Quality of various NMN products

So following the work of Dr David Sinclair ....about 5 months ago I added NMN to my daily supplement regime, taking 500mg on an empty stomach every morning about 7am.

So far I can't claim to notice any differences in how I feel which has got me wondering about the quality of the one I've purchased.

The one I have is Nutopia 500mg (60 capsules) https://nutopiausa.com/products/nmn-500mg-%CE%B2-nicotinamide-mononucleotide

I notice that the bottle says "Beta" Nicotinamide Mononucleotide and I'm wondering how the addition of the word Beta in the formulation affects anything good or bad and if maybe that Beta has to do with the FDA wanting to stop sales of "straight" NMN???

The next thing I've noticed is that like pretty much any supplement you can buy that prices are all over the place from relatively inexpensive like my $25 dollar bottle of NMN to over $100 bucks for some .

Does it really need to cost more then $100 per bottle to work???

This next makes me think that I should consider getting a blood test for NAD levels and possibly adjust my dose accordingly based on that.

Here again prices for NAD testing are all over the place! From as low as $100 for an at home test that you send in to over $500!  Does it really need to coast $500 or more??? 

So does anyone know of a lab for reasonably priced NAD testing that they trust to test correctly????

It'd be great if LabCorp offered it because if they did, my doctor could prescribe it and insurance would pay for it....but oh well to that....they don't!

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  • By the way....if anyone is taking an NMN product that they notice an energy kick from that they think is really working, I'd love to hear what it is!

  • Tnx for this post. Only the messenger: many youtubes on poor NMN/NR quality, if it contains any NMN at all... No facts re nutopia. Just mentioning 2 vendors who either get Dr referrals or are known for quality: donotage.com and hansensupplements.com. My source of NMN is not on the known good suppliers and no effects felt here. ;( Like taking rapamycin, synolitics, I have nothing to report either. And yes labcorp sirolimus blood testing finds I am getting rapa in my blood, 20-30 (??units). So much of all this takes 30 yrs to see. Hoping the public experiment by Brian Johnson (the millionair DIY anti-ager) and his public sharing his protocol, testing, measuring progress will trickle down to us DIYers too.

  • Thank you for your reply and the link to donotage.com

    The other website you list seems to only sell to Europe but I'm definitely going to look over that first website!

    I've been slowly going over what Brian Johnson does also.

    Interestingly... I just got updated bloodwork done and ran it through the http://www.aging.ai/ website (3.0 version) . Last years blood work put me at 39 years old (I'm 61) Last weeks bloodwork has me at 33 years old!!!

    While I realize this thing is a "guesstimate" at best....that's gotta mean something positive about the age reversal protocols I've implemented in the last year

    • Donkey Hotie Only FWIW I buy from hansen here in the US.  They ship quickly only FYI.  Prices do vary between the high quality vendors so I flip between donotage and hansen.  Best to all, curt

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