Dasatinib source: Tailor Made Compounding in Kentucky

Hello everyone, 

Many of you have emailed the Age Reversal Network looking for a source of dasatinib and rapamycin. 

It has come to my attention that several individuals have been using the pharmacy, Tailor Made Compounding, to obtain dasatinib with a prescription. Some members have also claimed on this forum that they have also purchased rapamcyin from Tailor Made. 

This pharmacy is apparently located in Nicholasville, KY. Several members have stated they have had good experiences with them. 

I have not personally ordered from them, but from what some members have told me, I think they are worth contacting to ask questions about their price and availability to fill your prescription for dasatinib or rapamycin.

If you are reading this post and have had experience with them, please consider telling us about your experience. 


--Maximus Peto

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  • I ordered BPC 157 from them. They are an FDA approved compounding pharmacy that many anti-aging Drs prefer. But I am almost afraid to ask you how much they would charge for Dasatinib. I’m thinking of trying https://www.bonhoapharmacy.com/tmsearch?orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_categories=2&search_query=Lucidas&tm_submit_search=

  • I've ordered several products from them.  Occasionally they will have delays in shipping because they didn't have the raw product for manufacture.  But overall I have not had a problem.  There are some restrictions on what they can ship to some states like California.  Generally certain peptides.

    • Dorian Gray Hi Dorian. Are you referring to Tailor Made or bonhoapharmacy.com ? A poster on another thread said they had Dasatinib from bonhoa verified for purity and it passed. But that was bonhoa.com which is an invalid web address. Im hoping bonhoapharmacy is their new addy and not someone else’s. I can’t afford a script from a local doc here. He wants $440 just for an initial consultation.


      i wish I could afford him because he offers so much more, including stem cell therapy and various peptides etc. .  Anyway I just completed a 5 day fast, I eat a low AGEs diet and take supplements to either prevent the formation of AGEs and/or prevent the damage they cause. I had severe necrotizing pancreatitis. I started fasting in August and among other supplements I take Carnosine, pyradoxyl-5-phosphate, R alpha-lipoic-acid, and Benfotiamine twice a day. As you can imagine a 61 year old man in my condition could use a round of Dasatinib, Quercetin and Fisetin. I guess I have no choice but to try bonhoapharmacy. Wish me luck and thanks so much for your reply.

    • Chuck Frasher I was referring to TailorMade.

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    • Robert
    • Robert.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi Everyone;  Dr. Richard Gaines of LifeGaines regenerative medicine program in Boca Raton is offering Senolytics. 

    Like 2
  • I've ordered both Dasatinib and Sirolimus from them.


    The cost for 30@3mg Sirolimus capsules with shipping is $102

      • trevelynn
      • trevelynn_henuset
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Charles Grashow hi charles which them are u referring to? tailor made?  thanks 

    • trevelynn 



  • how is the situation now?

  • Hi, team. I am an Australian plastic surgeon who has been using dasatinib for maybe 2 years. Cost in Australia is prohibitive. I sourced mine from the world's largest generic drug manufacturing country, India. I ordered and received Dasakast-70, made by Aprazer Healthcare. I used an optimistic 280mg dose (for a 90 kg male) and got moderately severe GI side effects, which leads me to believe it's the real thing. A 210mg dose was fine.

    • Mark McGovern Good info. I hadn't heard of Aprazer before but will look into that source.  On aside, I met another Australian PS some years ago, Dr. Mendelson, curious if he is still in practice.

    • Dorian Gray Hi, Dorian. Brian is indeed still practicing in Melbourne so far as I am aware. He has been highly eminent in facial rejuvenation surgery, but must be approaching retirement. Sixty x 70mg dasatinib tablets cost me about $70 Australian from memory, compared to over $2,000 in Oz. So maybe US$50...

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    • Jay Gill Pharm. D.
    • Partnering with Practitioners, create custom medications to help our patients get better.
    • jay_gill
    • 1 yr ago
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    I am a compounding pharmacist. Dr. McGovern would you be able to chat sometime regarding your experience with Dasatinib. I am looking to partner with practitioners. I have dasatinib and can compound capsules with quercetin. Please reach out to me jay@compoundingcenter.com

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