Mitochondrial health

I think most of us can agree that optimal mitochondrial function is crucial to any aging mitigation protocol. Beyond the usual suggestions such as CoQ10 and NAD, there are several modalities that I have never seen discussed by LEF, each of which probably merits it's own thread and some I consider revolutionary in their potential impact. I would love to see some LEF in depth articles on any of these.

In addition to the hundreds of supplements, powders, nootropics, IAS available items like deprenyl, hydergine, metformin, etc, that I have been using for 20-40 years, I have been researching and using the following items:

C60 in olive oil (Carbon 60). C60, a fullerene shaped like a soccer ball, is one of the several allotropes, or forms, of carbon such as diamond, graphite, amorphous, etc. It appears to barely fit (about 1.2 nm molecule) and may linger in the mitochondria with dramatic antioxidant protection, perhaps for a lifetime, at the site of highest endogenous ROS generation. A 2012 rat study indicates possible 92% increased lifespan with no cancers, protection from radiation, solvent exposure, etc. Note that this is a far greater extension in rat lifespan than obtained with any other protocol, including CR.

Molecular hydrogen (H2) dissolved in water and in gas form. This is the smallest molecule there is, therefore, it can get into any tissue rapidly and act as a powerful antioxidant. In addition, it can be combined with the C60 mentioned above to perhaps provide more longer lasting benefits in the body, as the H2 can become "attached" (not covalently) to the C60 molecule. Normally, H2 gas dissipates from the human body in minutes to an hour or so.

Red Light and Near Infrared light (around 650 and 850 nm respectively). The red light penetrates human tissues maybe about an inch whereas the near infrared around 4-6 inches. This range of light from about 600-1,000 nm wavelength has remarkable properties in regard to formation of Exclusion Zone (EZ) water and adding energy to the electron transport chain process within the mitochondria. 

Depleted deuterium water. Protium is the "normal" hydrogen atom with a proton in the nucleus. Deuterium is an isotype with the one proton plus one neutron. The tritium isotype has the one proton plus two neutrons, is unstable and radioactive with a half life about 11 years, not normally found in nature and not part of this discussion. Deuterium on the other hand is found in about one out of every 6,500 hydrogen atoms, or about 155 ppm,  in the ocean water (H2O). Chemically, the deuterium and water molecules incorporating it, are generally about the same. In the mitochondria, however, as part of the ATP generating process, the hydrogen atoms are stripped from the larger molecules and the resulting protons are processed one at a time. Since the deuterium is twice as heavy, it has a profound negative impact on the mitochondria. Depleted deuterium water can lessen the load imposed on the mitochondria to detoxify the deuterium impact. Rain and glacier water are naturally deuterium depleted due to slightly different melting and evaporation temperatures. Photosynthesis in green plants depletes deuterium and the animals that eat them. Grains and fruits are deuterium enriched. So, this may in part explain the benefits of a keto diet and the Mediterranean diet with emphasis on olive oil. The oils and fats with depleted deuterium are processed by the human body to form energy, CO2 and WATER. This metabolic water is deuterium depleted. About 1.2 pounds of water are created from each pound of oil/fat.

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    • BobM
    • BobM
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I agree. This is THE baseline for good health and an extended life. There are 2 excellent books I suggest everyone read. By Dr Steven Gundry. Plant Paradox, and his newest book the Longevity Paradox. He teaches you everything about your immune systems and aging. 

    It puts a solid framework around everything discussed in this forum. 

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  • I think hyperbaric oxygen has great potential to increase mitochondrial function. It also raises nad and circulating stem cells. Comments?

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      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Ira GoodmanIra MD 

      I’m looking for a more open minded doctor....

      May I know what city your practice is in?

      Do you visit Scottsdale Az area?


    • BobM 


      Thanks for the email. I can coach you as a non patient if you are interested . I do visit Scottsdale on occasion. Now in San Diego

      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Ira GoodmanIra MD 

      thanks for the reply.

      I will reach out to your SD office😎

    • BobM 


      Please call me

  • Hi Barry!  May I ask how you have used C60? Regarding dose and program? 


    And have you any specific effects and experiences that you can relate to C60?


    In one study on rats they used  4 mg/kg every day for one week, then 0.8 mg/kg once a week for some time and lastly they used 0.8 mg/kg once every two weeks for the last treatmentperiod. 

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    • I have not been able to find out what protocoll they used in the original study. What I have found out is that they used ”reiterated doses (1.7 mg/kg of body weight)”. I lack information about how often the rats were given 1,7 mg/kg. 

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    • Staffan Olsson Staffan Olsson  

      Yes, I have been using C60 in EVOO for about 2 years, about one tablespoon per day. Some of it I have bought premade, I have also made my own with Apollo olive oil which is cold pressed in a vacuum with the highest polyphenol content of any olive oil I can find. I don't worry about missing a day or two every now and then as supposedly occasional breaks can enhance the effects.

      Have not noticed any striking, overt results, however, I am in excellent health, 66 years old and have been taking a high level of supplements since I was 18 years old...we are talking 100s per day, I dare say more than anyone else I have heard of. So, I would not expect any dramatic results for me. I think it may have given some benefits in vision and skin.

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    • Barry Pruett Thank you Barry. I hope someone will try to replicate the 2012 study. Such amazing results needs verification. I am not aware of any similar research. (Research that test C60 on lifespan in rodents/mammals.) I still have not started with C60. 

  • I've read an article on Betteraging a while back and ever since I've been fascinated by mitochondria-NAD+-aging relationship. Also hyperbaric medicine. I'm a huge fan of these technologies now and I can't wait to see more work done around it in the next few years.

  • How can I order Hydergine or deprenyl ? Please 

    • Yvonne Meza i need to know also!

  • I've always been interested in slowing down my aging. Ever since I was 25, I've wanted to become a vegetarian because I know that meat not only makes our skin, muscles, and all organs age faster, damages our teeth and causes tooth decay, but it can also cause helminth infections. Yes, I had this disease twice and drank Nyclosamide powder for worms until I realized that I had to stop eating meat for good. Also, everyone knows that the coronavirus outbreak started after some Chinese from the province ate a bat. And your article that mitochondrial health can slow down cell aging I liked it, thanks for this information!

    • Oscar Sellersp I think the bat flew out the window a long time ago. 

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