Has anyone tried taking fietin as a suppository?

I would think that, by bypassing the GI tract, this would guarantee 100% absorption into the blood.

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  • I have tried taking Fisetin as a suppository. I made capsules with 500 mg fisetin with oil and then had them sit in the freezer to make them solid. 

    I did not experince those sessions to be different from 30 mg/kg Fisetin + piperine through the oral route.

    Personally I have got the strongest reactions when I, on empty stomach, take piperine + piperlongmine and then wait for 30 minutes before I take 30 mg/kg of regular Fisetin mixed in avocado oil. 2 hours after the fisetin I take double dose senolytic activator.

    I have also got stronger reactions when I combine Fisetin+piperine with moderate exercise on the day of the session. I don't know if exericise should be used. 


    My final thought is that all the above is based on the physiological changes that I have noticed efter treatment and  then I have guessed that the changes are correlated to the removal of senescent cells. 

    • Staffan Olsson Did you notice any cognitive improvement, e.g., improvement in working memory? I wrote an Android app to test working memory (Krazy Keyboard, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.uomini.krazykeyboard) and am using that to test the effectiveness of fisetin for cognitive function.

    • Robert Uomini 

      The most consistent cognitive / emotional effects from senolytic therapy have been improved levels of mood and energy. I an indirect way these alterations makes it possible to work harder and with a better focus.  


      With fistetin these effects can be seen after a few days

      With the senolytic activator I experience these effects after a few hours. 


      I associate the effect from the senolytic activator with the coconsumption of Quercetin and  apigenin.  "Quercetin is a weak ligand of the benzodiazepine site of the GABA-A receptor and thus might have anxiolytic activity if it were able to reach its site of action in the brain. The co-consumption of a product rich in quercetin, with a bioavailable BCRP inhibitor may increase quercetin’s entry into the brain and hence unleash novel bioactivity from a very commonly consumed polyphenol."


      “Quercetin's bioavailability may be greatly increased when co-consumed with a polyphenol BCRP inhibitor-like apigenin”. In the senolytic activator there is a combination of Apigenin - Theaflavin - Quercetin.  


      Note that Curcumin is also a BCRP inhibitor and that some people take Fisetin with Quercetin and curcumin.

      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Staffan Olsson Pity Age-Reversal is not more active, with the most recent posts in many topics > 1 year old.

      Re Fisetin as suppository:

      I just read (re-read ?) Blagosklonny piece where he says both F + Q kill cancer cells partly by mTOR inhibition.  If so, then using as suppository may be helpful re various cancers, such as prostate, colon, etc.

      In similar fashion, there are protocols using cannabais as suppository, bringing it closer to prostate, & by-passing digestive tract.  In that case, it also avoids negative THC reactions.



    • Michael_123 I am sorry but I can only speculate about how the anal route differs from the oral route. When it comes to using suppositories to aid substances to reach reach the prostate, colon, etc. by passing the GI tract maybe the close proximity to prostate might increase the chance for absorption through direct diffusion over the barrier (the rectum) to prostate. 

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