Has anyone tried the NAD booster Nuchido?  They had products for sale at RAADfest and went live with online sales recently.  

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    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 4 yrs ago
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        I have spent some time going over the Nuchido site and chasing down some interviews with its CEO Dr. Nichola Conlon.  They are at the very beginning of their commercial operation, but it looks fairly impressive.  I have ordered a 180 bottle of Time+, and my wife and I will try it for 2 weeks and see what we think.

         The Nuchido site provides some links to scientific publications.   Most of these are journal publications a few years old discussing various aspects of NAD+ levels and aging.  However, the first reference in the list, which may be downloaded from this LINK, is a .pdf of a poster with Conlon as first author apparently presented at the poster session of some unspecified scientific meeting.  It described the work on which the commercial Time+ product is based.  (Warning: the type is way too small to read if you print out the file on letter-size paper.  I recommend opening it with a PDF Reader, zooming until you can read the type, and panning around to examine the various sections.)

        Let me describe what I learned from the poster.  The NAD+ consumed by the body produces a residue that is recycled to make new NAD+.  As the body ages, this recycling degrades, resulting in the age-related NAD+ deficiency.  The authors have used the (unspecified) methods of Systems Pharmacology to identify a number of natural supplements (see below) that boost the recycling process.  An unspecified cocktail of these supplements was used in the work described.

        The work used two human volunteers as subjects, an 57 year old male and a 48 year old female.  The subjects were given oral doses of "Interventions" over a two week period, given at 4 PM each day because this is the NAD+ low point.  The subjects provided many blood samples that were analyzed for NAD+ levels as well as levels of SIRT1 and NAMPT.  Judging from poster pictures, the blood analysis involved chromatography.

         Intervention NCD201.1 was the recycle boost cocktail plus the NAD+ precursor Nicotinamide Riboside (NR).  It was observed that following the 2-week treatment, the subject's NAD+ level was boosted by "344%", i.e., by a boost factor of 3.44.  Intervention NCD202 did the same procedure with the NR omitted.  This boosted the NAD+ level by a factor of 1.7.  Note that this is about the same as provided by taking NR or NMN as daily supplements.

         Both NR and NMN are fairly expensive, so the team decided to do a third trial with relatively inexpensive but less bio-available Niacin in the form of Nicotinamide as the precursor.   The results were spectacular.  The NAD+ level was boosted by a factor of 9.62.  Apparently, the strategy of boosting the recycling process rather than just providing it with precursor inputs yields huge NAD+ increases.

         We note that Nuchido Time+ is stated to provide a NAD+ boost of only a factor of 2.42.  Apparently they have throttled back the boost factor, probably in the interest of caution.  Here is the contents statement from the Time+ bottle:

    Like 1
    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I can think of two reasons: (1) They could patent their Proprietary Blend or keep it a trade secret, and (2) boosting NAD+ by almost a factor of 10 is possibly dangerous overkill, since the falloff with age is only perhaps a factor of 2. However, some individuals on seem to be putting together own versions of NCD201.2 to take themselves, so perhaps we will soon have reports of possible side effects.

    Like 1
      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 4 yrs ago
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      NAD+ vs Age

      FYI, here's a graph of some measurements of NAD+ vs age in humans.

      Like 2
    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Primary Source of NCD201 Ingredients

    I found the primary source of the NCD201.1 ingredients listed above.   It is from a patent application by Conlon, and can be viewed at this LINK.   It includes this table:

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
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      JGC Good find, lower on the resveratrol than I would take. Higher on the apigenin than I take 100mg plus an unknown amount in parsley extract powder. Have you seen any research on how much apigenin to take daily?

      My understanding is that CD38 protein increases as we age and that causes NAD+ to decrease. Apigenin inhibits CD38. I have no idea how much apigenin to take to optimize that inhibition. The apigenin I take is in 50mg capsules so it take 12 to get to 600mg.

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Parsley extract powder is supposed to be 13% Apigenin. I just ordered enough powder forms of all the NCD201.2 ingredients to make about 100 doses from They didn't carry powdered Apigenin, so I ordered a 1 kg bag of Parsley extract powder. Think Green!

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      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
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      JGC Thank you, 1 tsp is 2500mg per the Bulksupplements bag which at 13% is 325mg apigenin. 

      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 1 yr ago
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      JGC , Your last response on this topic was about 3 years ago.  Do you have any thoughts about Nuchido at this time and do you still use it?  Thanks.

    • cjacek
    • cjacek
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Sorry for resurrecting such an old topic but I have to ask: why no love for NUCHIDO anymore? I mean, the discussion had seemingly died off about 2 years ago, with no one posting, updating etc... Is it because "NAD restoration" is old news or that NUCHIDIO is just too expensive and that people have been making their own version buying these ingredients cheaper separately?    

    Like 1
      • Garry S
      • scarymonster
      • 1 yr ago
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      cjacek I was wondering the same. No activity after some initial interest. I have been looking at switching from NMN to Time+ but it won't be for a couple of months when I have exhausted my supply of NMN.

      • MSS
      • Mahabir_Surah
      • 1 yr ago
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      Garry S  I used the Time+ for several months. As there was no blood test available at that time to check the levels of NAD , I did not continue with it. 

      Like 1
  • Hi guys,


    I just thought I would revive this topic as I've just started with Nuchido and would like to share my experience so far.....first a little background, I'm 75, physically very active as I have been all my life, decided when I reached 65 to prove there was indeed life as a pensioner ! My diet has been Paleo for about 20 years and is now low-carb without obsessing about Keto, I've been Intermittent Fasting since the lockdown with occasional longer fasts, also follow Wim Hof's breathing and cold exposure protocols.

    First came into the whole NAD restoration question via David Sinclair's YouTube videos on resveratrol. Started taking this in pill form about 2 months ago, noticed an immediate kick in energy, was encouraged to examine NAD precursors, but found Dr Conlon's explanation of Nuchido rather convincing so started 2 weeks ago with Time +.


    Must say first results are encouraging, noticed a small subtle further increase in energy over the resveratrol level, plus increases also in sleep quality ( and I'm already a deep sleeper but this is another level ) and most significantly in cognitive performance. I'm not able to afford to establish a baseline for NAD level, so 2 anecdotal improvements : 1 I'm astonishing my personal trainer by beating personal bests on a regular basis, and I'm hitting my golf ball out of the park ( not literally ! ) and 2 I regularly play a few chess games online to keep the brain ticking over and my rating has shot up 100 points.

    I'm not even taking the full recommended dose of 2x3 capsules per day, just averaging about 2x2 max. Keep you posted on further progress.

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      • cjacek
      • cjacek
      • 1 yr ago
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      David Young Thanks for sharing your experience with Nuchido Time+. 

    • Garry S
    • scarymonster
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi David, thank you so much for taking the time to tell us about your experience with Time +. It's still on my list as a possible when my supply of NMN is exhausted in the next few weeks. I look forward to hearing more as time progresses. 

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  • Thanks to the encouragement of your excellent administrator I've summoned up the courage to update my story. To the sceptics among you I should point out that at age 75 I suspect my NAD levels are pretty degraded, so even a modest stimulus is likely to produce some results more quickly than in a 40 year old for example.

    Anyway the experience remains positive, energy levels still high. Like most people of my age my biggest dread is declining into one of those dementia-related syndromes, so the improvement in my cognitive abilities is probably the most welcome outcome of all. If there are any chessplayers among you I'm extremely proud and rather boastful about the fact that my online grading has gone over the 2000 level for the first time in my life.

    Another positive to report is the feeling that there is some kind of subtle healing/restorative process going on in my body - for instance the joint pain in my right hip which has been troubling me for months has almost disappeared completely, and a couple of minor skin irritations have completely vanished.

    For some years now I have been taking part in an Age Research Study being conducted by the University of Leiden, which requires me to regularly take online tests measuring pattern recognition, short term memory and reaction times. I'm expecting to visit them shortly for an EEG, so will ask if it's possible to see my results recently, might be interesting.

    I'm intrigued to discover how much of my progress is due to the Resveratrol and how much to Nuchido. My feeling, based on absolutely no evidence, is that Resveratrol is the main energy stimulant and Nuchido stronger on the cognitive and health side. So I've decided to stop with Nuchido for a month and just rely on the Resveratrol, which is actually a very modest 100mg per day Trans-Resveratrol and probably not from the highest quality source.  Assuming the responses to this update are not too overwhelmingly virulent I'll post another update in a month.

    Like 2
  • Almost 2 months into my Nuchido self-trial and it's still positive. For good commercial reasons no doubt they recommend 6 capsules per day, I've never taken more than 4 and often less, including occasional days without to recycle. Notice some incidental side effects such as improved balance ( yoga lessons ) and my nails and hair growing quicker and thicker. Energy levels and cognitive ability remain higher. For me personally the incidental health benefits are as important as the NAD levels, don't know if taking NMN or NR also produce them. When my current supply runs out I'm going to re-order.

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      • Garry S
      • scarymonster
      • 1 yr ago
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      David Young Hi David, thanks again for the update. In your previous post you mentioned not taking Nuchido and just Resveratrol. Did you actually do this? I would have thought it's the other way around and it would be better to take just Nuchido or Nuchido + Resveratrol. Was it not David Sinclair who mentioned (in this case NMN), NMN is the fuel and resveratrol the accelerator, or something like this anyway. I'm still on NMN plus other things and have not moved to Nuchido as yet.

  • Hi Gary, I may not have expressed myself very well, sorry about that. I first started taking resveratrol, which gave me an immediate energy boost, then 2 weeks later I started with Nuchido, which I've just reordered, so I'll be continuing with both. The Nuchido people told me they expected  a good synergy with resveratrol and I think they were right. Let me know if there is any more I can help you with.

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  • It's my impression, based on absolutely zero evidence except my own feelings, that the Resveratrol is the main driver of more energy and the Nuchido provides the health benefits such as improved cognitive ability and healing. At age 75 I'm actually more interested in the latter as preventing typical old age conditions such as dementia. The extra energy feels wonderful but I see it as a bonus. I can imagine people in younger age groups might have a different set of priorities.

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    • 1 yr ago
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    I think I found the same formula in Trubrain Clockwise supplement, and with all compounds mg...In Nuchido sugestion is the double intake daily as this one...

  • That does indeed look like a complete ripoff of the Nuchido formula with all the dosages halved ! What is the recommended daily dosage ? I think I'm going to pass this onto the Nuchido people.

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      • SANTIAGO
      • SANTIAGO
      • 1 yr ago
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      David joven Lo sugerido en Trubrain es la mitad de lo sugerido en Nuchido...

  • I see that and have passed the information onto my contact at Nuchido, thanks for alerting me to this.

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