
Anyone have views on/or use serrapeptase ?


Cheers Seaside.

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  • I use and sell products with this ingredient.  It has been a lifesaver for herniated disc pain so I have used it steadily for almost 15 years.  It has helped wonderfully with the inflammation.  Do you have a specific question?

    • Maximus Peto
    • Researcher, website & forum admin
    • Maximus
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I thought I've heard of it being used to improve muscle and joint range of motion. 

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    • Maximus  Yes.  Every movement in our lives causes micro-tears in the muscles that mend with scar tissue.  Scar tissue and inflammation cause loss of range of motion either due to restraints or pain.  Serrapeptase limits scar tissue overgrowth, eases inflammation and pain so that range of motion is improved.

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    • Seaside
    • Seaside
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I have used it once (about 2 months) for aching varicose veins & found it removed lumps & aches/itches. It was really good. But in all honesty don't know a great deal about it. Was really wondering if it would be good for circulation used periodically ? Did remove all feelings of ache in legs generally, muscles as well.

    • Seaside   Diosmin, horsechestnut, and butcher's broom are good for varicose veins.  Serrapeptase as the leader of other enzymes eat up scar tissue, thin blood, and ease inflammation.  Better to use daily rather than periodically, but it can be expensive.  Serrapeptase is the strongest enzyme, being the enzyme silkworms use to eat out of their cocoons.  Blood can become clotted due to inflammation and scar tissue in the circulatory system that catches and accumulates debris.

    • Rick
    • Rick
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I have heard of it being able to drastically reduce calcium score ..howeber o used it for about two months along with foam roller and I gained only a small amount of flexibility  ..something is better than nothing ,but the cost was kind of high I made the mistake of not doing my homework at first must be used in a fast completely away from any food !

    • Rick I have used serrapetase for about 8 years, my coronary calcium score has risen from 27 to 90 so it does not appear to remove calcium from the arteries. 

  • Your results will depend on several things.  Age, physical problems, dosage used and for how long, etc.  I suspect you may not have dosed correctly, but I don't know.  You may also need some chiropractic care.  It is best used an hour or so before eating, but I take it after my breakfast before I scoot out the door.  I use it for my dog and my bird.  Dog has issues with a leg and the bird has a cyst that grows if it isn't fed the enzymes.  Because it eats excess exogenous proteins, parasites are also taken care of.  Far better for them both than meds, and far better for me.

      • Rick
      • Rick
      • 5 yrs ago
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      loveyouyrlongevity if you take serrapeptase after breakfast may help to digest your meal and nothing else is easy to find studies where it can digest itself if stored for a long time ..if you need a digestive aid ,well serrapeptase will help ,but it would be much cheaper and maybe better to use something else !

    • Rick Believe it or not, it works just fine on my herniated disc pain and has for 15 or so years now.  If it didn't, I would be more discerning on time of ingestion.  And since it does so much more in the body, I would take it anyway regardless of exact timing.  One of the reasons I am not time exact is that when I was, I felt no difference in the effect on the pain.  It may work differently for you and some others.  We are all a bit different.

  • Hi all. I'm sure you'll all find this interesting. My mum, 90 years of age had a fall, and broke her hip and humerus. She had horrible varicose veins a year leading up to the fall. At the hospital, the doctors discovered that she had pulmonary embolism, thus refused to operate on her to put in titanium plates. By the time the swelling had gone down, the varicose veins were missing. The doctors prescribed warfarin for the clots in the lungs (about 12 of them they said), but that gave her colorectal bleeding, so they stopped that and sent her home saying there was NOTHING they could do for her. I took my broken mum home, and not a day went by where she didn't hallucinate. Her blood pressure was also at a consistent 157/90 to 170/100 range, even on Aspirin. After much reading, I stumbled upon Serrapeptidase. Since the doctors (from 4 hospitals) washed their hands of any responsibility saying there's nothing they could do for a 90 year old woman with pulmonary embolism, I appointed myself her doctor. I'm her son, so I'm allowed to experiment with her, and to hell with useless advice from supposed specialists.

    I stopped giving her aspirin and started her on Pepzen 5mg 3 times a day, sometimes I gave her 2x5mg. It was hard getting it from the nosy and inquisitive pharmacists who kept telling me to stop playing the internet doctor, and go see a specialist. 3 days into it, her hallucinations stopped. She started making more sense, talking about down to earth stuff rather than feeling all psychic, by knowing and seeing things that were utter rubbish. A week later, her blood pressure is showing 122/67 on average, never above 124/70. I'll be taking her to the hospital for a follow up this week. I hope I can give you guys an update on the blood clot in the lungs. 

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  • Just a guess, but she may have been building a blockage in the neck arteries.  Blockages can not only cause strokes but block oxygen from getting to the brain.  The enzyme eats away the fibrin web that catches the fat, calcium and debris that form the blockage.  As we age, we form more and more fibrin throughout the body.  Kudos to you for being proactive for your mom.  

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    • David H
    • David_Hanson
    • 4 yrs ago
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    My wife have been taking Serrapeptase for six months so far. There are lots of claims and many possible changes are internal and change slowly so the changes are hard to discern. I do know that it has thinned the mucous in my throat. My ENT had me take Mucinex for the last six years. But I stopped taking it because it is more effective. I take 2 250,000 unit capsules each day. I take it 2 hours after eating or 1 hour before eating. Not hard because I go without eating 16 hours each day.

    • Paul B
    • Paul_B
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Serrapeptase and proteolytic enzymes cause headaches over a very long period of time. I think the headaches may be caused primariy by the brain's attempts to get rid of the debris left behind after the serrapeptase has performed its actions.

  • Hi I have recently stumbled upon Serrapeptase in a group on FB and I have now ordered a bottle. I have adenomyosis ( sister of endometriosis) I have heard that Serrapeptase eats foreign tissues / fibroids and cysts. I believe I also have pelvic congestion syndrome which is where my verico veins in lower abdomen are stagnated with blood which is supposed to go to my heart ( retrograde blood) and making me have horrific pelvic pains every month after my periods. 
    Do you think it wd help my condition and reverse my adenomyosis ? Do I also need to take a liver detox and regenerator or any other meds with this ? 

  • A number of years ago I underwent the cardiac panel blood testing from Cleveland Heart and they found I had elevated fibrinogen, which is a very dangerous condition. My doctor recommended serrapeptase, which by the way is essential to take on an empty stomach (I take mine when I wake up in the middle of the night). My fibrinogen went down and has stayed down every since. Sorry I know nothing of the other conditions you mention.

    • Chan
    • Chan.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    This is another drug-du-jour.   Too many for me to keep track of.   I would stick to a couple of important ones.    My friend reminded me that synthetic compounds are chemically similar to natural compounds with a slight difference - they're isomers.   It means the body may not be able to cope with.   Best to find a natural substitute and ingest that.

  • I take serrapeptase 250.000 IU   & serranol every day. I have been diagnosed with 2 hernias in the lower back. 1 of them: the lower one narrows the spinal canal enormously. If the neurosurgeon saw the MRI. was his diagnosis: I would hardly do anything more. On the contrary; I do everything !! I garden. Grow vegetables and asparagus. Saw and chop wood.......... They ware amazed at what i could do without surgery or without epuderal surgery. 


  • Has anyone used serrapeptase for arterial blockages and more importantly has anyone had any positive results,  I have 3 blocked arteries ( I had a triple bypass 18 yrs ago  and they've blocked up again) I have also developed PAD in both legs , there are claims serrapeptase can reverse these conditions,  has anyone managed to do this successfully? Also what dosage is recommended? For atherosclerosis,  thanks in advance 

    • Alan Price when Cleveland Heart Lab did an extensive blood analysis and found that I had a dangerous level of fibrinogen my doctor "prescribed" serrapeptase. That was about 6 years ago. Every subsequent test, 3 or 4 per year, has  shown fibrinogen within normal range. I take 500mcg on an empty stomach. You could extrapolate from this experience that it would be helpful, but whether or not it will reverse your condition...?

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    • chuck stanley 

      ok, thanks for that, I'll look into it further,

      there are also other medications I've read about such as trodusquemine and beta-cyclodextrin,  which are claimed to dissolve arterial plaques in animal studies but I've yet to find much evidence of human trials , it seems that when good evidence of a potential solution presents itself all human trials come to a stop, maybe because the emergence of a once and for all cure for heart disease will have a massive effect on "big pharma" and all the drugs they sell daily such as aspirin,  statins, blood thinners, etc etc 

      Has anyone else seen or tried anything about the other medications I've mentioned??

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  • Has anyone used this for blood pressure and cholesterol reduction?

  • Anyone have side effect with serrapeptase like muscle joint pain ,if so how long it lasted should we continue serrapeptase

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