Micro-Dosing Lithium for Life Extension - How to Divide 300mg Tablet?

I've been reading the research on how low-dose lithium looks to be helpful in age mitigation as outlined in links below.  I want to try it at the level of 5mg to 10mg a day.  I want to use the medication Lithium Chloride that is used in the studies (not Lithium orate that is sold over the counter, but for which little data is available on).

Typically Lithium is used in medical applications for mood disorders, and the pills are  typically in the range of 250mg to 450mg.  

Can anyone recommend a good way of somehow getting a reliable 5mg to 10mg dose of Lithium from these larger dose pills.  I could pulverize the pills and try to divide the powder to get 1/20th or 1/30th of the amount.  That seems very difficult to do.  Another way would be to dissolve the Lithium pill into some sort of liquid that could more easily be measured out volumetrically.  

Can anyone suggest a good way to do this?

Lithium Microdosing:



Research on Lithium and Aging:

A triple drug combination targeting components of the nutrient-sensing network maximizes longevity


Low-dose lithium uptake promotes longevity in humans and metazoans


Lithium Promotes Longevity through GSK3/NRF2-Dependent Hormesis


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