Modeling the TRIIM Study

I was wondering if anyone has tried trying the protocol used in the TRIIM study.

It seems like much of the info is public.  They dosed HGH 4 days per week and continued to tweak the dosing (starting at 0.015mg/kg body weight) "to maximize IGF‐1 and minimize insulin".  It's a bit unclear as to what "minimizing insulin" means.

Does that mean high normal insulin? I can't think that it'd be it bc that'd be pretty unhealthy.

Perhaps the middle of the normal insulin range?

If anyone knows anyone associated with the study, that'd be great info to know.    

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  • See this Thymus rejuvination video that uses HGH sup with metformin and a 3rd component, both said to mitigate negative sides of HGH...

    My low carb/ketogentic, wearing a CGM would be somewhat wasted if insulin is raised from another protocol.    More time and trials are needed re if thymus rejuvination is more value then the inflammation from higher insulin?  TBD   Good luck.

    Like 1
    • Mel
    • Mel
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for posting.  There is another longer video.  It seems like the computations used for dosing are very complex and not likely to be modeled.    

    They are doing great things though!

    • Bruce B
    • Bruce_123
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hi Mel, actually I did just that, for almost 2 year.

    It was truly life changing for me, I felt like I was on a slow decline, i I again feel strong. My epigenetic age reversed 2 years, the first year, and dundun age, dropped to 0.6 years per year. The second year my age test stayed the same, Dunun was 0.8, I think.  I just recently quit to give my body a break.


    I was not in the trial, just a DIYER

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    • Mel
    • Mel
    • 1 mth ago
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    That's awesome.   It seems like the study participants are having experiences similar to yours - life changing. Sounds like great test results too.  How old are you?

    How did you determine how much hgh to dose?  Their initial dose is published but how they tweak it is not.   Did you use metformin? It's a prescription med here in the states.  So I've heard some are using berberine. 

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