Low-Dose Oral Minoxidil for Hair Regrowth

    There's an interesting article in today's New York Times.  It describes the accidental discovery that taking a low dose of Minoxidil (i.e., Rogaine) orally instead of rubbing a high dose on your scalp is a very effective way of promoting the regrowth of lost hair.  You can buy topical Minoxidil over the counter as Rogaine and similar products, but Minoxidil pills to be taken orally are prescription-only drugs used to treat prostate problems.  Further, the pill form (usually 5-10 mg) is probably much too high a dose.  The Australian MD who discovered the effectiveness of Minoxidil to promote hair regrowth reported having to use 1/40th of a pill as a useful dose.

    The article says that since Minoxidil  is such a cheap drug, it is likely that Big Pharma would never go to the expense and trouble of arranging for human trials that would get FDA approval for the application of the oral drug for hair regrowth.  Therefore, it seems to me that it is up to us self-experimenters to try it.  I just ordered 60 x 5 mg tablets of Minoxidil from AllDayChemists in India.  I plan to cut the tabs into smaller pieced, take them orally, and observe the effects on my receding hairline.  The Minoxidil dose used in the publication referenced in the NYT Article is 0.25 mg.

    I suppose it would be simpler to simply take a drop of a liquid like Rogaine orally, but since it is not intended to be used that way, it might contain dangerous components that should be avoided.  Therefore, I think it's better to use the pills.

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    • Michael
    • Michael.1
    • 2 yrs ago
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    How is this going for you?

  • Nothing new here. Oral Minoxidil has been used in the hair loss community for at least 20 years. Have a look on any hair loss forum and you will find plenty of people taking oral minoxidil at doses up to 10mg per day.

    As a matter of fact I was turned on to it by a prominent hair restoration surgeon who himself was a committed user. It is a lot more effective than topical minoxidil but does have the side effect of making your body hair grow stronger. Naturally, there are medical precautions to be observed - so if you're scared of side effects or have pre-existing health conditions then forget it.

    That said, it's not a DHT blocker. If you're suffering from MPB then you will continue to lose ground unless you block DHT and address the key underlying issue of scalp inflammation. 

  • I understand that many men starting to go bald are trying to get their hair back with anything. Still, it seems to me that minoxidil helps only temporarily. As soon as you stop using it, the hair falls back, and you become bald again. The most effective and proven way to get your thick and beautiful back to yourself is to do a hair transplant. I had it done in Hair Transplant NJ, a couple of months ago, and I am in recovery. I can already see how much hair has started to grow on my head. You can't imagine what joy I have in my soul from this.

    • Juan Daw
    • saxxnviolins
    • 2 yrs ago
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    The return of spam.

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Juan Daw LOL

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