Ferulic acid
How to use ferulic acid and where to buy ferulic acid as supplement for oral use?
My plan is to try Ferulic acid and EGCG (Green tea). My aim for this experiment is to see if this combo can clear brainfog. The research so far is done on mice and it is speculated that it has potential to impact and reverse alzheimer procesess in the brain. (Life extension magazine wrote about this combo not so long ago). When it comes to mice it seems like a promising idea. So I want try this and see how it (in the short term) impacts my brain and my mental focus.
But it leaves me with two questions:
1. Why do they say that carrots is a main dietary source of ferulic acid? The main dietary source, as far as i have found, is bamboo shoots and popcorn? Can anybody here bring light to this question?
(They gave the mice 30mg/kg bodyweight).
2. I still have not found a reliable place to buy ferulic acid supplement for oral use. I wonder if someone here know where to find ferulic acid for oral use?
The first link in the above post is dead.
Here is another one.