Are these issues related to rapamycin

Hello there and thank you to all on the forum, I am finding it enormously helpful directing my self experimentation. I am 53 with a string family history of dementia I am trying to stave off. I've been taking rapa at 6mg per week augmented with grapefruit juice for 6 months. I've recently developed tendonitis in my right hip and now have shingles in the same area. Does anyone think either of these are related to the immune modulation. Would appreciated ideas or thoughts 

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 2 yrs ago
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    The only side effects I have noticed from Rapa are skin issues. - Acne and mouth sores.

    • Dr Sian Klerk
    • Doctor and self experimenter
    • Dr_Sian_McIver
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Thank you all. I don't have any side effects but my worry is that overly suppressing the immune system, even if at a subtle level, may increase the risk of cancer. Any thoughts? 

      • Spasov
      • Spasov
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dr Sian Klerk Up to now, rapamycin and rapalogs are the most well studied mTOR inhibitors and they are now clinically used as cancer treatments. However, the possibility that inhibition of mTORC1 with these drugs might lead to Akt upregulation and outgrowth of more aggressive lesions is a concern.

      Rapamycin and mTOR kinase inhibitors - PMC (

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      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dr Sian Klerk We "know" that cancers likely start 20 - 40 years earlier, so while good that only skin / canker response early with Rapa is a plus, but I always assume there is chance anything new may have "unknown" consequences.  In economics one talks of known knowns, & unknown knowns.

      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 1 yr ago
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      Spasov I have not searched yet, but that article is from 2008, & far more learned since.  But removing senescent cells, SAPS, & clearing out junk, is likely to permit immune system better chance to counter / contain cancer, which it had been doing for decades.   Cancer is always present, but after age 50, & esp 60, immune system no longer can contain it.  Senolytics incl Rapa more likely to help, rather than hurt.

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