

    Dr Mario Menendez

    Low Country Male/AquaVitae

    138 Milestone Way, Suite A

    Greenville, SC 29615

    tel: 864-920-3066

    web: (updating soon to reflect anti-aging services)


    Like 1
    • Mario Menendez Thanks for letting us know. I'm still looking for a Dr in CA but am willing to fly coast-to-coast if I fall short. One would think S CA would be a hotbed, but no luck so far.

    • Brook Norton Did you hear back from the other one I mentioned, Brook?

    • Dorian Gray on 2/15/20 I left an inquiry at their website/contact page and have not received a reply yet.

      Like 2
  • My doctor in Las Vegas does prescribe rapamycin .

     I thought I would provide the name of my Doctor who does prescribes rapamycin but his practice  is different from Dr. Green in New York. 

    I have found him to be very knowledgeable and extremely helpful as he is versed and prescribes bio-identical  hormones, PRP, peptides and other healing modalities. See below. 

    Julio L Garcia, M.D. 

    Regenerative Medicine Institute of Nevada
    dedicated to helping patients with mesenchymal stem cell/ cytokine/ growth factor therapies and peptides for the treatment of acute and chronic medical issues
    (855) 786-2356 toll-free  

    (702)838-0571 local

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  • Healthspan administers a rapamycin protocol via telemedicine.

    In addition to rapamycin, Healthspan offers topical rapamycin, metformin, and acarbose as part of our protocol. Healthspan is available in all 50 states, which makes it easy and convenient for patients to access their clinical team.

    Healthspan uses takes regular bloodwork to monitor their patients biomarkers and personalize their patients dosing.

    Here is a link to learn more:

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact

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