Exercise Mimetics
[Not medical advice or a recommendation. Sharing for information only.]
Exercise being something of an anti-aging aid, the idea of exercise mimetics comes up.
Today I saw an article in New Scientist on the topic (paywall) https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25033310-900-exercise-pills-should-we-use-drugs-that-mimic-benefits-of-a-workout/
I was unaware exercise mimetics already existed but they mention two substances; GW1516 and Irisin in the article.
Now if you're based in the USA these substances are strictly not allowed but a google search found a UK based vendor for GW1516 (cardarine) selling the compound for research purposes. Not sure where they ship to but I have solid access to the UK once covid abates.
There is very legitimate concern around cancer risk for chronic intake of this substance. It's triggering a complex pathway to mimic exercise benefits. However for the occasional hit and run treatment perhaps a month in every six I might look into it for myself. Certainly not expensive and would be interested to see what it did to my exercising for research purposes.
Obviously a body builder favorite so might look at some of their forums for commentary.
Unfortunately, Irisin didn't work out: https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/72003385/irisin-the-miracle-fat-pill-that-never-was-and-the-downside-it-exposed
I've been thinking about this topic and think exercise mimetics like GW1516 are probably a bad idea unless you absolutely can't do real exercise. The stuff sounds like anti-rapamycin in a way. Chronic use certainly a no no for cancer risk, but even occasional might be bad if it's upregulating mTOR. (and really who knows what it's doing?)
I have been using Reverol (SR9009) for 2 years. First tried it to counteract age-related weight gain despite all standard efforts. The result was very decent. I got a weight loss of 10 kg and a significant increase in health.
You can google about the positive effect of rev erb agonists on sirt ampk.And a few photos and videos of my condition at 60 on my blog. http://biohacker.website/личный-опыт-биохакинга/