
I have done bio identical hormones for 3 1/2 months before I start Rapamycin. Do I take 5 mg once a week for 3 months and then take a month off and start again?

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    • Larry
    • Larry.1
    • 5 yrs ago
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    That would work. It's pretty much the wild west and you just have to see what works for you. I would not start before 50 and I would cut back or stop if you get persistent mouth sores. Stop if you get a skin infection and restart until it's cleared. 

    • Suzanne
    • Suzanne
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Did you mean don't start until 50 years of age? I am almost 64 years old and female.

    Do you know about Metformin and how much I should take?  The protocol is:

    1) Rapamycin

    2) NAD infusions is best ( or capsules?)

    3) Dasatinib and Quercetin 2 doses 1 week apart every 4 mos to a year

    4)  Young plasma stem cell,  MSC stem cell. 

    For those that can't afford stem cell, can they use Metformin  instead. And when can I use Metformin in the actual protocol process.  

    Thank you so much for time in helping me.  I appreciate it.


    • Suzanne Quercetin, micronized or taken with pepper doesnt have the greatest bioavailability. The latest experiment Ive read about used Dasatanib 100mg a day for three days in a row for 3 weeks.  Ive heard of people in their 40s taking 1 to 2 mg of Rapamycin once a week. A few doctors are self prescribing Metformin at doses of 500mg once or twice a day. Berberine is a supplement that seems to be about as effective as Metformin.

      • Larry
      • Larry.1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Suzanne 64 is old enough to start Rapamycin. 4-6 mg a week and metformin at 500mg 2x day. D&Q is a little more experimental so maybe 150mg for a female if you weigh 150 pounds.  

    • Tam
    • Tam
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Dr. Alan Green recommends 6 mg of rapamycin once a week and Dr. Attia seems to recommend about the same. The key is intermittent dosing in order to avoid side effects. I took my first dose of 5 mg a few days ago and I had a day or so of mild body euphoria that I couldn't attribute to other things, so I'm looking to next weeks' dose and seeing if the same thing happens. 

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