Spermidine: a physiological autophagy inducer acting as an anti-aging vitamin inhumans?

My wife and I eat natto (fermented soybeans) daily which contains a relatively large amount of spermidine.


Spermidine: a physiological autophagy inducer acting as an anti-aging vitamin inhumans?

Autophagy. 2019; 15(1): 165–168.

Published online 2018 Oct 11. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2018.1530929


Spermidine is a natural polyamine that stimulates cytoprotective macroautophagy/autophagy. External supplementation of spermidine extends lifespan and health span across species, including in yeast, nematodes, flies and mice. In humans, spermidine levels decline with aging, and a possible connection between reduced endogenous spermidine concentrations and age-related deterioration has been suggested. Recent epidemiological data support this notion, showing that an increased uptake of this polyamine with spermidine-rich food diminishes overall mortality associated with cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Here, we discuss nutritional and other possible routes to counteract the age-mediated decline of spermidine levels.


Another article:

Cardioprotection and lifespan extension by the natural polyamine spermidine

Nat Med. 2016 December ; 22(12): 1428–1438. doi:10.1038/nm.4222.

AbstractAging is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death. Here we show that oral supplementation of the natural polyamine spermidine extends the lifespan of mice and exerts cardioprotective effects, reducing cardiac hypertrophy and preserving diastolic function in old mice. Spermidine feeding enhanced cardiac autophagy, mitophagy and mitochondrial respiration, and it also improved the mechano-elastical properties of cardiomyocytes in vivo, coinciding with increased titin phosphorylation and suppressed subclinical inflammation. Spermidine feeding failed to provide cardioprotection in mice that lack the autophagy-related protein Atg5 in cardiomyocytes. In Dahl salt-sensitive rats that were fed a high-salt diet, a model for hypertension-induced congestive heart failure, spermidine feeding reduced systemic blood pressure, increased titin phosphorylation and prevented cardiac hypertrophy and a decline in diastolic function, thus delaying the progression to heart failure. In humans, high levels of dietary spermidine, as assessed from food questionnaires, correlated with reduced blood pressure and a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease. Our results suggest a new and feasible strategy for the protection from cardiovascular disease

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  • I just bought 500 g of Spermadine with the intention of using 10 g/d. I will report how it goes

    • David McCallister 


      What's dead may never die! Viva la discord :) 

      Like 1
    • David McCallister 

      I was part of that too by the way haha. Different user name. But I have a bunch of bulk spermidine and rapa

    • Jay Donovan still waiting on mine. Seems to be stuck in Chicago

    • David McCallister where is the group now?  I had only joined it the last month before it got whacked. 

    • Arizona Kid the ME/CFS group is still on discord, along with the Peptide and suplement group. There are a couple other groups that split out of the ME/CFS group led by doctors with their own protocols more or less.  The nootropic group moved to rocket chat

      • Chris
      • Chris.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      David McCallister You have any links to these groups?  Thanks!

    • Chris I’ll have to check and see if they are accepting requests for joining. There was a time period they quit accepting anyone new, right after the deletion of the group. I know the nootropics group is still closed, but I’ll check the others. I’ll have to DM if it’s ok with them

      • Chris
      • Chris.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      David McCallister Thanks!

  • Does anyone know of a gluten free version? Premeadine is a wheat germ extract. 

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