How much autophagy with rapamycin

How many hours or days do you think are in autophagy when taking weekly rapamycin?

Just based on half lives, do you think it is  2 days or is it much longer?

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  • There is always some degree of autophagy going on and you get some tiny autophagy between meals. You get better autophagy during the night every day, especially if you don't eat before going to bed. Rapamycin lowers mTOR, so first 3 days you will get deeper autophagy than without Rapamycin.

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  • The good news is that a new blood test has been developed to actually measure the level of autophagy in the body.  This will finally help us understand our levels of autophagy and compare it to the optimal range (once they determine that).

    Full paper here:

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  • A recent study on autophagy - too much is harmful:

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    • Brin Chikovski not realistic - we are not being genetically modified when fasting or exercising

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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