MedLab Compounded Dasatinib/Rapamycin/NAD/hormones

Repost from Announcement thread, any questions on this PM me. 


Medical Disclaimer. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. This site is not promoting the use of these products nor recommending their use, and this is not an offer of services or a solicitation or advice for any action, nor the promotion of any product for any use. Consult your doctor before taking any medications. 


You need to get a prescription from your physician (hint, see if you can find a practitioner in this area who does telemedicine)  

Shipping available to the following states 

  • Florida
  • Arizona
  • Massachusetts
  • New York 
  • Pennsylvania
  • Illinois (new!)
  • New Jersey (new!)
  • Other states being worked on

If you are from another state PM me 


MedLab supplies NAD, Rapamycin, Dasatinib, etc so can fulfill all your prescriptions.  


Individually dosed dasatinib-quercetin capsules for only $225. This represents a one-year supply for most people. You need a prescription.  


Dr. Alan C. Zimmer, PharmD, RPh.

"Worlds Original Anti-Aging Pharmacist" 

MedLab Pharmacy, Inc. 

Street Address:
7300 West McNab Road, Ste 112
Tamarac, FL 33321

Telephone / Fax / Email

Toll-Free: 800-556-1462 

Local: 954-400-0560 

Cell: 561-558-7386 

Fax: 954-606-5260 


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    • Danmoderator
    • skipping my funeral
    • dantheman
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Just received my unsolicited (I got the script, working with my MD and paid in full) Dasa/Quercetin senolytic, and NAD+ treatment from MedLab.

    • The NAD is on the right and is enough for two boxes of patches, with a program of 1 patch/week I believe (10 weeks)
    • The Dasatinib is the two pills in the middle (2 weeks, 1/week)
    • The Quercetin is on the left (4 pills/week).
    • The Senolytic is on first two consecutive weeks

    The neat thing is the instructions are synergistic

    Take 1 capsule by mouth the two consecutive Mondays prior to patch

     for the Dasatinib instructions. So the program is two weeks of senolytics, then 10 weeks of NAD+ patch for a three month program total. Then in another three months do it again, for twice yearly. Or once/year is probably fine too. 

    Hm, since I do a week long fast twice a year in July and December, perhaps I should do this program at the halfway mark. I'll do this starting next Monday (I assume it could be done any day but Monday just so people don't forget), but I'll update the forum with the results. 

    Attached is what I received in cold pack, apologies for the redactions to hide any personal information. It also contained two boxes of standard Ionto Extra Strength electrophoresis patches. Otherwise this is a very affordable and reputable source from what I'm seeing. 

    Like 4
    • Dan how much was the Dasatinib/Quercetin?

    • Danmoderator
    • skipping my funeral
    • dantheman
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    btw attached I got the following literature from MedLab on the anti-aging protocols available, dosing and such. 

    • Danmoderator
    • skipping my funeral
    • dantheman
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Did first course this morning of senolytics. Empty stomach, no metformin for breakfast and didn't exercise in the morning as usual (no particular concern just thought to avoid possible interactions). Didn't notice any side effects, other than feeling generally off late afternoon, which could be a change in the weather, how I slept last night or some other reason. Or it could be related to the 'mild flu like symptoms' people sometimes get with this. The 'off feeling' was one of being rather sleep/tired. 

    Like 4
      • Komi
      • Komi
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Dan any update on how it's working?

      Like 1
      • Rawin
      • Rawin
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Hi Dan what would be a good source of NAD+ COMPOUND  AND PATCHES, Since med lab is no longer compounding NAD+?

      Like 1
    • Maximus Peto
    • Researcher, website & forum admin
    • Maximus
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Hello everyone, 

    Regarding the post about Medlab pharmacy above, unfortunately, pharmacist Dr. Alan Zimmer died in December of diabetic complications. 

    It is unclear whether his office will continue providing pharmacy services. 

    Please post here if you have any updates about Dr. Zimmer or the Medlab pharmacy. 

    Like 1
      • Komi
      • Komi
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Max Peto this is very disturbing given the fact that he has been an anti aging specialist for a long time

      Like 2
      • Deb63
      • Deb63
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Max Peto WOW.. no way.. so sorry to hear this..😔

      • Danmoderator
      • skipping my funeral
      • dantheman
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Max Peto oh no! I talked to Alan on the phone quite a bit to help him with his web stuff and got to know him, really a great guy, last we talked he seemed down with the troubles in getting the anti aging off the ground (not enough sales of the Dasatinib). Really sad to hear of his passing.

      Like 2
      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Dan Yes, I agree Dan. He was a kindly man, at least in my limited experience. He filled my rapamycin prescription in December, and spent 20 minutes on the phone with me, kindly giving me some advice, answering my questions, and chatting. I was sad to hear of his passing. 

      Like 1
      • Rawin
      • Rawin
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Max Peto hi Max

      My NAD+ compound from Med lab was received damage it turned into crystal and was not able to use it, I called med lab for help,  I was informed Dr Alan past away. And they were not compounding NAD+ anymore, they told me Sorry no money refund. I was very upset about it. I insisted that someone should respond to me and refund me the money spent. Finally they agree to defund Its been 2 weeks and no refund has been issued. 

      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Rawin Hi Rawin. Thank you for sharing your story on here so others can learn from it. 

      Unfortunately, Dr. Zimmer (now deceased) and his pharmacy are completely independent from Age Reversal Network; there is nothing we can do with regard to your transactions with the MedLab pharmacy. 

      I understood that his staff is searching for a replacement pharmacist so they can continue to serve their customers. It may take more time than one might hope to find this replacement. Perhaps this is why more attention has not been given to your case. 

      • Rawin
      • Rawin
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Max Peto 

      • Rawin
      • Rawin
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Thanks Max

      Does any one knows of another NAD+ supplier?

      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Rawin We suggest considering Archway Apothecary, which can fill prescriptions made by physicians. 

    • Max Peto 

    • djmichel
    • CDR Phx
    • djmichel
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view



    If you have purchased products such as Rapamycin from the

    Anti-Aging store you need to be aware that their check or draft processor

    has been hacked.   I received an email which had all of my Check

    Draft information attached.  It was from a hacker who was trying to extort me

    for payment through Bit Coin or my personal information would be placed online.

    I received this scam email last week.  The letter claimed that I had bought Cialis when

    I actually bought Rapamycin.  The letter had a pdf attachment, which I scanned for

    Virus with two anti-virus programs.  The letter goes into great detail as to how to pay

    approximately 800 dollars in Bit Coin to these scammer.  I have deleted the mail and

    pdf and am contacting my Bank as to a change in my account.   Also did a complete

    scan of my computer.

      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      djmichel Thank you for mentioning this. 

      IAS has commented about this issue to me in a private email, and they plan to issue a statement here on the forum addressing this concern. 

      For what it's worth, I, too, have recently received an extortion message from someone about sending them bitcoin. However, this was 6-12 months after purchasing rapamycin. Yet, my experience seems similar to your story. 

      I, too, payed by e-check. 

      I expect IAS to comment on this situation and advise us on this forum in the coming days. 

      • Dennis
      • Retired USAF pilot, biochemist.
      • Dennis
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Max Peto I had the same thing happen guys but a different time and store. Need to watch my account!

      Like 1
    • djmichel
    • CDR Phx
    • djmichel
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Just to provide a little more information.  First I am a retired Police Commander and am very familiar with scammers.  The major difference of presenting an E-check to someone is that generally the individual or business is not hacked. If it is hacked by a knowledgeable scammer you will find yourself at great risk. This is because a scammer generally has access to the dark web through post-bin and other apps that allow easy sell and transmission of your data in the Dark Web.  The particular hacker we are dealing with is obviously proficient in what he does.  Even though he has not got the exact purchase correct, he does have the information to scam us. The danger is, this particular hacker is that he or others can easily create a new E-check, send it through your bank. He could do this tomorrow or next year as long as your account has not changed. By the time the bank establishes the fraud they are long gone.  Further failure to report a fraud to your bank may constitute a breach of your agreement with the bank and could result in a loss to you.  I am taking the more conservative approach of changing my account number with my Bank. A total pain especially for payee's and incoming deposits, but two days work and it is done. 

  • djmichel Good info and advice.   Prudence would dictate to not deal with companies without a physical address, do not accept credit cards or PayPal.  And not ingest products that have not been tested by a company you hire.  I'll start a separate thread on the latter with a listing of possible analytical labs later.

    • djmichel
    • CDR Phx
    • djmichel
    • 5 yrs ago
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    One thing I am concerned about is that the company knew they were hacked and did not immediately contact their clients.  Only after I was hacked and researched the E-check did I find out who the company was, called them and they admitted they were hacked.  Sent me a generic link about how to and what to do if hacked.

  • TailorMade Compounding Pharmacy has NAD patches and senolytics, they can refer you to prescribing physicians in your area.

    Like 3
    • Clane
    • CPL
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Dr. Zimmer passed away in December 2019. Medlab Pharmacy no longer sells dasatinib or rapamycin.

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