Rapamycin Cost

Let me clear some things up for people considering rapamycin (generic sirolimus).  I am taking it and so are my dogs!!  (I have a very open-minded vet who trusts my judgement.)

Dr. Green, a very impressive individual, gave me my personal prescription for sirolimus.  I have a very good PPO (Blue Cross/Blue Shield).  I took it to CVS, the affiliated pharmacy, and got a great price of about $2.90/mg.  (Remember, you are only going to take about 3-6 mg/week.)  With a PPO you can probably do this also.  CVS wants to meter it to you with a month's worth of doses at a time, but that's just how they do things.  You still have access to the full quantity prescribed. 

With the prescription from my vet for my dogs, I was forced to take to the open sea.  Armed with only a prescription and no insurance, the picture is quite different, but you can still get a good price.  Cutting to the chase, I ended up at Walmart.  The prescription was for 90 mg - price $1440.  But wait! after presenting a coupon downloaded from GoodRX (that's right, just anonymously downloaded and printed) - price $396!!!!  As my vet remarked, that's a hell of a charge for not looking around first!  ($4.40/mg is better than taking a risk buying online, in my opinion.)  Costco is pretty close to that price.  At CVS/RiteAid, etc., you will pay vastly more.

You can't touch the original drug rapamune (Pfizer) unless you are wealthy or go to Canada.  The problem with the online pharmacies is that a lot of them are scams.  Just because they have a website doesn't mean anything.  At least check to see if they have a brick and mortar location.  Example: At one point I was excited by the online infomercials and wanted to take NMN instead of NR; however, when I looked up the reputations of the suppliers only one was unsullied, and on further investigation their brick and mortar location turned out to be a residential dwelling!

FYI, more than one company makes sirolimus.  From CVS the sirolimus was made by Greenstone, LLC, apparently a wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer.

Hope that helps some people who are considering rapamycin but think it might be out of their reach.  If you know a doctor, great, but if you don't a visit to Dr. Green is worth the trip, and I live in CA!  (round trip less than $300)  Do your homework first and you will learn a great deal.

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  • Actually, I just googled "rapamycin online prescription."  There are plenty of options now.

    • ssny. sotero I just Googled and found a doctor at PushHealth.com for a prescription.

      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Mark Rittman Thanks Mark.  However, I think getting it in the US is cost-prohibitive for me.  I need to go with a less expensive way of getting it.  I appreciate the information though.  I may be able to use it.

  • I said I wanted to delay the onset of age-related diseases.

  • RapaPro at the antiaging.clinic is available again. Does anyone believe it is valid?

      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Rapa Interest  I just received mine.  I have never taken it before so I have nothing to compare it with.  I have ordered from the antiaging store for years and have never been disappointed to I am relying on their past performance.

    • linda
    • linda
    • linda_
    • 3 yrs ago
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    When I took it in 2019 I seemed to have good results.  Am now taking rapamune and it doesn't seem different.

    • Chris Los
    • Chris_Los
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Dear all, I have an offer for 10g pure Sirolimus for 80USD incl. shipping to Germany from Henan Dongyao International Trade Co., Ltd. company looks like most others, did not find it on any black list. is the price too good to be true. they also let me pay by credit card. any thoughts much appreciated. also, if anyone in Germany wants some of it, pls let me know, 10g is too much....Thanks! 

    Like 1
    • Chris Los in the absence of 3rd party testing, blacklists, or reviews by other customers, my reasoning is that a larger company with its history and reputation to protect would have better quality control. So Zhejiang Multinpharma Co., Ltd. with 11-50 employees, would be preferred to a smaller company with 6 employees. I paid twice that for my 10g of rapamycin from Zhejiang Multinpharma. Please Let us know how it goes.

      Like 1
      • Chris Los
      • Chris_Los
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley thanks! asked them for payment details. will also check out the company you mentioned. how much would it cost to get lab verification for the substance or better get a lab test a few hours after taking a dose? wonder if any labs would do that here in Berlin...will let you know what I decide and what happens. meanwhile, ordered a sensitive scale and 1kg of lactose....

    • Chris Los great! I dont know about lab verification costs. I was curious about that myself. Here is a contact for Zhejiang Multinpharma: rainbow@multin.cn. A couple of people on the forum have used them.

      I just placed an ad on guru.com for a pharmacist type person to review my dilution and encapsulation procedure since I've never done this before. In order to get the maximum safe dose I want to know precisely how much rapa I end up with in my capsules.

    • Los Chris If you send It yo me to Spain, I Will pay you in advance. I offer 80 dollars for 3 grams. 68,7 euros

    • Los Chris my email is juan3z@yahoo.es

      • Chris Los
      • Chris_Los
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Juan Martínez Moreno Hola Juan, ¿qué tal? Let's see, if I really get 10g I can send you 3g for 24USD plus shipping. Don't want to do business, happy to just split the costs. Let's see how this develops, I keep you posted.

      • Chris Los
      • Chris_Los
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley I plan on just doing a multistage dilution with lactose (e.g. 2g Rapa plus 8g lactose, mix - then add 10g lactose, mix - then 20g then 40g and so on until I get 2g Rapa per 1g lactose - I can easily weigh 2g lactose/rapa (my starting weekly dose for the first 3 months - still need to read more about dosing) sufficiently precisesly and add this to some kefir and olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning. Keeping a 3months supply in the fridge - rest gets in the freezer (also the undiluted 8g Rapa - minus whatever Juan gets...:-). Should be good for 2-3 years with minimal physical handling.      

    • Chris Los  Ready! Thanks! Wenever you want

      • Van
      • Van
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Chris Los The cheapest I have found is $75 per gram with free Fedex shipping.  Cost has come down, but not that low.  If you order it through Alibaba, they guarantee you will get what you pay for.  They can give you a COA (Certificate of Analysis), but no way to tell if it is legitmate.  They should reference the batch sending to you that corresponds to the COA.  Do you have a reference lab, where you can send it to be analysed?  For 10 grams it might be worth taking a chance.  I have been using Sirolimus powder myself for 2 years, in order to get thru customs, but I order 2 grams at a time.  Fedex is crucial to get through customs, it is business not retail.  Keep us informed on what you decide

      Like 1
    • Chris Los 

      Hmmm…That sounds a bit simpler than me trying to fill capsules. I was planning on starting with 10g of rapa and dilute it with 20g of lactose, an idea I got from JGC. With a mortar and pestle I would grind them together starting with a small quantity and then through geometric dilution repeat the process for the entire amount. I would end up with a 20:1 mix of lactose to rapa.

      Hopefully I can find a micro scoop or spoon that holds 200 mg of mix (for my 10mg rapa dose) or some other reliable round figure. The final challenge would be finding a way, other than kefir and olive oil, to be able to swallow it.

      Where did you see a recommendation for refrigeration of the powder? All I find is keep it dry and out of the light.

      • Chris Los
      • Chris_Los
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Van Thanks! The order came through "made-in-China.com". I don't have a reference lab, yet, will start looking next week. I also have an offer for 2g for USD 300 from another Chinese supplier. crazy price difference.

      • Chris Los
      • Chris_Los
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley sorry, in my earlier post, the final concentration is 2mg rapa per g lactose, off course....thanks for all the tips!

      • Chris Los
      • Chris_Los
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley ha, just got an offer from them 10g for 185USD, still a great price. they accept PayPal. may just do that.

      • Van
      • Van
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Chris Los I mix 2 grams rapa powder with 250 grams lactose powder following the pharmacy protocol which is easy to find on utube..  Took about 2 hours to mix properly with ceramic bowl and SS spoon.  That was a year ago.  So for 10 mg dose, just weight out .25 grams of mixture per mg rapa.  6 mg = 1.50 grams  Crucial to mix with another agent to get accuracy needed.  I use a jewelers scale from Amazon with weights to calibrate.  Just weight it out every week and pour into mouth, and wash down.  Could not be easier.  I also was shopping on Made in China, and then they were referring me to Alibaba for final order using CC.  If you paying with PalPal, do not use them for any conversions, you will be ripped off, but if paying in US dollars, no worry.  Good Luck

      Like 1
      • Chris Los
      • Chris_Los
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Van Thanks a lot Van! Waiting for a COA from the company that chuck stanley mentioned. Also just contacted a reference lab in Berlin for a quote for verifying the substance. curious about their reaction and cost. If all goes well I should have 10g Sirolimus in the next weeks. Need to reread some papers and the recent Peter Attia podcast with Steve Austad where they discuss dosing...fingers crossed! Great to have such a nice community here!!

      • Van
      • Van
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Chris Los I have been taking Rapamycin for 4 years. Curious about what reference lab wanted to charge? I have been trying without luck to get my rapa checked here in Spain. Would recommend following Dr. Blaglosklonny on Twitter to stay current on all things Rapa. Dr. Attia is also great, as well as Matt Kaeberlein with his dogs. The current dosing schedule is 20 mg. rapa every 14 days. Looking for Spike in blood to get past the blood/brain barrier into the hippocampus portion of brain where many believe aging is controlled from. Dr. B is using the 20 mg protocol and so am I. https://twitter.com/Blagosklonny/status/1445934725512765445?t=kdFsX5m0DMaOTe7GzGm63g&s=08

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      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley  Did you get someone to review?

    • ssny. sotero Not yet. I believe Chris is still looking for a lab that will provide a quote. 

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