Immunosenescence anyone?
Hi all! Just dropping by to ask if anyone has been diagnosed with immunosenescence. During some tests to check for auto-immune conditions (I suddenly developed extremely mild peripheral neuropathy at age 70) and the doc noticed I had low immunoglobulins. I was referred to an immunologist who is the most obnoxious individual and refuses to answer questions. I went for a blood draw, then pneumococcal vaccine and another draw seven weeks later to see how my levels of antibodies (produced by B-cells) had responded. She then called me to tell me I was a "very sick person" and might die if I caught a respiratory infection. Apparently, the lab that assessed the bloodwork found immunosenescence markers suggestive of Common Variable Immune Deficiency and I am supposed to inject myself every week with huge volumes of human plasma. What could possibly go wrong? I had virtually no antibody response to the vaccine and have low IgG subgroup 1.
This plasma is prescribed for people who have repeat infections including bronchitis, pneumonia, thrush, pink-eye, colds, flu etc. I have not had a cold since 2014, flu since 1995, and flicked dried cat poop into my eyes while weeding a month ago. I am sure I inhaled some as well. Nothing happened. Nada. During omicron, I was the only one of a group of five who didn't catch it from one of the others at a small dinner party. (I was also one of two who remains unvaxxed.)
This is not a request for medical info, as my internist and GP are now handling the situation. Just wondering if anyone has been dx'd with immunosenescence and what did they do about it? I realize there are no effective thymus enhancers. Once a month, I am doing the large dose of Fisetin and quercetin. TIA
You should've been getting sick, and a second opinion would be my choice. I would go to lef.org and order Autoimmune Disease Screen Blood Test
#LC100041 for $149.00.
Also, maybe order Sjögren’s Antibodies (Anti-SS-A/Anti-SS-B) Blood Test
#LC012708 for $125.00.
I'm also 70 and did NOT take the MRNA clot shots except finally caught a mild case of Omicron in December, 2022 for superior natural immunity.
Good luck!
Hello William and thank you for responding. I didn't realize this had been posted because it sat there "under review" for a few days. As a result, I deleted it, thinking the mods thought it sounded too much like a suggestion for treatment.
I am not sure LEF is still offering tests to Canadians. I will check. In the interim, I saw my internist who called it a substantial overreach to make a diagnosis of CVID for someone who very rarely gets sick and appears to be very fit (touch wood). The internist sent my GP a report saying I was strong and healthy, and the protocol of weekly infusions with plasma pooled from thousands of donors is a far greater risk to my health and wellbeing. He suggested I work more on my muscles (we had an hour's debate about mTOR, which I try to keep as inactive a possible). He felt it better to improve my immune system via developing my skeletal muscles more, as a means of increasing longevity. He is very well versed in the use of rapamycin and supports it but wanted to observe if my globulins increase as a result of more protein intake/muscle development. So I am happy with this approach for the time being.
In my neighbourhood, those who had the pointy thing came down with omicron. Good for you and, again, my profound thanks. -
I'm 79 and haven't had the flu since before 2008. No vaccines in the past 50+ years. What happened in 2008 was my endocrinologist put me on 50,000 IU/day of vitamin D3. I've also added K2 (5 years ago?), although my blood calcium was already normal.
The D3 is my primary suspect in avoiding sickness, as I certainly got sick on a regular basis before using the high level. I was already on 5000 IU/day before that, which may have helped, don't really know.
I didn't get the covid shots as my d-dimmer was already above the normal range. Several people who really pressured me to get the shots actually did get covid. Think they would have done better on some (a lot) of D3.