If you're in this for open-ended life like me . . . Gene Therapy, Analysis and Intervention Special Interest Group
If you're in this for open-ended life like me . . .
“The usual suspects” of nutrition, exercise, supplements, healthy choices and some pharmaceutical interventions available now will only get us a few more good years. That’s just not enough.
Stem cells and exosomes may have potential for even more. Still not enough.
I believe gene therapy, along with resetting the epigenome toward youth/cellular reprogramming, hold greatest long term promise.
If you think I’m wrong, or know of others, let me know.
Who’s on board for a Gene Therapy, Analysis and Intervention Special Interest Group?
For gene therapy, emphasis on minicircles.
For genome analysis and intervention, let me know if you know of a better way - but for now for analysis then intervention, we could start here and learn how to use the Just-DNA-seq / Oakvar system.
While awaiting my gene sequencing kit, I'm going through this video workshop and taking detailed notes. Need to go through it more times. We could do that together.
Contact me directly at 1-949-922-9786 or email JAdams@AgingInterventionFoundation.org if interested.
Probably the two best candidates to get your genes sequenced are Nebula https://nebula.org/whole-genome-sequencing-dna-test/. They now have a holiday special https://holidays.nebula.org/ (Dec 2022)
and Dante https://shop.dantegenomics.com/