Fisetin Dosage Calculations

Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, but I've been observing from the sidelines and learning a lot from your posts, so thank you! I found this forum after becoming interested in fisetin as a senolytic, based on that great recent study involving mice. I saw that people on this forum are using 1,000+ mg daily dosages, based on the study saying the mice were fed at 500 mg/kg for the study. I read more closely this time, and noticed it actually says the following-

"Ercc1−/∆;p16Ink4a-luciferase mice were fed a standard Teklad 2020 chow diet with or without supplementation with 500 ppm (500 mg/kg) of fisetin, ad libitum(approximately 60 mg/kg fisetin per day). The mice were exposed to a fisetin diet intermittently from 6 to 8 then 12–14 wks of age."

It looks like the 500 concentration is in the feed, but the mouse dose rate is actually 60 mg/kg. This is for the portion of the trial involving the genetically modified mice fed with fisetin for two weeks at 6-8 wks and 12-14 wks. The naturally aged mice that showed extended life span were dosed at 100 mg/kg. 

The conversions have been discussed on other posts, but here it is for me:

60 mg/kg * 3 / 37 = 4.86 mg/kg

So at 130 lb:

130 lb / 2.20462 = 59 kg

59 kg * 4.86 mg/kg = 287 mg dosage rate per day equivalent

Am I forgetting or missing anything? This is a much more reasonable amount to take on a daily basis than the high dosages (and cheaper). 

Also, I believe the older mice that showed increased lifespan were given 100 mg/kg every day until they died (85 wks old to 100-125 wks old). They note 85 wks is about 75 yo human age. For me, that would be 478 mg per day, every day until I die, but I'm 32, so I'm hopeful the intermittent approach is effective. I'm just in it in case this does have longer term benefits and also hopeful for short term youthfulness. 

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  • That's about right. Normally you will do pretty well on conversions if you just imagine yourself eating mouse chow. If you were eating 3 Cal/g chow with 500 mg/kg fisetin, you'd have to eat about 1 kg chow a day, and you'd get 500 mg fisetin a day in that, and there you go.

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