Rapamycin - What age is "too young?"
Hi everyone,
I've read various posts in this forum over the past year and I've become very interested in Rapamycin. I am a very physically fit 40 year old and have a love affair with both weight lifting and running. I have very low body fat and follow a good diet, avoiding junk food, soda, etc. Basically, I am in excellent health.
That said, I have a very strong family history of both cancer and Alzheimer's. I've read that there is a strong correlation between intermittent rap and avoiding those two diseases. The problem is, I can't find any definitive information about how soon is "too soon" to take it. I found one comment by Dr. Green from back in 2016 saying that 42 was too young for someone to take it, but I can't find the reasoning behind that. My thought here is that its probably easier to prevent senescent cell formation than it is to get rid of them.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
I think I'd shoot an e-mail off to Dr. Green at alangreen225@gmail.com. He's very good about answering e-mails, and he began taking rapa at 70, I believe. I have friends in their 40's who are interested in when to start as well.
I’m thinking of beginning rapamycin and like the 40-year-old I’m also in very good physical condition and I’m wondering if anyone who is in excellent condition has started the program and noticed any effects? Also I am 70 years old so I’m going to try it but I have been taking HGH for the last 13 years and thought it was very beneficial. Has anyone taken HGH with rapamycin?
I did read an interesting article which implied HGH could be beneficial because it promotes MTOR2 and rapamycin suppresses MTOR1.https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2018/02/rapamycin-does-not-interact-favorably-with-growth-hormone-receptor-knockout/