I use 4 mg sirolimus every 10 days, and am almost 71. The most immediate bennifit for me was my left knee arthritis pain went away. General inflammation and stamina seem better. I also take 2 500 mg metformin.....A B, what is your age? These therapies bennifits increase after 60. There is an affordable Dasanib source mentioned on this site I wrote down somewhere I intend to order later.
Thank you for your comments. I am 81 and have been taking Rapamycin - 6 mg once per week for 4 weeks now and also Metformin - 500 mg every day for two weeks with my main meal. My left knee has had bone on bone for 15 years and never bothered me or was painful. Now since I started this regiment I have pain in my left knee - haven't changed much else in my daily activities. Has anyone heard of any side effects like that - ? A B
A few have posted that there is an online pharmacy located in India that sells the Dasatinib for much less than US prices. bonhoa.com where you can get them in 10, 20 and 50mg tablets. For example, 4 caps of it from Bristol Meyers in the US (with a prescription) is about $2000. 60 tablets of 50mg is $272 now from their site with $35 shipping. You order from their site and they send you a request to pay via paypal.
Someone else posted they have a reliable source from the UK that is something like $1499. Not sure of the quantity you get tho.
The source Peter refers to is www.antiaging.clinic with Dastinib (Bristol Myers Sprycel) at $1499.99 for 60 x 20mg tablets. You will be asked for an entry code, which is " Research " and 15% is donated to aging research.
Also available is rapamycin (12 x 5mg tablets), metformin (100 x 500mg tablets) along with Oxytocin and Deprenyl.