Kaufmann numbers for other supplements

So I recently purchased the Kaufmann Protocol and since I was already taking many of the suggested supplements, I summed up everything and came to about 116. But I also take other supplements not mentioned and was wondering what their Kaufmann numbers might be.

pqq, 20 mg

fisetin, 100 mg

Olive leaf extract (oleuropein, 150 mg]

ubiquinol, 200 mg

acetyl-l-carnitine, 500 mg

N-aceytl cysteine, 400 mg

I assume pqq, ubiquinol, and acetyl-l-carnitine would fall into the mitochondria category, while fisetin would be for waste management (my weakest category), and NAC for Immune system since it is a glutathione precursor.

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  • Kim, for  my understanding, the supplements and adjuvants (molecular agents as Dr. Sandra calls them) in the Kaufmann Protocol are mainly targeting aging and not necessarily those aiming at well being and good health short term. That's  why many of those supplements you just mentioned are not on the list. This list will however increase as the doctor is doing more research and investigations in the anti aging field. Now, If this is a question  directed to the doctor herself -who kindly joined our forum, then I would recommend you write in the original thread as I think that's where she gets notifications when somebody asks a question and eventually answers when she has the time.

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