
Hi everyone, I took the first dose of the vaccine COVID yesterday. Additional dose in 30 days. As I take weekly rapa,  I  intend stay out of rapa in this time course. Some thoughts ?

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    • David H
    • David_Hanson
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Rapamycin at low doses like taken for longevity enhances some aspects of immunity at least.  There is research that has shown rapamycin increases the effectiveness of flu vaccine.  From my reading, my thinking is that Rapamycin is not an immune suppressant at low doses.  I kept taking Rapamycin during the time I took the 2 covid vaccinations (Pfizer). I usually do a monthly fast of 5 days (FMD).  I skipped it becausing fasting is known to temporarily reduce the immune system.  Note: I am not a doctor, just my opinion.

    • David H
    • David_Hanson
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Here is a better article about rapamycin and flu vaccination.

  • Thanks David. I appreciated your touch!

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