First post!.... Introducing myself!

Hi everyone!!!  Just call me Lucky

So, I'm currently 61 years old and I've been a lifetime exercise and diet enthusiast.

In my late teens and early 20's I was a competitive powerlifter and bodybuilder.....the competitive part ended about age 24 but I never stopped lifting and working out.

At about age 50 or so I started thinking about "the rest of my life"

Lets face it. 50 is not just another birthday....its kind of a mile post on the way to wherever we're going to end up and one starts to wonder how much longer that will be.

So I started taking stock of how I was doing at that point and made a few changes. First, looking at my peer group of lifters that were say, 10 to 15 years older then me, it was obvious that continuing to lift heavy was a sure prescription for joint issues as I aged. Many of these older heavy lifters were getting to the hip, knee and shoulder replacement stage!

At 50 my joints were in very good shape with little in the way of I cut waaay back on the weight telling myself that I don't need to squat and bench-press 350 pounds or more twice a week to be a fit older guy.

Since then its far lighter weights and higher reps but still to failure on sets and 45 minutes of a hard ride on my mountain bike for cardio ever day except leg day at the gym.

At 61 I'm a very lean, fit and muscular man and have normal blood pressure.


Also since about the age of 51 I have been on hormone replacement with a great clinic that specializes in this.

About 2 years ago, I decided that another 20 or so good years seemed absolutely unacceptable to me and I started researching longevity medicine, first discovering Dr Rhonda Patrick on which led me to the work of Dr Steven Horvath....then Dr David Sinclair of Harvard and Dr John Kirkland of the Mayo clinic and there work on the subject of aging and life extension.

I will admit that Dr Sinclair and his daily regime really caught my attention as the man is in his early 50's and maybe he looks like he's late twenties or early 30' he's doing something right!

So for the last few months I am following Dr Sinclair's daily regimen of 1000mg resveratrol, 500 mg of quercetin and every 30 days do a "fisetin purge" with 1500mg of fisetin mixed into my morning yogurt with two tablespoons of raw, unfiltered olive oil, a cup of blueberries and a cup of cut up strawberries all mixed into a bowl of organic non-fat yogurt.

I really do believe this regime is working....I can feel the difference!

Recently on this forum I discovered a link to an "aging AI ( and since I'm on hormone replacement and have regular bloodwork....I put in the results of my last two years CBC'c and this thing says I'm 41 two years ago and 39 now....a full22 years younger then my calendar age and looking to reduce that age even more!

My most recent CBC was last fall and I'm getting another one next week and intend to put those into the aging AI also to see if there's been any changes in 8 months since the last bloodwork

At some point in the near future I intend to work with a doctor that specializes in longevity medicine.

So folks...I can't wait to get started on this forum and welcome any feedback and suggestion!



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    • Maximus Peto
    • Researcher, website & forum admin
    • Maximus
    • 1 yr ago
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    Interesting story, Donkey Hotie . Thanks for sharing, and welcome to the forum!

    • Moonlitnight
    • Medical Writer working on age reversal for over 20 yrs
    • Moonlitnight
    • 1 yr ago
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    I would like to add my welcome, even though I don't post much.  Also, imho, Prof. Sinclair looks his age. I have, however, noticed some nifty filters on a couple of videos where he is shown giving various tips on keeping youthful. One of them is absurd. It was put together overseas (I won't say where) with a digital voicetrack. Unfortunately, I have seen this video promoted over and over on YouTube and the prof. is probably embarrassed by it.  This said, his work is fascinating and he is now stating that he has reversed his biological age significantly.

    I am 72 next spring and am not going to look into my methylation age. I take in a lot of "methylation superstar" foods and those will have to suffice. After hearing that I have a very senescent  immune system, I don't want to investigate any further and experience more panic.  I walk miles in Nature, lift heavier weights than I did in my 30s, eat only healthy foods, haven't had a cold since 2014 or the flu since 1995, and have an internist who says he "has never seen anything like it" and doesn't think I look a day over 50.  

    I don't know what the blood test I just had will bring as they usually show too many WBCs, suggestive of chronic inflammation, and low immunoglobulin A and G1. 

    Why am I babbling on here when I just wanted to say a 6th-month late welcome?

      • Van
      • Van
      • 1 yr ago
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      Moonlitnight Welcome, I am 77 and have taken Rapa for 7 yrs. I have followed Dr. Sinclair for years.  He is one of the worst ageing promoters.  He promotes himself more than the science.  He pushes products that make him money.  Look to the true hero's like Dr. Attia, Dr. Green, Dr. Kaeberlein, and Dr. Blagosklonny.  There are others, but this is a good place to start.

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    • Moonlitnight
    • Medical Writer working on age reversal for over 20 yrs
    • Moonlitnight
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Van. Agreed!!!  The whole GSK shambles after resveratrol trial "positive results" put me off big time.  I am not aware of Drs Green or Kaeberlein and will check them out (thank you).  As for rapamycin, I can't get my hands on it, being up in Canada, and train hard with weights. I am not sure if being on rapa would halt my gains. With the apparent immune senescence, my internist and I decided I should build muscle to see if the senescence aligned with breakdown of skeletal muscle. A lot of studies suggest this could be the case. 

    I am going to discuss it with him soon as he is really my only possible source of Sirolimus. 

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