Glucose level a proxy for sirolimus level?

Some have suggested a blood test is needed to measure rapamycin levels. I wonder if glucose levels can serve as a proxy for sirolimus?

my fasting blood sugar is normally in the high 70’s. For several days after taking a 5 mg one time dose (I’m 60 kg) it jumps to the high 90’s. On the 6th and 7th day it is back to the high 70’s. Been taking the 5 mg weekly for 2 months now.

anyone else notice a similar pattern?

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Do we know enough about how Rapamycin woks that levels matter? Are you ensuring that levels go to zero? 

    • Karl Karl, I didn't understand what you wrote... Is Paul Beauchemin ensuring that WHAT goes to zero?   As I read what he wrote, he says his fasting blood glucose level goes UP to the high 90's  when he takes a dose of 5 mgs. per week, then it goes back down to 70.    In answer to Paul: I don't see a problem with high 70's, and it is a bit curious that it goes to high 90's when you take rapamycin, but I wouldn't worry about it.  High 90's is nothing to worry about.   


      And "no"  glucose levels should not serve as a proxy for sirolimus level.    Only "sirolimus level" gives a correct reading of sirolimus level. 

      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Ellis Toussier I was wondering if he knows if his Rapamycin levels went to zero.

  • Do you also take metformin as well? How much?

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