Rapamycin in humans
I'm cautious on pharmaceuticals but am considering Rapamycin. Downsides are cost, difficulty to source and potential side effects (some people suffer from stomach issues IIRC). So balancing that I'm looking at potential benefits, aging being the benefit. Let's take this explanation of the benefits as an example, in particular
It has been known since the 1930s that caloric restriction extends lifespan and slows aging. Rapamycin could be characterized as caloric restriction in a pill. In a mouse study discussed in the "Cardiomyopathy" section, rapamycin had similar effect in aged mice as 40% caloric restriction in restoring the dysfunction of old hearts to normal function of young hearts.
Now separately we know that research has determined that caloric restriction does not have the effect for humans/chimps that you see with shorter lived species in life extension. It can increase health span (e.g. making you less prone to heart disease) but it won't add years to your life. AFAIK the Rapamycin studies have been done on mice and dogs which have a much shorter life span than humans.
Anybody have any data that says otherwise? If the main effect is to decrease TOR, well there are other ways to do that (periodic fasting which also has other benefits).
So at the moment I'm remaining skeptical of the benefit of Rapamycin in humans, adding in the other difficulties I'm holding off using it, but am open to research and evidence to the contrary.
Thanks for the info, as I’ve been vegan 18 years and always wonder about whether it matters with supplements. The supplement I feel had helped the most is the NMN sublingual powder ... I take several scoops a day , and a pesky long term tendinitis disappeared after a month or so . I’ve been doing intermittent fasting and taking Metformin for two months , and my pup and I added low dose Rapaymycin this week after we did high dose Fisetin a few weeks ago ..maybe now add CoQ 10 , or even better , ubinquinol .
I found a dr in my city, houston that gave me script for rapamycin (sirolimus) and started taking it at 1mg starting yesterday, followed by 9 days off, then increasing to 2 milligrams for the second 10 day cycle, etc... I also take 500 mg metformin daily and did another full blood panel before starting rapamycin.
I was lucky, the first doctor I asked wrote script for rapamycin (sirolimus) after reviewing Dr. Green's website protocalls.
I have already been taking 500 mg,d metformin. My Rapamycin schedule is conservative at a 10 day intermitant dosing starting at 1mg, then 2, then 3.... I have been keeping detailed records.
Possiblble side effects I may have seen from mapamycin are a reduction in left knee arthritus, a slight ocasional dry cough on the first day or two of the 10 day cycle, a bruse that I got on my arm may have taken longer to go away. I have extensive full med panel data befor testing as a baseline I can refer to later as I have a longer dose history.
Don said:
albedo Do you have a link to that clinical study?Sorry Don, I do not.
update...I am 70, my dosage is metformin 1000 mg per day and 4 mg sirolimus every 10 days, statin 20 mg twice per day. Rapmycin greately reduces inflamation and arthritus in my left knee. Subjectively my walking gate and posture feel younger and more energetic. no negative side effects. would like to use dasatinib but its price of thousands of dollars gives pause. Sadly, no weight loss from sirolimus and metformin from my 265pound weight that runs in my family. My oldest great aunt lived to 106 years old.
It should be mentioned on this site that rapamycin (sirolimus) on its boxed warning says to avoid direct sunlight on your skin as increasing skin cancer risk.... I use a light windbreaker jacket when necessary. So avoid tanning booths and sun tanning. Sirolimus half life is 67 hours or about 2.5 days. A week is about 3 half lives attenuation in your blood.