Two interesting articles related to epigenetics

These are two interesting articles I found one from the other

This one
Has a detailed look at the links between epigenetics and ageing. I personally think one aspect of epigenetics is "use it or lose it" that if a protein is being encoded for then it is more likely that this will remain available as a route to encoding, 
but if a protein is not encoded for then there is a good chance that the gene will end up methylated (or something like that).  Otherwise there is an epigentic dynamic going on.

This one
Is particularly interesting to me as it looks at the reason why older people don't have as many osteoblasts. It is known that higher levels of Melatonin overcome this issue and I am trying to understand the interplay between acetyl-CoA, Melatonin, HIF at the 
start of the citric acid cycle.  I will have a good look at this article and its references.

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