Vitamins K1 And K2 Are Associated With Cardiovascular Disease-Related Hospitalization Risk

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    • David H
    • David_Hanson
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Good news is that Vitamin K1 and K2 reduce CVD when taken in the right doses.

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  • 1200mcg mk7 every day, not suppose to microdose k2

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      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Burgundy Summer 


      Can you guys expand on the dosing?

      One of my MK7 bottles says 100mcg. Is that just a waste?

      The Life Extension Super K has 1000mcg of K-2, and 1500 of K-1.

      Is one enough?

      If we dose 2 are there known side effects? 


    • BobM its to low. 400mcg is the limit where the bennefit comes in. my caps are 600mcg, and i take 2. K2 is basically a senolytic, it works on mtor and kills cancer cells like prostate. so i rather dose it high. amazon uk have a great 600mcg tab

      i talk mk7, those you talk about that are 1000mcg are mk4 the sort acting. these on amazon are mk7 the long acting. incredible stuff

      Like 1
    • BobM you can do both. very low dose mk4 also, mine are 15mg. i did 600mcg mk7 and 2x15mg mk4 but ended up doing 2x 600mcg mk7 istead

  • Life Extension-

    Super K:    

    Vitamin K1 (as phytonadione)

    1500 mcg

    Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-4)

    1000 mcg

    Vitamin K2 (as trans menaquinone-7)

    100 mcg

    Super K Elite:

    Vitamin K1 (as phytonadione)

    2000 mcg

    Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-4)

    1500 mcg

    Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-6) 11 mcg
    Vitamin K2 (as trans menaquinone-7) 181 mcg

    Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-9)

    43 mcg

    Wouldn't much of the effects of K depend on activity and plasma levels of Vit D?

  • I got stents in 2015 at which time I was also diagnosed with Mitral Valve Regurgitation, caused by calcification of the mitral valve.

    Since that time I have been taking a product called “Koncentrated-K” - one capsule daily. This product has high dosages if K1, MK4 and MK7.

    Last year (2020) my cardiologist did an echocardiogram and said there was no sign of any mitral valve issues!

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      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Umesh Sood 

      Hi Umesh,

      Good info.
      Can you kindly detail your exact dosing and frequency?

      Thank you.

      Like 1
    • BobM I take one capsule of Koncentrated-K every morning after breakfast, which has some fat, so it should help absorption. I have been taking this daily since 2015. Of course, in addition I take Vitamin D3 and other supplements as well.

  • A question about this study is whether there is a negative effect of the other contents of cheese and other dairy products that undermines the benefits of menaquinones. I tend to take MK4, 7 and 9 as supplements.

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