Finished the First 3 Protocol Steps

I an 72 and have been taking metformin (twice a day but recently increased to 3 times a day) for 5 years.  I recently completed 6 patches of NAD+.  I also have just taken 2 doses of quercetin and dasatinib in amounts and timing per the protocol.  I really do not feel any different after doing all this however apparently my stamina is better as far as doing cardio.  I was able to do  40 minutes on the elliptical machine several times in the last couple weeks.  I am sure it is too soon to tell if there are other benefits.  Have any of you had positive noticeable benefits from the protocol?

At the meeting at the Church of Perpetual Life on December 13, I asked Bill what was next in relation to young plasma infusion and stem cells.  He said to hold off for the time being.  So right now I am in a holding pattern waiting for the next great thing.

I did find a very interesting stem cell company - are conducting clinical trials and have gotten substantial grants for same. Also, they are providing the same type of MSC stem cells in Nassau. They apparently had some very good results. Donald Sofer a co-founder of the company and billionaire who is 87 and developed Aventura Florida looked like he was 95 before taking the treatment. Now he looks younger, feels better and can play tennis again. There are 2 major drawbacks. The cost is $30,000 per treatment and the effects only lasts for a year to 18 months. There is a discount for multiple treatments.

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  • Bernie.... I am 70 and take 750mg metformin per day, sirolimus 3 mg every 10 days, asprin daily, allantoin from alovera to magnify rapamycin. rapamycin (sirolimus) has a clear reduction in arthritus in my left knee about 6 hours after taking that lasts at least a week. subjectively I feel a bit younger.... no negative side effects.  Interestingly I read of murine (mice) animal studies where rapamycin reduces macular degeneration, and fatty liver, but these topics are not on this discussion board.

    For safety I am taking supliments to counter possible future cateracts from Rapamycin.

    One thing for self experimenters to know is rapamycin has a half life of 67 hours, or about 2.5 days. That is why I have selected 9 or 10 days dosing interval of rapamycin.

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      • Bernie
      • Bernie_Singer
      • 6 yrs ago
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      are we there yet 

      Thanks for the info. The rapamycin protocol on our website was 5mg per week.  Did   you decide to take 3mg every 10 days based on Dr Green's website.  Dr. Green takes 6mg weekly as what he says is an aggressive approach.  He says 3mg every 10 days is the conservative approach. 

      Bill Faloon said this month to hold off on the rapamycin because the thinking is a higher dose than 5mg might be more appropriate. Right now I am holding off until there is a definitive protocol.

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    • Bernie ... I was influenced by dr Green. Even he had to reduce his dose because of an infection. Self experiment means read all you can and choose the dose and interval that your intuition leads you to. I think that allantoin found in allo Vera doubles rapamycin life span benefits in low level animal studies. It is a safe and cheap supplement not needing a prescription.

      • Bernie
      • Bernie_Singer
      • 6 yrs ago
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      are we there yet 

      Did you find an oral allantoin?  What product containing allantoin are you taking?

    • Bernie .... yes, allantoin is abundant in several natural foods, or it can be bought in a powder form as a food or cosmetic additive source. As a source for allantoin I use about a teaspoon of the gell interior of an allo Vera leaf every day or so early in my 10 day cycle.. One large allo Vera leaf is good for about 2 weeks of a daily supplement for only  couple of dollars. Allantoin doubles the effect of sirolimus lifespan on c. Eligans worms and fruit flies but has not moved into murine (mice) testing yet. Still, worth the effort because of no downside.

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    • RobH
    • RobH
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Of the three treatments, I'd have to say that metformin is undetectable but with good theory.  Rapamycin does seem to make me slightly stronger.  Dasatinib + Quercetin is a major improvement after a few weeks.  No experience yet with NAD, but it's on my futures list.

    My measure is basically swim distance.  About 5 years ago I switched from trail running to pool swimming.  I was just getting too slow to keep up with the running group and lost interest.  Swimming worked, and I wasn't the slowest one in the pool.

    Before I started Rapamycin I was swimming 4-5 days a week for about a mile. 4 days a week worked OK, but 5 consecutive days was overdoing it.  With Rapamycin, I started swimming 5 consecutive days without being wiped out.  Maybe a little faster, but mostly just better recovery one day to the next.  I also did occasional longer swims, the longest being just over 2 miles.  Added the D+T and a month later I'm regularly swimming 1.5 miles instead of just one.  One mile seems so short that I just continue to the end of the 90 minute session.

    There are several other people about my speed or slower, but none of them do the distance.  There's a particular guy who manages 1/4 mile and then wants to talk about how he's wiped out at his advanced age of 60.  He regards my anti-aging stuff as BS, preferring proven standard of care treatments.  What he doesn't seem to realize is that I regularly swim 6 times as far at age 74.  My BS is working better than his proven whatever.  Don't think I'll tell him about taking chemo (Dasatinib) that I personally import from India...

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    • Bernie
    • Bernie_Singer
    • 6 yrs ago
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    So I went to the gym this morning and did 2 miles on elliptical at high speed and got my heart rate up to a sustained high 120s bpm.  First time I had a really good cardio workout like that in 10 years without much effort. I will be 73 this month and am starting to feel younger.  I guess the protocol and the 40+ supplement pills I take primarily from LIfe Extension are helping.  Still want to do MSC stem cells.

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    • Bernie Did you  ever  do  the  Stem  Cells?   There  is another  outfit  in  Panama, Can't  remember the  name at  the  moment, but  it will  come  back  to  me, did   you  get  a price  from  them?  $30,000  seems  like allot.

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