Inflammation and time to change

I've often expressed skepticism at folks who take a supplement and are immediately convinced of its efficacy.

I've been on a two year journey to reduce inflammation by reducing Omega 6 and increasing Omega 3 in my body.

Two years ago I quit cold turkey consuming any seed oils and stopped eating all processed food with seed oils I also increased my intake of salmon and started taking 1.5 grams of fish oil. Last Dec I doubled my fish oil intake.

I've attached a table showing how my Omega 6/Omega 3 ratio has changed over two years. Data is from Life Extension test.

My hs-crp has gone from 4.0 to a 0.76 so I assume there has been a beneficial effect.

I was initially shocked at how long this process took, but on reflection it seems reasonable. For example, any time I've had surgery it has taken 12 months to fully recover.

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