Hi. About what type of cancer cells do you mean? There might be many types of cancer cells (epithelial, glandular) with various locations and different differentiation grades. This field is too unknown and needs a lot to be discovered. I've been impressed by reading about llc1 cell lines implanted in mice to induce lung carcinoma. From these in-vitro studies and animal trials, I understand that there is a big, maybes endless road toward determining or creating specific drugs that will target cancerous cells. I'm keenly waiting for feedback about the destination of the PNC-27 peptide.
Cancers Force T Cells into Senescence
https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2022/10/cancers-force-t-cells-into-senescence/Established cancers aggressively manipulate the immune system to their advantage, co-opting innate and adaptive immune cells to support rather than attack a tumor. Researchers here note a mechanism by which cancerous tissue forces T cells into a senescent state. Inhibiting this transition makes the immune system more effective at attacking the cancer, where fired up by a suitable immunotherapy that overcomes other barriers that the cancer puts in place to suppress the immune response.