[FAQ] How to work with the medical system

Caveat: This is US centric. I have a little experience with Japan and EU medical systems and think it will work differently there. The US system has big issues (cost mainly), but in a typically American fashion you can get what you want if you work at it and can pay for it. Some advice is probably generally useful however. 

I'd like to post information on how to successfully navigate the medical system. I'd encourage people to use the system the way it's meant to be used - to help patients live disease free - rather than going through other channels to get what they need. It's not hard to get a lot using conventional means, but like any system medicine has a culture that has to be navigated properly, so I'm here to help you learn how to do that. 

Using this approach has gotten me to where I've got all the treatments I want, at very reasonable costs, and all within the aegis of the medical system with prescriptions to back them. up. You can buy overseas but that carries more risk and expense, I took the approach of doing everything by the book, and while it took some work it wasn't that hard. Also consider that this is supporting more physicians offering these services as there's money in it. Here's how I did it. 

  1. Make a game plan. I'm talking tests, medications and treatments. You can get a lot for cheap or free through your MD and existing health insurance. Had your GI tract checked? What about the arteries into your heart, or the condition of your heart valves? 
  2. Be clear to yourself what you want. Don't be cowed by the medical system. Always remember that it is there to serve you. If you get somebody who has the proverbial stick in a dark place, don't get upset just go elsewhere. Medical treatments are all opinion based, so find somebody that aligns with your opinion. 
  3. Do lots of research and use the support here. What you are doing is not weird. This is all science based. 
  4. However, messaging is important. I find that coming to it from a standpoint of I want to have a good health span (combined with a concern such as family history) rather than "I want to live forever" is something that people can understand better and works really well. 
  5. Family history counts for a lot with them (it shouldn't). Had any cancer in your family, heart disease? Trot it out. 
  6. Harden yourself, go in expecting you might get a hostile physician. These can be hard to deal with if you're not prepared. Just follow my advice below, and if they are such then politely say that "we're probably not a good fit" and go elsewhere. That's normal and fine, but know that due to the Hippocratic oath they can't refuse you, so what they'll do is try to shut you down. Don't let them, just walk. 


General advice to finding an MD to work with, broken down to the different categories. Realize you might get (and want) to have a team of physicians, all working independently on different aspects of your health.  

Aging MD

Expect you have to go to a specialist to get Senolytics, NAD and the other newer treatments. Don't expect a regular GP to be comfortable with using a cancer drug as a senolytic, no matter the peer reviewed research. The clinics run about 10 years behind the research, and they generally only move forward as a group. 

  1. Before you start write down what you want. Do your research, different people have different approaches, know what yours is.
  2. Come in with blood work and history in hand. It goes much smoother when they can review all your detailed data before hand. I give them the following
    1. LE Male Elite panel within the last year
    2. Most recent focused blood work (e.g. hormones)
    3. List of all the supplements and quantities I take
    4. Life medical history description in one page, including parents and family medical issues such as any cancer and heart disease
    5. Any medications (e.g. Metformin)
    6. Genome work (I supply 23andMe and a full genome report, usually MD's don't look at it but it's there anyhow) 
    7. General clinical stats (weight, height, BP, etc) 
  3. Start with the physician directory on this site
  4. Try people locally, expect that you may have to do more or less travel (nobody said aging was easy, nor anti-aging!)
  5. (USA) Some of them do telemedicine and might be licensed for your state (physicians have to be licensed to work in each state, it's not a federal licensing)
  6. Talk to their admin first over the phone. They're usually quite knowledgeable and you can discover if the MD will be a good fit or not. If it looks good set up an appointment. 
  7. Let the admin know, or when you first meet what specifically you are looking for. Find out if they can help you. If they can't or won't, politely offer to save their time and cancel the appointment. Initial consults are expensive, if you can duck out after 10 minutes because of a bad fit, see if you can pay prorated for the visit. No point in barking up the wrong tree, and MD's are bound by the Hippocratic oath to help you even if they can't, so be proactive about cutting it off. 
  8. I look for the following
    1. There are no silver bullets, I don't trust MD's that think there are. Ones that admit grey areas is a good thing to me. 
    2. Understand their thinking and why. Do they base it on the original research, plus their interpretation? That's a good approach, really the only one. 

General MD

Yes a lot can be done with  your local GP! Metformin, for example. Check your fasting, is it below 100? Mine started to rise to 100, probably due to hormones doing poorly with aging. But with my state of health this shouldn't be occurring. Now a fasting 100 is gold to my physician, but my local aging MD was happy to give me script for Metformin (at $180/visit twice a year). So with a script in hand, and simply telling my personal GP that while 100 was not diabetic I wanted to keep it below 85. Anyhow they were fine with 'taking over' the script. They prescribe a lot of Metformin, and coming in with already having another MD prescribe it paved the way, plus my personal desire to get it really in good shape. So long story short my insurance pays for it 100% and I get refills simply by requesting it via my online account portal. 

  1. Realize that doing Senolytics is unlikely with a GP, but Metformin and even NAD are possible. 
  2. Other things to thing about is testing, such as a CACS (have you done one???). Or a pill cam, or all sorts of checkups that your insurance will pay for. I got a cardiosonogram, a CACS, numerous EKG's and a halter practically for free, just on the basis of some heart skips, and because I approached it the right way. All that just verified no issues with the heart (CACS score of 0.8%!) which is great peace of mine and proof I'm doing the right thing. 
  3. I find the following works with MD's, don't give a windup, simply start off with what you want and give them an option to offer their opinion. This is important! Let them give you their thoughts, if it's too different from yours then you know it won't work, no hard feelings. But much of the time, if given a chance to speak they'll go along with you anyhow.
    1. For example "I would like to do a pill cam to check out my entire GI track, what do you think of that?"
    2. If they say no way, they don't believe in it, they won't do it, then say no problem and go find another physician! These are reasonable requests that any MD should support, but I've seen plenty of chuckleheads who think they know everything. 
    3. If they're not completely adamant then countering with "I understand what you're saying, but I still feel that this is a good course for me" works very well. 
    4. The key is to state your intentions, and the importance of giving them a chance to state their opinion. Most of the time they are open to it. 
    5. A lot of the time they'll mention costs, it helps to have a HSA account, I always counter with "I'll pay" or "I have a high deductible plan so will pay" to get that out of the way. 
    6. If they demure, nicely stick to your guns that you would like to do it, and usually they'll relent. 
    7. I found that getting into the science isn't necessary (I never had to do it). Basically either they support it or not, touting some research makes no difference and just drags on the visit. 
  4. Pro tip - work with a Nurse Practitioner rather than a MD. They are always (in my experience) much more open and easier to work with, the MD's are much more opinionated. Also, one that is younger, female (common) and a generally relaxed person are much more open (SP types in MBTI speak, rather than SJ). I hand picked one such and we work wonderfully together. She gets that I'm a health nut and is fine with it. 
  5. Pro tip - keep your intentions clear. Don't muddy the visit with irrelevancies, basically you're looking for something specific, don't demand, but keep it on topic and don't let them wash over you with their opinion. You are the consumer. 
  6. Pro tip - functional medicine is big these days. I've been to a handful. Be a little cautious here but don't discount them. Again it really depends on the MD. Some of them will send you to a million tests and want to sell you special branded supplements and such. It's a great money maker. But not all, my present MD is listed as functional but I think that's just so he can do newer  things like senolytics, but otherwise I'm not seeing much of a functional approach. 
  7. Pro tip - beware of the 'one size fits all' approach. For diet I follow Dr Fuhrman and company. Whole foods vegan, but I'm not religious about it and I have disagreements. But to the practitioners in the field it's sacred. They believe that everything is fixed by food and they stay away from pills and general medicine. I take a hybrid approach because No Virginia, food alone won't slow down aging. 
  8. Pro tip - while physicians and pharmacies have to be state licensed you can have a pharmacy mail to an address in a state they are licensed in. Where it goes from there is your business. For example consider friends, relatives and forwarding mail box brick and mortars. An exception is hormones which are ‘controlled’, they have to go to you directly on a verified home address (e.g. drivers license), but it’s perfectly fine to have a general prescription filled order forwarded to your address (disclaimer: this is not legal or medical advice). Having said that a lot of physicians and compounding pharmacies are multi licensed, check around. Consider
    1. Friends
    2. Relatives
    3. Pack and ship stores
    4. Local physicians to the source (e.g. a pharmacy) that are licensed in your state (they can prescribe and forward the medications). Again look into telemedicine, a few phone calls can get you set up. 
  9. Pro tip - realize that time is money to an MD. Typically their bonuses are paid based on how quickly they see patients (yes this is how it works according to a MD friend of mine). Don't waste time talking about this and that. I mean some small talk and peripheral talk is part of the visit, but be clear that you are there to get something specific. You know what you want and it's their job to either give it to you, or to not, you're not there to get their learned opinion which is decades out of date. But again be sure to let them say their piece, it's won't work and isn't relationship building to just demand without some give and take. So before a visit I am clear in my mind what I want (e.g. a test or a medication typically, sometimes a question as yes there are cases where their experience is valuable, and sometimes a referral). Then as I said above I'm clear from the beginning, then it's basically a dicker between to two of us as to how  to proceed. 
  10. Pro tip - related to the previous one, realize that they are balancing the following. One is the length of the visit, they have another patient coming up and are probably running late anyhow. Two they don't ever want to come up to a medical review board, so they have a comfort zone. Three is they do have tremendous leeway in what they can do. So again picking MD's that already have lots of background in something, such as prescribing Metformin, is a good thing. Finally I think the more general a MD the better. Specialists oftentimes (not always) have very particular ideas and are set in their ways. Finally getting a read on their personality. The things I look for is
    1. Are they relaxed (good) or super particular (usually not good)
    2. Are they detail oriented (usually not good) or do they see the big picture (good)
    3. Do they want to stick you in a category? Important one - on finding that you are trying to extend your life most or many MD's will check a box that says "Health nut" or some such. Ideally you don't want to trigger that. 
  11. Pro Tip - Watch for body language. If you say something they don't like, with female MD's it's common for them to look down. With male MD's typically they'll give you a little smile. In either case they won't say anything. If you see this reaction then gracefully drop whatever you were talking about and continue along another tactic. Story about this - I experienced blood in my ejaculate some years ago. Scary, but my Urologist found nothing wrong and thought we could dig into it but would not be likely to find anything. We did copious research on the internet and found a lot of men with the same issue and guess what? They all mentioned that they were rather dehydrated from drinking alcohol or whatever. So I did an experiment and could turn it on or off like a tap! Rather amazing, I then started tracking my H2O consumption using an app and never got it again. I told my Urologist as a FYI and got the little smile ... oh well. 


Specialist MD

If you're getting your heart checked out (which I highly recommend) then you need a cardiologist referral. A few tips for navigating that

  1. I don't have a lot of experience with cardiologists and specialists, but family history and wanting to 'trust but verify' seems to work well. Asking for more procedures is OK, again with the reminder that you'll pay for it. CYA appears to be big to these folks. 
  2. You need a referral. Start with your MD using the techniques above. As mentioned I managed to get thousands of dollars worth of test for $500 copay with a high deductible plan, on the basis of I experienced some heart skips. They never saw it in the clinic, but using the above techniques I got to see a Cardio and had a battery of tests. I can't tell you the peace of mind knowing my heart is structurally, arterially and electrically good. Being above the age of 50 makes it easy to check these things out, and don't forget your family history! Who doesn't have heart disease, cancer or diabetes in their family?


Alternative Medicine Practitioner/MD

Naturopath and Functional fall into this category. Sometimes they have MD degrees, usually not. In my experience these are hit or miss. Functional has gotten popular, and the approach has a lot of merit but it all depends on how they do it. I've seen some who use it to send you to batteries of tests with lots of self branded supplements. To appearances it's a money maker, I'm sure their intentions are good but that's not an approach for me. On the other side many aging docs call themselves that just to give themselves an umbrella to be under (since aging isn't a recognized discipline, geriatrics is different). So again having a conversation with their assistant is a free way to figure out their modus operandi. 

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    • Michael
    • Michael.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Great job. Thank you.

  • Are there any anti aging Drs preferably on this sites Dr list that will do virtual 1st patient visits?   I called Dr Green In NY and their board hasn't allowed virtual, need an in person 1st visit..   We are in Atlanta GA a medical desert (in my view).  Hip replacement and prostrate extraction advertisements on bill boards here.  LOL!  

    We have become accustomed to travel for medical services, but am open to saving that effort and using a Dr sooner.   I'm fully DIYing it now but would think it a reasonable aspect of anti aging to have a professional for their inputs as well.

    Might there be practicioners who offer a less then Dr-patient relationship having to follow their state board processes and they are non prescribing consultants?

  • Dear Dan:  Thank you for your helpful advice above.   One step further if you receive this.  I hope you can give me a little direction.   I'm female age 70.  No meds and feel healthy.  But had had no blood work for about 10 years.  I exercise 6 days a week and havent had a cold for years and years.  But, i quite having annual exams Because the best doctor I had retired..and have not found one since that really gives a crap really.    I don't want to die a ignoramus because of not being proactive with health.    Could you tell me what tests would be important for me to have at my age for anti cancer/anti aging.   We dont have a good health village here, so I have to use a medicare advantage doctor.  But if I could ask for certain tests and study the results myself and see what the tests might say, is that possible?   Am I just not going to be able to do this because of my financial situation.  As I read your advice above and some things are doable, (I think)..but to find a doctor that will prescribe metaform/senolytics, or NAD and then make sure my blood is up to correct standards from taking these, how do I know for sure.  What are some good links to read about these anti-aging  meds that won't scare me with side effects.  I hope you receive and can guide me.  Thank you kindly!  If anyone else sees this, please feel to reply too!

  • Dear Age Reversal Enthusiast,

    Complex, expensive problems must have sustainable infrastructure and government and (in case of living forever); even must have religious support.

    Human age reversal is very complex. Lots of wise thinkers needed. Yet; humans are capable of many amazing things. 

    Start simple with a mission statement and an assignment.

    Organized religion pro-death policy is too touchy; so leave that off for now.

    There is no government led or sponsored human age-reversal mission or scheduled human life extension mission assigned with milestones, plan or statement at any government known for other governments or the USA to mimic.

    Organized religion is mostly pretty much in the camp that humans are supposed to die as part and parcel to the will of God. Acceptance of death is common.

    Accordingly; this movement to seek human immortality is most noble in that it seeks to achieve human race survival as humans face obsolescence relative to the introduction of super intelligent machines. In thinking about humans living forever; one has to include exactly what humans must solve to achieve the goal(s) of living forever.

    There is no single human assigned to do the task.

    No tasks; no mission; no assignment; no accountability. 

    That is where we are. it is situation awareness.

    Interestingly;  humans accept building AI super capable machines of war that kill humans; but, choose to ignore; they, themselves, may be targets of those machines.

    It's also interesting to observe that one of the easiest things for AI to do is management decisions.

    Peering into the future; it could be viable that the future holds a super intelligent machine as a national and/or global leader. 

    Currently, governments fail to recognize aging as a disease.  However; they are demonstratively willing to invest $billions and collectively $trillions in AI based machines that can kill humans.

    The COVID-19 pandemic is causing $trillions to be spent.

    In this pandemic; $ trillions are being ineffectively invested. It's ineffective since some humans don't get vaccinated. Humans do their own risk assessment.

    Organized religions still do the; "Everyone is supposed to die by design of God" spiel. That is true for the COVID-19 as well as aging and other disease passings. If one lives a long time and dies; it's typical for the officiating religious leader to say something like: "I didn't know him or her; but, this is what the scripture says."  

    On Earth; death is accepted by scriptures. It will be accepted on Mars and the Moon forward.

    Puzzling to let past acceptance of death edict control future existence. Obviously, one has to be willing to think forward.

    What to do?

    In looking backward and/or current in life; it appears that no government organization or infrastructure or policy exist that was/is focused on keeping that individuals alive for 100's of years of quality, productive life span.

    It appears that human health policy is patch, patch, patch to optimize profits vise cure and live exceptionally long; like in 100's of years.

    So, we can look around for signs of some head of a nation really focused on seriously increasing human life span. Well, frankly; no nation has: credible policy; a budget; a funded management plan (with brenchmarks of 100, 200, 300, --- year human lifespans); or a focus on all the human resources required to reach scheduled milestones necessary to achieve human immortality. Sorry; zip; except for private sector. 

    One must keep a sense of humor. Like my urologist said when I asked him to adjust my hormones back to what they were when I was 20 years of age in order that I may I've longer and feel better (now). 

    Script for my live experience teestrostone shot request play: The urologist: "Why would you want that?" Me: "To achieve a significantly longer life span." The urologist: "Makes no sense; there would be too many people. The Earth couldn't support them. We are supposed to die." So finally; he agreed to get a testosterone test. I still haven't been given the results.

    He is a decent guy; but, just doesn't see purpose. The failure to see purpose is part of the reason there is no Age-reversal Manhattan Project. Worse than the COVID-19 pandemic; the disease of aging is killing more; but, still ignored. The greater pandemic is human aging.

    It is good and noble; that, so many in the "live longest life span" enthusiast group are actually researching, planning and funding and managing toward the end goal of actually significantly increasing human life span and reversing human aging.

    However; with global warming predictions that the global reefs will stop growing in 10 years and the emergence of the Singularity soon thereafter; it appears that human survival is increasingly toast. Add in global warming? Utt Ohhh!

    That observed; we individually and collectively must find a path to make ourselves heard well enough to cause a change in government priority of budget allocations which refocuses and gives identity via some sort of Reverse Aging Manhattan Project to seriously extend human life spans.  

    For fun; do some research on when the Singularity will occur. Take your own best guess and reverse engineer a management plan to achieve human immortality prior that predicted point in time.

    Try to achieve human immortality prior the ten years from now when the global reefs are predicted to stop growing. Recognize that there are microcircuits that are radiation hardened; but, humans will never be radiation hardened.

    Always plan fail safe; especially, if human life is on the line. Well? It is. Ours is.

    Ha! Ha! The AI machines being built to function well and long on Mars will have far longer use lives; than, we punny humans that designed and built them.

    Logically; if humans are to achieve use lives longer than AI machines; then; there has to be a hinge moment in credibly seeking human as well as planet environment survival.

    Sorry; currently, all this data lacks concern and visibility at the top levels of all governments. 

    This observation is common sense; not whacko.

    Do your own research.

    Me thinks a political wing of the age-reversal.net is necessary?

    Do what? educate, write policy; lobby; propose Acts; propose Executive Orders; propose and demand plans, budgets, reorganizations, resources,  policies, etc.

    What do you each and collectively think?

    If a top priority Reverse Human Aging Manhattan Project expressively to achieve human life span extension for 100s of years cannot be thought;  it can't happen.

    So think deeply. Be encouraged.

    For sure; a 20 year Afghanistan war could be carried on and funded and lives lost for good intention. $ trillions and some of the most treasured valiant humans' lives lost and thousands injured.

    So is a catch phrase: "War on Aging" appropriate?

    Humm? Not a peacenik here & not a hawk--just try to use brain. 

    Just think: we, individually and as a nation and global community of humans need to do some serious re-think on human life span increases  and age reversal attainment and make some serious decisions in regard to survival of the human species.

    Otherwise; we are toast.

    Glycerinated end products are bad for us; especially, when we are individually and collectively; the toast.

    Literally; the USA has enough nuclear arms to kill everyone on Earth over 1700 times;  Russia has even more. Many other nations have capability IAW Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) policy.  

    Is not Mutually Assured Prosperity (MAP) better? Is not money spent better on human age reversal?

    Toast has more than one route.

    Humm? Maybe if humans could live to an average are of 200+ in great health; they would be more focused on staying alive longest?

    Situational awareness: No USA (or other nation) national government human age reversal or human life span extension goal, organization, mission, policy, budgeting, planning, objectives, milestones; metrics, tasks, etc.,  exist as solely focused to achieve human life spans of 100's of years; and, no plan to achieve total disarmament exist.


    The Singularity approaches and will continue to occur in phases and stages. Yep; it's in-process.

    Do we sit and wait and yap? Or; do we do something politically?

    Is a political wing of age-reversal.net wise?

    If not; propose something better that recognizes the critical need for human age-reversal and seriously extending human life span, and; that, offers scheduled timely remedy in accordance with an approved, authenticated and authorized mission statement.

    Add a schedule qualifier: "Before the coral reefs stop growing in ten years." Note: Some predict that the Singularity will occur in ten.

    Use those predicted dates and create a mission and plan; etc. Reverse engineer what tasks, etc., that are needed to achieve time line goals and objectives. 

    Hinge moments in history are interesting & challenging.

    We, individually, and collectively are in such a period. Hinge moment in history chaos. 

    Go figure?

    Make your own guess. Pick a beginning date for a Human Ager Reversal "Manhattan Like" Project launch and a date for fully funded mission initiation, resources, infrastructure, and milestone dates; etc., at which humans can live longer than super intelligent machines. Then; establish all the policy, plans; etc., necessary to achieve human age reversal prior other key events discussed herein: e.g., the Singularity, global warming, nuclear war, the reefs ceasing to grow. Add in extension of species: including humans. 

    Yep: that is serious top political decision-making required. 

    Yep! Me thinks an age-reversal mission is overdue and has justification for top national prioritization equal to (in initiation) if not greater than COVID-19; because, COVID-19 is just a sub-task in the quest to extend human life span and reverse-human aging.

    Mission wise, the Reverse Human Aging mission should correctly overarch the COVID-19 mission in the USA. It could best managed by dedicated "Manhattan Like" Project prior or in parallel to appointing a new Cabinet Member in the President's Cabinet.

    Opines welcome.

    Focus on achieving results; including political results that translate into urgent mission establishment and full funding. A long term budget.

    There are two pandemics: COVID-19 and aging. Only one is being worked.

    If, the aging pandemic isn't worked soon; humans will be working for super intelligent machines.

    Do your own research on timelines and priority of need. There is an incredibly short period of time for mission accomplishment in a period of mulitple profound challenges.

    So? There is need for a political wing of the age-reversal network? 

    Yes? No?

    Your thoughts?



    • James
    • Freethinker
    • jhm
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Interesting post, thank you for sharing

  • Let's keep it simple to start with. No goals, no objectives, no projects, programs, etc; no task assignments organized, directed, funded, reported, shared, no budget; no one held accountable; no clear schedule; no metrics;---- How can anyone say we will achieve average ages of: 80; 90.100; ----500 years?

    Not possible before the singularity---or---after it ---or---before Global warming wipes us out.

    The new reality if we continue the way we are is grim. The mass murderer Putin isn't alone. 

    The problem is $ stove pipes and no collection or feed back relative to goals. 

    Yes; the USA government is to serve it's people.


    Create and direct a mission. to reverse aging IAW a laid out time schedule. So carve out an immediate government budget. Cut out 2% of current health & research expenditures; promulgate a mission to reverse aging and increase human life spans. double the budget next year. triple it the next. Lay out the plan. Organize. Staff; get serious. List out tasks and subtask. make assignments broad and narrow. Get to work.

    The reason there is no National Management Plan to Advance the US Citizen's Average Life Time Expectancy is failed national vision. Both the left and right politic are deaf and blind. 

    First observe that aging is a disease. Recognize that reversing aging is the best preventive measure. It is increasing all around human performance. 

    Recognize that since the pork barrel is more deep or shallow in some specific areas more than others. However; it gets back to basic management. Set priorities. Deliver results!

    If there is no National imperative to actually deliver longer average life spans; than, there is no reason for a plan to get there. Pity that reality. Make changes. Fire; hire! Reorganize.

    What every country has are stove pipe funding and stove pipe sporatic management with no national imperative or clear focus to actually deliver measurable results in accordance with a credible plan to get there. There must be organized human resources and infra-structure focused on achieveing the imperative of longer human life spans. 

    There is not.

    Even the Communist fail.

    Glory to the few efforts and heroes that seek infinite human life spans. 

    However; recognize that all politic has failed to even sell the imperative should be age reversal and longest life achievable by some promulgated plan clearly setting and measuring achievement and progress toward achievement of such long life average human life spans as suggested above.

    Please observe; if humans don't figure out how to outlive their super intelligent machines; then; they will have to serve them--- soon. 

    Also note: super intelligent machines will design themserlves to live in a more harsh environment so they can space travel. Humans are a frail embodiment. Raise the global temperature 10 degrees; most people die off. no fight required there. 

    Think about that reality. The natural world is toast.

    Looks like humanity wants to extinguish it's precious atmosphere. 

    Sorry; the militaries are already seeking & creating super intelligent machines to kill the enemy; the enemy are us: e.g.--humans? 

    Pogo said something like that. Yeah-- a stretch; but, seriously--we have to get serious. The USA spent a $trillion on it's most advanced fighter plan. 

    So where's the money to advance average human life span or to keep humans competive with their AI super capable machines?

    So here we are toying all around the fact that there is no national plan to achieve longer average life spans for humans. Are we to ignore that there is no credible political left or right politic in regard to seriously extending average human life span? 

    Sorry: World War III isn't pro-increases in human life span. 

    Credible planning and mission assignment is the great political void. Are we to ignore the various dates predicted for the Singularity?

    Does anyone really think there is no national emergency need to seriously increase average human life spans?

    Simple observation is: if there are no government national goals and objectives set; there is no credible plan.

    The US is spending $billions in Ukraine and that is good for freedom; but, it is blind when it comes to increasing the average human life span at any credible rate to schedule delivery match its quest to create super intelligent machines that will out compete and have far longer use lives; than, humans. Out kill humans? Really?

    Where is the $billions and organization to manage and deliver longer human life spans? Where are the tax incentives to focus private investment and infrastructure needed? 

    So what to do? "P-s poor planning = p-s poor performance."

    Maybe plan? Huh? So where is the mission assignment? Who is assigned?

    Did I imagine a shout out for a credible plan? A mission assignment? A assigned person? A Presidential Cabinate position? 


    So now a budget. How about one $trillion spread over five years? $500 million seed money this year. Two $billion next year.  Lay it out! 

    Apparently, the national imperative and priority is creation of super intelligent machines that have unlimited use lives and are upgradable in performance; but, we co9llectively fail to recognize that humans should receive top priority in achievement of ever increasing life spans and performance.

    Hummm? Never listen to people that are too timid to succeed when it comes to staying alive. 


    Looks to me like the Age Reversal forum needs a political operative wing?

    Good old American & international hustle; not, communism. Yes; there is a government role to play. So far; it isn't even on the field.

    This isn't a MD - patient discussion. This is survival: longest.

    Where is the politic that gets the mission assigned? Where is the plan?  

    The money is already there. That is just setting a percent or more from everyone's budget and axing it out. 

    So what inspires the will to live and vote to get human age reversal mainstream?

    Keeping the Singularity in mind; we are already far behind schedule if we are to compete and dominate. 

    That is the real talk!

    If not collectively us; then, who?


    Steven J.

    • Steven 

      The quest for everlasting life is an interesting phenomenon.

      At 78 one is: interested in living longest and reverse aging: on Earth; elsewhere in the Cosmos or in Heaven; or doesn't believe it's possible.

      Life experience is that many faith believers tell me that: "They are Ready" (to die and go to heaven). Their "Ticket is Punched."

      I, on the other hand, am puzzled: "Why hurry?" Tragically; many commit suicide: pain, suffering, lost love or lover; no one in life; career failed; or no one to care? ---whatever? Sad.

      Having worked large government projects: A $billion is chicken feed. US Health care as well as military health care: $billions. $billions sent to Ukraine & elsewhere. $ billions here; there. Everywhere.

      All government breaucratic programs must have: mission assignments; budgets; resources; organization; structure; program schedules; performance goals; objectives; task; subtasks; milestones; short, mid and long term planning; specific named people responsible.

      They spawn from Executive Oderes; laws; etc. They are coded in law; regulations, etc.

      The next generation US military aircraft will cost more than the last one that cost $trillions.

      Not picking on the military or Ukraine.

      It's a puzzlement why there is no credible Manhatten like Project to increase average human life spans with goals of: 100; 200; 300; etc., years.

      Military planning and budgeting allows expenditures of: unknown unknown, known unknown; unknown known; and known known $; technology; manufacturing technology; as well as procurement, development; manufacturing; logistics; maintenance; etc., $.

      Point being there is a program model to set up a mission to reverse human aging and extend human life spans.

      Logically; every citizen should be able to untaxed invest in their own life span increase and reverse aging.

      A business can write off upgrades of robotics and AI systems on taxes.

      Yet; for some incredibly odd reason; there is no credible government program for extending human life span. With aging being a disease; one must ponder: "Isn't this failure to have the government to establish and promulgate a comprehensive Human Life Span Extension & Reverse Aging Program really an indication that the populas has accepted human death?"

      Is government acceptance of human death not offensive?

      The way to fund big programs is to simply cut all budgets by a percent or more. Assign a Project leader. That person then lays out all the boiler plate; etc.

      Back off a bit.

      Everybody do your own research. Seek situational awareness. think schedule in terms of hinge moments in time. Cultural change.

      Look at the predicted schedules for when the singularity will occur.

      Look again at the predicted date that global warming will overtake human ability to control it.

      Recognize that the bombing of Dresden adversely impacted the ozone layer. It was also adversly impacted by each atomic bomb test. The ozone is very important to human life. So too are rain forest; etc.

      It's simple to conclude; that, if humans don't get serious about extending human life span and taking care of the planet's environment; then, they will be replaced by super intelligent machines prior getting cooked by the expanding Sun. Why hurry toward mass human extension? 

      So there is a criminally insane mass murderer leader with hypervelocity multi-nuclear warheaded missiles committing mass murder? It's looking like WWIII; but, one multi-warheaded nuclear missile is all it takes; "Sorry, everyone in Texas is dead." The wind blows Northeast most of the time.  Not pretty.

      Talking real talk.

      Sadly; the curtain is closing fast.

      Point being: sure the overall global situation is sticky; but, if a country's leader (democratic, empire, despot, queen, king; whatever) is to serve it's people; it must have a Human Life Span Extension Plan and it must be breaucratically launched and funded soonest.

      War budgets must be cut and/or wars ceased.

      Mutually assured prosperity and very long human life spans must achieve reverse aging goals and all leaders must deter and eliminate mutually assured destruction.

      It's a matter of continuing human existence.

      Citizens of all nations and non-nations have a right to live longer than any human has before. That is progress for peace.

      Too many of religious (faith or not) are confused.

      Why would a god want anyone in heaven when they messed up the only heaven we know: Earth? Getting real is important to survival.

      So: Where is the Manhattan Project to achieve life span increases and reverse aging?---- to seriously increase human life span and reverse aging? Like in: 100, 200; 300; etc., years?

      My gut says; forget this "Ticket Punched" stuff. Faith or not: demand a program to reverse human aging.

      Yeah; I'm GOP and Liberal enough to wonder why isn't that democratic as well as conservative?  Any leader selling the acceptance of human death needs out of office.

      Obviously; if Russia, North Korea, etc., had such a program; they would not be cremating citizens and enemies to cover up mass murder and genocide. That observation applies to other nations' leaders as well. 

      3/4th of Earth is covered with water. More will be covered soon with global warming.

      There is already science and technology to build floating cities. Oceans can be farmed. So fear of too many people is no reason not to demand longer life span and reverse aging. Limited terms in office are wise. 

      People need to demand more human life span and reverse aging from their governments.

      So where do we start? Who can do a petition?

      Best of intent and encouragement to all.

      Any executable ideas?


  • Any Manhatten like Project or Program would have periodic reviews of medical equipment as well as drugs, procedures, suppliments; etc., e.g. all existing and needed   human life span and reverse aging equipment; including manufacuring technologies. 

    Presently; government spending is stove piped. That is a classical problem in large system of systems industry and/or government programs. Different Agencies, etc., are fundamentally bureaucratic islands.  They don't share data or their progress.  

    This observation doesn't advocate overall control in the sense of a Communist approach; but, does recognize that the Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb did focus to meet mission objective. It has a leader. It has a mission; schedule, budget, resources; etc.

    This recognizes that credibly delivering rapid progressive increases in human life span and reversing aging with goals of attaining: 100, 200; 300; etc., average years of human life takes some overarching of policy and control. The challenge is to catalyze a new focus and commitment from government and industry (including equipment creators and users) as needed to advance human age reversal and seriously deliver longer human life spans: NOW.

    Observations of the need to make reverse-aging and human life span increases a national priority come from recognition that life span goals of living: 100; 200; 300; etc., years are not in any government plan or program.

    If goals; objectives; milestones; funded budgets; ---etc., don't exist; then; equipment advances necessary to achieve timely mission success won't happen in a credible schedule to achieve program milestones.

    For example: an artificial womb would save a lot of mothers' lives as well as those of the fotus, fetus, unborn.

    An artificial womb is just one example of equipment needed to increase human life spans. 

    Like it or not; CRISPER technologies are another area of equipment advances needed.

    Currently; achievement of human age reversal is still a dream for the average person; it's not affordable and many would have religious based objection to it.

    However; we must recognize; that, a 1.5 degree increase in global temperature is now predicted to occur in 5 years.

    Additionally; one could argue that some military weapon systems can already track and kill humans automatically once set up.

    The Singularity is fast approaching. Fact by your own research.

    So; out of any reader's own curiosity; pick a schedule point in time forward for successful human age reversal attainment; e.g., 5, 10, 20; etc., years from now.

    Like in Dick and Jane can have and afford it.

    Lay out a list of equipments and tasks as necessary to achieve the objective of human age reversal by your own determined accomplishment date.

    I predict that you will come to the conclusion that given existing government and industry focus and funding; you cannot achieve the human age reversal or average human life span increases objectives before one or more of the following occurs: global warming past the point of no return; nuclear war (WWIII); the Singularity.

    Point being that we must wake up to reality.

    Simply put: age reversal and increasing human life spans must be a clear national priority and a Manhatten like Project is overdue.

    That effort needs new; yet, unimagined equipment to achieve deliverable human anti-aging and life span results before humans kill themelves off.

    In observation: the reason that one cannot net search age reversal equipments for a comprehensive list of equipments needed to: research, produce, manufacture, test, calibrate, verify, validate, support; achieve human reverse aging in years 2022; 2023, ---3000; is; because, there is "no" government program or dedicated mission to achieve that goal.---there isn't even clear mission assignment or a person clearly selected, appointed or assigned.

    The US President just sent $50 billion to Ukraine.

    Why didn't he send $1 billioin or more to human age-reversal? Why didn't all other Presidents fund human age reversal?

    Not playing left ot right politic; just observing an unrecognized need.

    Maybe we need to DRAFT a Presidential Executive Order to Establish an Age-Reversal Program Czar To lay out, execute and achieve a roadmap and program (including budget) for the President to sign and promulgate? Logically, such an effort needs organization, resources; funding; planning; etc? Yes; it needs an equipment list and program manager working under the Human Age Reversal Czar.


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