Medical Research

How come Biliions spent on medical research seem to yield so very little compared with the past . 50 years since transplantation, more since penicillin. I exclude age reversal researchers in this observation. Am I wrong ?

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  • Humans have intrinsic confirmation biases. We seek out data that confirms what we believe to be true and disregard reality.

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 5 yrs ago
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         I’ll agree and disagree with you. Unfortunately a lot of that research investment goes towards specific treatments that can be patented and give a return on investment even if they don’t change the world.

         Having said that, there have been countless new discoveries in science and medicine that have and will continue to dramatically change healthcare. They don’t make headlines because few care if it doesn’t involve a celebrity.  There are cancers that were incurable 20 yrs ago that now have a long survival. If you get AIDS tomorrow’s you can still live a full life. Horribly arthritic joints can be completely replaced. Penicillin has been replaced by newer antibiotics as the bacteria become resistant to the old ones.  I could go on and on.

       And of course there is all the research that has gone into discovery of mTor, Sirtuins, telomeres, DNA Therapy, Rapamycin and such that we discuss here that were not initially researched as age reversal.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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