Who is your worst enemy ?

Nazis abducted, humiliated, tortured  and executed people. Cruel ruthless butchers !
 When that sort of thing happens we fight back hard !  

Your own body slowly but surely bring you to your knees. Steals your appearance ... your performance ... your health! Deprive you of your dignity . Drags you through phisical and mental suffering ... eventually kill you.  NO MERCY !!!!

How is your body different from the nazis ?

 Dont you think its time to declare WAR on OUR worst enemy ?

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    • Randy B
    • Randall_Bagrowski
    • 4 yrs ago
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    God I hope not. The Gov't declared "War on Drugs" back in the '70's and look how well that turned out.

    • Laci
    • loveyouall
    • 4 yrs ago
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    You mean we should sit back and watch our self rot away ?

    • Randy B
    • Randall_Bagrowski
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Not at all... Just don't let the Government "help" otherwise they will set anti-aging research back 50 years. It is up to the individual to try to piece things together by keeping up on current research as it relates to extending lifespan.   An anti-aging organization would be a good idea  by being a clearing house for up to date research. Sadly, LEF has fallen flat on its face in that endeavor and there are no others so like I said.. It's up to the individual.

    • Laci
    • loveyouall
    • 4 yrs ago
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    My message was that we need to change peoples way of thinking !

    Maybe its time to spend more money on science and a lot less  on an imaginary friend ( God ) or useless material  things like fancy cars and buildings.Maybe we should stop all warfare. Maybe we should stop polluting.

    Maybe its time to start acting like civilized creatures.

    • Laci Maybe we should implement Utopia! Wait...been tried many times with disastrous results.

      Even Mao could not change peoples thinking - he just killed those who didn't agree with him.

      Accept reality and figure out what you need to do and stop thinking you can be a dictator.

      • Chan
      • Chan.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Laci I agree with your view that we need less God because the more the colonists tried to abolish slavery, the more they get accused of being the worst enslavers in history of mankind.    Yes, I wish God wasn't the motivating factor so we can point to massive slavery problems that could'd continued until today with the same intensity and trajectory as in the past.   Unfortunately, they decided to abolish slavery because of their Christian faith.    And today the issue of race is a dominating factor on the political scene.    This is not my view.   I pulled it off THOMAS SOWELL - THE REAL HISTORY OF SLAVERY on YouTube.

    • Laci
    • loveyouall
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Dont get me wrong ! Evolution has not stopped towards "real civilization" . We are living in a relatively peaceful time of human history.( thanks to nuclear weapons )

    I dont mind people beileving in God, fortune tellers or what ever hope  they might need to " survive " life.

    BUT.....  Even the pope  visites a doctor when feeling ill.

    As time goes by less  people are religious and more starting to realize that science is our best friend !

    In my opinion scientists should replace all politicians in the world .They have brain and they use it ! Not to mention scientists are unlikely to be megalomaniacs.

    Our world would be a  much better place without brainless power hungry politicians and billioners who rull our world....

    In my opinion to be eligable to run for president you need to have at least one nobel price !

    • Laci
    • loveyouall
    • 4 yrs ago
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    The sad truth is that humanity is not smart enough to have smart leaders :(  Not just yet....

  •  If  I  kidnap you, torture you, humiliate you make you suffer  and finally kill you I be a public enemy.

    When aging does the same shit its natural :)

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