Whole genome sequencing for $700-750?

Friends, I'm going to try to negotiate a deal with one of the companies offering whole genome sequencing to get the price down well below $1000.

How many of you would be willing to pay around 700–750 USD for whole genome sequencing, without interpretation?



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  • Am I the only one waiting a LONG time to get results from Veritas? I'm on day 73 of the "analysis" phase.

      • Danmoderator
      • skipping my funeral
      • dantheman
      • 5 yrs ago
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      BrianMDelaney Don't sweat it, Veritas does take a long time. I got in when they first offered it at $1k, but then after a year and a half they gave it to me for free because it took so long. Just wait - you got it for a crazy good price (I got it for my son and wife and we are still waiting)

    • Applied Extropy
    • Heralding our Apotheosis
    • Applied_Extropy
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I would be willing, but key to any WGS decision on my part would be the privacy policy of the company. I would want them to destroy the data afterwards, not resell it or make it available to governments.

    It seems that Dante Labs has a reasonable policy:


    • cacarr
    • cacarr
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I would probably wait for Veritas to run another sale. 

  • Dan, good to know. (Day 86 now....)

    • Ozone8
    • Ozone8
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Last week Nebula Genomics had a sale- $19.95US for low-pass (.4X) whole genome sequencing. Not sure if it is still going on.

    Last November I ordered 30X WGS from Dante Labs for only $199US. Still waiting for results though.

  • I just noticed this thread.

    I checked prices in 2016 and 2017 and it was $1000 for Veritas as really the main option I could find for full genome. Heard about Dante Labs operating in Europe, then May 2018 Dante dropped full genome price to $700 for 30x reads, so I did it. Took 5 months or so to get the .vcf file of the changes from reference to upload to Promethease, which seemed to work. Took another ~5 months for them to ship me the hard drive with the full data.

    Dante dropped full genome price to $200 for Black Friday in Nov 2018. Then in Feb 2019 they again had a special for $300. 23andme and others often have Black Friday deals each year, so price drops do happen even though Dante's current price seems to be $650.

    BTW, I found this site a bit more helpful than the other one linked earlier above: https://dnatestingchoice.com/en-us/dna-sequencing

    Also FYI, Rhonda Patrick's FoundMyFitness site also has a report you can upload DNA files to.

    But all this DNA stuff isn't as useful for most people as having good baselines for age-related biomarkers (such as good basic blood panels, fitness tests, etc.) and saving money for future aging clocks based on next-gen methylome models not to mention future proteome, metabolome, etc., and specific assays for things like senescent cell counts.


    • The Black Friday deals have predictably started again.

      Dante Labs is asking $189 for 30x whole genome with full raw data and 8 week turnaround time: https://us.dantelabs.com/products/whole-genome-sequencing?variant=31038679253058

      No group deal required. Prices have really come down a lot since Brian started this thread.

      The vcf files Dante sent last year worked fine for me in Promethease, plus Dante sent some reports also.

  • Brian, I recently downloaded my DNA file from AncestryDNA and was able to get it scanned through a bunch of free or nearly-free sequencers (FoundMyFitness, Athletigen, Promethease, Geneticgenie).  I don't know why someone would pay $1k for this when there is so much free stuff out there.  I wouldn't pay over $20-30 for any sort of DNA analysis at this point.

    • Paul Tozour 

      The rationale for getting whole sequence is that as the free tools improve due to new discoveries of relationships you already have those regions sequenced and so your datafile now just shows new conclusions. With Ancestry or 23andme, you would have to get re-tested so that their updated tests would test new SNP regions.

      Given prices as low as $300 for whole genome vs. $100-200 for only 0.2% of genome it seems like a reasonable tradeoff to many people to pay the extra couple hundred.

  • Contact mapmygenome in Hyderabad, India

    • Jean Baro
    • Jean_Baro
    • 5 yrs ago
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    For whole genome, yes. I am in

  • The Black Friday deals have predictably started again.

    Dante Labs is asking $189 for 30x whole genome with full raw data and 8 week turnaround time: https://us.dantelabs.com/products/whole-genome-sequencing?variant=31038679253058

    No group deal required. Prices have really come down a lot since Brian started this thread.

    The vcf files Dante sent last year worked fine for me in Promethease, plus Dante sent some reports also.

    (First posted this as reply to my earlier post, but that really hides it in the threading so re-posting as a fresh comment. Brian or other moderators, feel free to delete the other one.)

    Like 1
  • Well I've been reading about this (a lot of which is taken off of betteraging, I must say) , and I realized there's this tool by ncbi called blast (for DNA, protein etc.) and also about a licensed software called snapGene (which involves fees) the two of them may work. Also the price kind of sounds pretty good to me.

    • Charles
    • Charles.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I sent my DNA and a payment of $600 to Veritas Genetics last year (2019). I was told it would take a couple of months, then I was told they went out of business, then I was told they would have results to me by February. It is now May 27 and I still don’t have any test results from Veritas nor any recent communication from them even after multiple calls and emails that I have sent pleading for an update. I’ve about given up on my results or being returned the money I sent them. If anyone is in the same predicament or knows of a class action lawsuit, please contact me at cdzbennett@hotmail.com. Thank you,


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