Clomid to raise Testosterone?

Anyone try use Clomid to raise T? Seems to stimulate the body to produce its own testosterone. Testes don’t shrink and can still produce sperm. Seems like a better idea than the gels 

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  • Good for younger men with low T but wanting to produce children.  I tried it for several months and while it did elevate total testosterone somewhat it did not raise free T proportionally.  What it did do in my case is dramatically raise estrogen levels.  Tried DIM to balance out but did not do much.  I tried it as an alternative to testosterone injections which I had done but concerned also as you about gonad atrophy.  Although, at the time my T was a bit over 700, I felt like I was getting sarcopenia and my free T was in low range of normal, libido not where I wanted it.  However, everyone is different.  If you have a physician that is willing and you want to try it, give it a go.  Be sure to monitor with blood tests at three month intervals.   

    • Dorian Gray Dorian, just saw your old comment on chlomiphene while I was researching the topic. On your low free T, you may want to check your DHEA-S on your next blood test. 

      I supplement with DHEA  ( LEF upper suggested value is ~ 450) and my free T is about 4-5 % up from about 1-2 %. LEF's Male HRT mentions this effect, and it is in the literature.  By the way, some recommend DHEA as a way to prevent many of the adverse impacts of aging. This includes  preventing dementia and boosting immune system.

      If not on metformin and calorie restriction, my T ~400-500  with 4 mg androderm and my free is ~ 20-25 which LEF says is in optimum range. My estradiol is ~ 25 due to lower total T. LEF says that this is optimum as senior males  need estradiol almost as much as we need T.   

       I am looking at chlomiphene as alternatine to androderm. Might  prevent testes from shrinking as acts like GTRH ( agonist)and stimulates pituitary to release LH and FSH (opposite of metformin).

      And it is a lot cheaper.  

      Like 1
    • Peter H. Howe I'm currently trying a compounded testosterone cream and am using HCG in conjunction.  Found it is effective in maintaining/restoring size. 

    • Asim
    • Asim
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I also tried it. Results were almost similar as mentioned by Mr. Gray.

    • Gokhan
    • Gokhan
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Injection is widely considered the most effective form. There's also plenty of studies showing it's helpful to ameliorate age related conditions (obesity, BP, liver enzymes, death). Evidence for other treatments, including Clomid, is much weaker. I waited on the sidelines for ~5 yrs. Started TRT 3 weeks ago (100mg/week Test. Cypionate sub-cutaneously). It feels awesome. I also believe science has caught up with it. The evidence on the benefits is fairly strong. If you plan to have kids, that's a different story. 

  • I've been trying a compounded cream formula for three months.  So far lab test results and how I feel have not quite matched how I felt on Cypionate injections.  Felt better on the latter.  Also, I have added HCG twice weekly to prevent testicular atrophy.  It is effective.

  • I read many reviews that injections are much more effective than cream, but what if I'm panicking about injections? I would love to use a cream, but it does not suit me, as my doctor said, but I did not understand why exactly. Therefore, I regulate it all with the help of additives in food through various chemical things. I ordered them on /since the doctor himself advised me to do this. In general, I can recommend you to talk about this specifically with your doctor, since no one without a medical education will be able to advise you better than a doctor. good luck to you; I hope you will be fine

    • TJTJ
    • TJTJ
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Any data to indicate that sub-q is even remotely as effective as intramuscular?

  • 75 year old man.  Been using CC for several years.  Currently take 25mg every Tuesday and Saturday.  Tested total t for the first time a few weeks ago.  It was nearly 1100.  And no, I do not feel lie superman but I do believe that I benefit with more energy and in the gym.  Not seeing anyone at the moment so I cannot comment on lobido or sexual performance but I do use cialis (5mg) every day for prostate health.

    • TJTJ
    • TJTJ
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Thanks for this follow up. 

    • Vijay
    • Vijay.1
    • 5 mths ago
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    Fsh& lh level increasd so more testosterone produced by testis. Usally 50-100℅ increase testosterone level but free testosterone level no significant change. & estrogen level are also increase. 

    Before starting clomiphen lh level less then 25iu/ml

    In yonger fellow usually libodo increase but old age & diabetes have mixed result

    Estrogen level can be reduce by low dose armidex/ weakly letrazole

    Bmd (bone mineralzation) increase if clomiphen use more than 3 yrs however 1yr period use of clomiphen no effect on bones

    If hypothalmic dysfunction present clomiphen not work

    • Jay Orman
    • Jay_Orman
    • 5 mths ago
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    Has anyone tried enclomiphene instead of clomiphene?  If so, has it been effective?

    • Vijay
    • Vijay.1
    • 5 mths ago
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    Clomiphen is mixture of isomer (50℅ enclomiphen+50℅Zuclomphiphe}&

    Enclomiphen is single isomer with estrogen antagonist means estrogen less produced then clomiphen

    But enclomiphen not freely available & enclomiphen is best to increase testosterone production but less than clomid 

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