Telomerase Activators

I couldn’t find discussions about the available telomerase activators such as Isegenesis, TA-65, and Defytime Aging Care Capsules (previously named TAM-818, I believe) Two thoughts - do we believe that they lengthen telomeres?    Plus some suggested that longer telomeres cause an increased cancer risk while Dr. Bill Andrews says definitely longer telomeres doesn’t lead to more cancer. Dr. Andrews company invented these.

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    • RobH
    • RobH
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I took TA-65 for about a year, and then cycloastragenol for the past 5 years or so.  Both cause increased dreaming (or at least awareness of dreaming) in a dose related fashion.  Matching the dreaming effects of the two initially indicated that 150-200 mg of cycloastragenol was about as strong as 24 mg of TA-65.  According to my supplier, "cycloastragenol is unstable under acid condition.  It will be destroyed by stomach acid into astragenol."  So I tried enteric function capsules (DRCaps) and the difference went away.

    My current way of taking cycloastragenol is to loose fill enteric function size 3 capsules with the powder.  The average weight comes out to about 46 mg each, with quite a wide variation between capsules.  Attempts at filling capsules with exactly 24 mg were just too time consuming, and mixing with filler didn't seem to make it any easier.  Anyone doing it commercially would use professional mixing and capsule filling in order to produce a more uniform product at 8-10 mg per capsule.  But one of my small size 3 capsules has about double the active ingredient of 6 larger TA.

    Most discussion of TA-65 is about the impact on telomere length.  My observation is that improved function happens way too quickly to be determined by telomere extension.  So while telomerase activation may have been the criteria for selection, there seems to be much more going on than just the telomerase.  I'd say that cycloastragenol has many effects, one of which is a minor increase in telomerase expression.

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Would be nice a have a forum section for Telomeres

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