Antioxidants and Dasatinib regimen

In the protocol from the Faloon presentation it was recommended to stop antioxidants 1-2 weeks prior.  What is the rationalization there?

It was also recommended to stop aspirin for a week but that makes some sense as dasatinib seems to sometimes cause problems with bleeding.

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  • There is research showing that some senolytic substances works through ROS activated apoptosis. But here are also pathways to senolysis that are ROS independent.


    In some research they have used  N-acetylcysteine (an antioxidant) and the result has been that N acetyl cysteine in some cases have inhibited the actions of the senolytic substance. Or at least reduced it.


    I think that is why they recommend to stay away from antioxidant supplements before a senolytic treatment.

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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