Intro to rapamycin

Hello everyone,

Rapamycin is an mTOR inhibitor. It has been used for years to prevent organ transplant rejection in humans, in part because mTOR inhibition also inhibits the immune system. 

mTOR is a pro-growth factor that is involved in cellular growth and protein synthesis. Its inhibition has been associated with longer lifespans in certain organisms (not yet humans). 

Rapamycin administration has been shown to extend the remaining lifespan of middle-aged mice, making it an interesting life-extension candidate for use in middle-aged humans. 

Has anyone tried rapamycin? What were the results? 

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    • Van
    • Van
    • 11 mths ago
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      I have been using Dr. Green's formulation on my face, head, and hands with very good results. 00045% 135mg rapa/300 grams Cetaphil cream.  But the improvements I have seen since taking oral Rapa are nothing short of a miracle. In my oral cavity, stopped bone loss completely.  I am 77 yo without any arthritis in any of my joints.  Inhibiting TOR has many benefits, new one's popping up all the time like with Mark T's daughter's sweat gland duct treatment

    Like 1
    • Van thats a lot of mg, especially if you are grinding tablets. Do you have a friend with a compounding pharmacy or where do you obtain the rapa powder?

      • Van
      • Van
      • 11 mths ago
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      chuck stanley I have been on rapa for 6.5 yrs, most of time using powder.  I order from China, 5 grams at a time.  

    • Van Thats right, I forgot.

      Last time I ordered from China they sent me an altered COA but forgot to alter the molecular weight of the look -alike cheap powder they were getting ready to send me.

      You confirmed yours with a blood test, right? Why do you feel confident with your supplier, or is it the manufacturer?.

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