Sources of dasatinib

Hello everyone, 

We’ve received reports from Age Reversal Network members about lower-cost sources of dasatinib. This post is intended to aggregate this information into a single forum post for easy reference and sharing.

The two sources we’re excited about are:

1. MedLab: A pharmacy that will compound dasatinib specifically for your body weight. They offer a customized dasatinib two capsule dose for $225.  This represents a one-year supply for most people.

The physician may advise that you take the first dasatinib capsule week one along with the dose-adjusted amount of quercetin and the second dose-adjusted dasatinib capsule week two along with the dose-adjusted amount of quercetin. (Doses are based on your body weight.)

The chart below describes current dosing for senolytic purposes. This requires a prescription and the pharmacy can only ship to Florida addresses. You can contact the pharmacy at 954-400-0560 or email the pharmacist at

2. International Antiaging Systems (IAS): By July 31st of this year, IAS plans to offer 12 x 40 mg tablets of dasatinib for $99. This represents an average one-year dose that can be individually dosed based on numbers of 40 mg dasatinib tablets you need for your body weight.

For instance, if you weigh 175 pounds, you might want to take 5 of these 40 mg dasatinib tablets to match current dosing suggestions of 2.5 mg of dasatinib per kilogram of body weight. When your weight does not match exactly with the 40 mg dose, members of our private association report taking the additional tablet (making the dose slightly high for your body weight) to achieve desired senolytic effects.

We’ve been told that these dasatinib tablets will be available after July 31, 2019 by logging on to (Use password = research, then click the green button saying that you accept the terms and conditions, "T&C", after you've reviewed them).

IAS has pledged to donate 15% of the purchase price from all orders placed on this site ( to support human age reversal research. IAS posted this information just a few days ago on the forum here.

While our private association does not have the resources to vouch for these various options, we are grateful that some of our members have independently evaluated (assayed them by an independent analytical lab) them for their personal use, and have then worked with their physician to ensure proper prescribing.

The PowerPoint slide below summarizes dasatinib and quercetin dosing most people are currently self-experimenting with.


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    • Clane
    • CPL
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Dasatinib Side Effects:

    The following side effects are common (occurring in greater than 30%) for patients taking Dasatinib:

    ● Low blood counts. Your white and red blood cells and platelets may temporarily decrease. This can put you at increased risk for infection, anemia and/or bleeding.

    ● Headache

    ● Bleeding

    ● Muscle and bone pain

    ● Fatigue

    ● Rash

    ● Nausea

    ● Fluid retention: fluid accumulation in legs and around the eyes.  In more severe cases (9% in clinical studies) fluid may accumulate in the lining of the lungs (pleural effusion), in the sac around the heart (pericardial effusion) or abdominal cavity (ascites).

    ● Infection

    Quercetin Side Effects:

    • Quercetin can cause headache and tingling of the arms and legs. Very high doses might cause kidney damage when given intravenously


    It seems most prudent to start with the lowest dose (like the Bio TE recommended D/Q 50/500 every other day for 5 days, every other month, especially if not under medical supervision). The leukemia dose is 100-140 mg each day so the Age Reversal recommended 2.5 mg/kg dose will usually exceed that dose while the 100mg/day dose is the same as for leukemia (except for 3 days) and subject to the above side effects. Intermittent dosing seems universally recommended.

    More information will come out as time passes.

    • Randy B
    • Randall_Bagrowski
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Clane, The side effects listed above are bogus. If you take 100mg everyday then yes, I'd pay attention to the side effects. The side effects typical of a 3 day treatment is a headache and runny nose. The best dose to take is 100mg per day for 3 days because based on the one human trial that was conducted we know that the senescent cell load was decreased 11 days after completing the 3 day course. That is the only datum point that we have. Anything else is just guessing.

      • Clane
      • CPL
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Randy B As far as side effects go, everyone is different and may respond differently depending on general state of health/disease and genetics so be careful. Add nausea and vomiting to your typical side effects list. Needless to say, I would not want to be taking dasatinib while being exposed to infectious disease. Also, the late Dr. Zimmerman  from MedLab warned to be off St. John's Wort for 1 week before taking dasatinib.

      I cited a study with good results from D/Q 50/500. Where are your references for your statements about side effects, best dose, and senescent load decrease? Are you a medical doctor with patients you are treating? I do not think the "best dose" has been determined yet and comparison studies are needed as I stated in an earlier post.

       The doctor recommending D/Q 50/500 for 3 days claims seeing results for 20 days after a 3 day course.

    • Randy B
    • Randall_Bagrowski
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Clane, The Human Trials using 100mgD/1000mg Q have been posted on this site several times. I will grab them later and repost. And yes 100D & 1000Q is the best dose based on the Human trials. The doctor that says he is seeing results 20 days after treatment? What journal are is his results posted in? If he has not published, I would ignore him, we already have too many people like that making unsubstantiated claims.

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    • Randy B
    • Randall_Bagrowski
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Clane, Scroll up in this topic and look at the post by Andrew. You will see a Human trial that used 100/1000 and they actually measured and reported the senescent cell load 11 days later. I suspect the doc that is recommending 50/500 read the 3 human trials that used 100/1000 and decided to play it safe and reduce the dose by half.

    So, we know that 100/1000 absolutely lowers senescent cell levels 11 days after treatment. We have no idea what half that dose does.

  • The two sources we're excited about are: 1. MedLab: A pharmacy that will compound dasatinib specifically for your body weight. They offer a customized dasatinib ...

    Nice! The information I got through this blog has really helped me in understanding this topic.

  • I just received my dasatinib order from The Antiaging Store. Brand name DasaPro. I have a Certificate of Accuracy from an 3rd party lab that says the dosage is accurate. Each bottle has 12 tabs at 20mg/tab. For me, 170 lb, I need 10 tabs for the first week treatment (per Faloon dosage recommendation) and 10 more tabs for the second week treatment (then wait 6 mth). Cost was $74/bottle incl shipping and I got 2 bottles. The shipping box says it came from Singapore. It took 1 month to arrive. I paid via a special system (not a bank transfer and that system, I forget the name) that was to be discontinued. They had to call me to complete the payment. I tried various things for a month or two to pay till something worked. I avoided a bank transfer because that would have been $45 charged by BofA.

      • Randy B
      • Randall_Bagrowski
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Brook Norton  Keep in mind the "Faloon" dosage you mentioned is BS. The limited published data say you should take 100mg for 3 days.

    • Randy B I did a 30 min search about a month ago and couldn't come up with the studies to back the Faloon-promoted regimen. I was a bit surprised because the Life Extension products all have good references. Maybe I just missed the studies but I would like to know where those numbers came from. Regarding "100mg for 3 days", can you point me to where that comes from? Thanks!

      • Randy B
      • Randall_Bagrowski
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Brook Norton  The easiest way is: Google "RapamycinTherapy". This will take you to Dr Green's Website. Early on in the intro he has a link to his Senolytic Website. On that website he lists the animal and human studies that have been conducted to date with Dasatinib and a few others.

    • Randy B The ref to Dr Green's senolytic protocol is great. Studies quoted and dosages given. Thanks!

    • Mel
    • Mel
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Seems like there is no reliable source for Dasatinib. 

    1. Bonhoa has again said they cannot fullfil orders for EU or US.

    2. sold out

    3. sold out

    4.  Medlabs still sending to only a few states.  

    Anyone have experience with another pharmacy?

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mel Everything at is sold out. I recently wrote to them asking when they would start selling products again.  They wrote back that they are moving their depot out of Singapore. They didn’t say which country they are moving to but they expect to open after the move.

      Like 1
  • I checked out the links. Not a single one of them has any of these meds actually in stock. Completely useless. Not impressed, and feeling like I am wasting my time. As I like to say - I'm not getting any younger here. :P If anyone has an actual source for these meds that actually works and I can actually buy from (a shop or an individual will do), feel free to let me know. All I've encountered is dead end after dead end. This being the most recent one. I wish everyone here good health, long life and a bright future.

  • Yeah. Very frustrating. I could not get my next order from, or others via Google search. I flew to Las Vegas earlier this year to get a prescription from Dr Garcia for dasatinib and rapamycin (I did not end up taking rapa) and he got me some dasa from Tailor Made Compounding. He will check again next week to see if TMC has any in stock. You have to go thru a Dr I believe to get supply from TMC, and Dr Garcia in Las Vegas was the closest I could find to S. CA. Hang in there.

    • Brook Norton I've been unable to find a doctor willing to prescribe it off label. I do not have the time to spare to fly across the country either unfortunately. I am a 54 yr old female. I have typically had much better results treating other illnesses through deep research online and the hunting down any medications I cannot obtain over the counter, online. Not so with this. Again if any individuals are willing to supply or know of a supplier please feel free to respond. Interested in: rapamycin and/or D+Q. Thanks much

  • ssny. sotero said:
    Bonhoa Pharmacy has changed site locations. I just received my new supply of Dasatinib.

     Thanks for the reference. I don't suppose you have and info on the accuracy of the ingredients? I emailed them to ask if they had any independent lab tests. Will relay their reply here.

    • Brook Norton Thank you! I will be paying close attention to this thread. I also hope everyone here is having far better luck than me in getting the treatments they feel they need!

    • Robert
    • Robert.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi Everyone;  Dr. Richard Gaines of LifeGaines regenerative medicine program in Boca Raton is offering Senolytics. 

    Like 1
    • Sally M
    • sally
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I consulted with Dr. Gains actually. And got Dasatinib and Rapa from Tailor Made through their office.   Did a round of Dasatinib, 100 mg , 3 days in row, along with 1000 mg quercetin and 1500 fisetin.  I had some fatigue and minor headache. I'm 68, female about 125 pounds.  Haven't noticed much else.  This was a couple of weeks ago now. Today I started on 3 mg of Rapa, supposed to do this every 10 days per his script.   Hopefully I will be able to find less expensive source , especially if I go up in dosage.  

    Like 1
    • Andrew
    • Andrew_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Wanted to share something I learned.  I've been a patient of Dr. Green's since 2019.  I'm on the 3rd day of 100mg Dasatinib, 1425mg Quercetin, and 2000mg Fisetin w/ 500mg Azyithromycin.  I do this combo every 3 months.  The morning after taking Dasatinib - I usually have a headache / frontal lobe.  I've taken Tylenol with a little caffeine previously when it was too intense - and that helped but didn't feel right.  This morning I took 2 Serrapeptase (Arthur Andrew brand Serretia) also with a little caffeine - and the headache was gone within 30-45 minutes.  It made taking this 3rd dose that much easier.  Hope this helps someone out there.  YMMV.  

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    • Andrew Dr green has now dropped the quercetin and azithromycin from his protocol and changed the frequency.

      • Andrew
      • Andrew_F
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Fred Cloud noticed that on his site.  So I emailed him about this, as I had been discussing other matters (rapamycin for my dog, topical rapamycin) with him recently.  He said to stick with the same program at every 3 months for me - no change required - and to check the website for new updates.  I'm turning 51 next month, E4 gene on one side.  

      Like 2
    • Andrew Do you have any benefits or feel any difference after doing a round?

      • Sally M
      • sally
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Andrew Hi - where are you finding the protcol on Alan Green's site?  I can't seem to find it. thanks ...

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