Recent constellation has had an effect... again

I wish I had more scientific data to bring, but in messy real life we end up trying various things and it muddies the waters. I've got existing benefits from a heap of stuff already, but I noticed changes from recent additions.

The past few weeks I have;

Increased AKG dose from 300mg a day to 1-2g depending and spaced through the day

Dosed 5mg rapa plus fresh grapefruit juice once a week (first proper dosing after a long period of tolerance testing)

200mg CoQ10 and 20mg PQQ a day (boost brain, energy and mitochondria) 

Some or all of it seems to have worked. First I noticed my exercise routine was easier and I didn't need to take any break doing the route. Then my Garmin tells me my VO2 max has increased.

I feel a lot more supple and can crouch etc comfortably, which didn't used to be so.

Today I do my first singing for a long time (might sound tenuous to non-singers but muscles play a big role). Was just able to nail a lot of stuff I couldn't before.

So, some or all of this has fairly rapidly, within a month pushed a more youthful feeling. Apologies to the community I can't nail it to a single thing.

I'm putting my money on CoQ10 and PQQ. Never heard anyone here mention quick effects r.e. Rapa.

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  • One further bit of evidence; I've had a Garmin Fenix watch for 6 months or so. It does a Body Battery measure based on heart rate variability, stress etc. Even being on vacation I've never had it more than about 75%. Recently, a good nights sleep gets me to 100%.

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