Chronic congestion and breathing difficulties after Covid

Anyone have on-going congestion / respiratory issues a few months after (recovering?) I was diagnosed August 1. and was initially given a steroid shot (a second one, one week later), asthma medication and an inhaler. I don't feel bad anymore; no chills, no body aches, no headaches, no fever  - but symptoms of Pneumonia remain.

Its ridiculous. 

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    • Jay Orman
    • Jay_Orman
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Michael,  I have not watched these 2 videos, but MedCram usually does thorough research.  They may be of interest to you.  

    Long COVID Treatment, Symptoms, and Recovery (Long Haulers)

    Vitamin D and Long COVID: A Case Report (Coronavirus Update 146)

    Like 1
      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jay Orman Thank you!

    • Michael_123
    • A is A
    • Michael_123
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Long covid is far more common than even poor CDC statistics might indicate.  One holistic MD I follow says the virus can lay dormant in the gut for ages.  For covid -- and almost every other illness, including cancer -- the best diet would be organic keto, but if not, at least to avoid all added sugars, high carbs, processed foods.  That same MD recommends carrying a Rx of injectable heparin as covid kills via blood clots.

    Separately, another holistic MD I saw for 20 years, sent below recommendations, which mostly support the immune system.  I've taken Vit  D -- and for those over age 40, the capsules are not well metabolized, so I've taken a liquid form for 20 years.  I like to keep my 25 (OH) D level at 100, which generally 5 -10,000 units liquid D daily achieves.  I recently went too far, & my last blood test was 150.  Too high, but even there, not dangerous --except to allopathics -- but I'm stopping D for a month or so, & will re-test.

    I've kept/used monolaurin (extract from coconut) but in pellet form, for 20-30 years.  It is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal + other benefits.

    FYI, I do not have any financial connection with any products I mention, except as a customer, usually via buying at Amazon.


    COVID Protocol Simplified

    • Vitamin D3 50,000 iu daily for 2-3 days. Take this as a single dose each day. Do not continue taking this much beyond 3 days.

    • Viracid 2 caps 3 times per day for 3 days.

    • Argentyn 23 1 tsp every 4 hours. Continue this for a day or two after you feel you are all better otherwise the viral symptoms will often recur.

    • Monolaurin 3000 mg 4 times per day. Take one scoop four times per day or 5 of the 600 mg caps four times per day.

    • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 500-750 mg 4 times per day.

    • Selenium as seleno-methionine 200 mcg daily. Take once daily.

    • Vitamin C- 3000 mg initially then 1000 mg every hour while awake.

    • Zinc- at onset of infection 50 mg daily until infection resolved.

    • NEW OPTION: Orenda Immune 4 caps every 4 waking hours for 2-3 days.

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      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Great. Thank you

    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 2 yrs ago
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    We’re you vaccinated?

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Karl No I was not.

      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Michael there is some evidence, albeit weak, that vaccination helps decrease long Covid symptoms.

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      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Karl For whomever may be interested, I've attached latest issue of Sherry Rogers, MD, monthly which includes considerable info re Covid -- long & short!  For the record, traditional med community refers to Covid "vaccine," but it is not a vaccine at all, vs what common understanding is.

      IMO, CDC has been remiss throughout the illness.  Stats are poor, & incomplete.  I've never seen info re how many people in hospital with Covid, not to mention deaths, whom are overweight, nor esp. what medications they had been taking for other health issues.  Allopathic community certainly does not want people to realize that their meds are making them vulnerable.

      I did get initial "vaccine," which one holistic MD I still consult with suggested then.  At age 70+ it seemed less risky.  I would not get another one, however, as current variations seem to circumvent current shots.

      I do not agree with all that Rogers says, but I've read most of her 25 books, & 20+ years of her newsletter.  I also had consulted with her a few years ago.  She is very bright; knowledgable, & does her homework.

      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Michael_B my apologies. Was just trying to help. I gather from your comments about “vaccines” and the doctors slant on Covid that my opinion would be wasted effort.

      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Karl Apologies not necessary.  Medicine, no less anti-aging, is relatively new science.  The epistemological approach should not change, but the facts, & esp the framework of facts, do change.  50 years ago, I took vits, including iron, thinking it was good for me  Years later, learned high ferritin levels are an independent risk factor for heart disease.  We are all trying to make decisions based on current knowledge, and the likely consequences.

      Specifically re Covid, in addition to all the supplements, mostly to support immune system, and even a healthy (IMO, organic keto or paleo diet,) the best recommendation I think is to get an Rx for injectible heparin.  Covid deaths are ultimately due to blood coagulation.  Even before Covid I keept a few vials of 10,000 iu. of Heparin.  Likely 1/2 of 1 vial, or 5,000 iu would be used immediately in sign of heart attack, due to Covid or not.  A D-dimer blood test may help monitor.  Warning: heparin would be contraindicated if one were suffering a stroke, rather than cardiovascular / coagulation.

    • RobH
    • RobH
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I've taken 50,000 IU D3 per day for the past 14 years. About 5 years ago I added a high level vitamin K2 supplement called Koncentrated K. The endocrinologist who put me on the high D found that he didn't have to refer any of his diabetic patients to a cardiologist any more. Whatever bad things such a high D are supposed to cause certainly couldn't be proved by me.

    One of the things that changed is that I no longer get the flu or colds. Or Covid. Haven't had a vaccine in at least 50 years (I'm 78). I don't wear a mask or isolate except when required.

    Blood level runs about 200 ng/ml. It tested at just under 100 ng/ml when I experimented with taking 20,000 IU. But I'm back at 50,000.

    There is a genetic condition that can cause problems with high D, so I recommend getting a blood test for calcium several times after starting on the high D. Mine went up a bit but is still well within normal.

    So my experience would seem to indicate that high D prevents Covid. I suspect but certainly can't prove that it would help with vaccine invoked blood clots.

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      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      RobH Thank you.

      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      RobH Interesting. Again, my recent D level was recently 150, with maybe 5 -10,000 daily, but may have taken higher for a short period.  HOWEVER, I'm assuming at 50,000 D daily, you are using capsules, rather than liquid nor injections.  Likely, you taking 50k cap, maybe are absorbing far less than via other means.  Biochemical individuality is important  Here I'm mentioning re others, as you have found that quantity & methodto work for you.

      I've taken high daily doses for more than 20 years, ever since I learned D levels are inversely correlated with virtually every degenerative disease.

      Separately, to add to fighting Covid, another holistic MD, Sherry Rogers, considers one of the most important vit is lithium (orotate.)

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