Exosome IV Derived from Mesenchymal stem cells.
My aging doc has a program of
- Address any outstanding health issues (to the degree possible)
- Fix hormones
- Boost AMPK
- Lifestyle
- Metformin
- Rapamycin (expensive)
- Boost NAD
- Senolytic program (Dasa/Quercetin)
- Exosome IV (optional - expensive)
For me we're not doing Rapamycin. It's expensive and probably not necessary with my state of health and taking Metformin. For the Exosome's I probably won't do it either. One because of expense and two because I do twice yearly extended water only fasts. During such a fast you get autophagy (also accomplished with Senolytics) and effects such as your organs shrink due to the body preferentially going after the damaged cells. I suspect there is more to it than that (e.g. water retention, perhaps other effects), but have not looked into the science of this. Regardless post fast it's well known that during re-feeding your body releases extensive stem cells to rebuild what was destroyed during the fast. So, more stem cells needed? Probably not at my age I believe.
Anyhow wanted to share this, thoughts welcome.
Dan, thank you so much for this info. I know now a little bit more about what to do and more confident that I'm on the right track. I've done a few extreme extensive fastings. I eat once or twice daily with avarage of 4 hour eating window, take Metformin, I take double LEF senolitic dose weekly, I doubled the dose of LEF NAD + Cell Regenerator, I also take 2 different telomerase enzymes appoved by Sierra Sciences Dr Bill Andrews. I also stored my stem cell with Dr Maharaj 4 years ago, a few months before my 52 B-day, that procedure would have helped make my stem cells stonger. I am in need of an anti aging doctor I'm in Miami are you allowed to disclose your doctors name?? Thank you so much, this information explaining the why and benefits is so greatly appreciated..
It seems that exosomes do much more than autophagy...from the presentations and interviews I have heard they do healing and just make things work better in the body. Perhaps not a great investment for someone already in excellent health...but most people are not. I spoke with a dermatologist that uses them for cosmetic purposes on clients...she said all the post docs she knows that are doing research with exosomes are all doing an iv a month personally. These are young health people. She said they are that convinced of the long term benefits. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all afford that!
After performing some research, the average exosome therapy cost is in the $5,000-$10,000 range. The therapy is often delivered intravenously (IV) and also frequently to the local site if the treatment is orthopedic focused.Dec 28, 2019
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Exosome Therapy Cost? Is it Worth It? ~ Centeno-Schultz Clinic