Rapamycin - progress so far

Hi all, 

About me: I'm 46 y.o. medical doctor based in Europe and started taking weekly rapamycin 4 months ago. I go to the gym regularly and am in average physical condition for a guy of my age. The last couple of years have brought the first negative signs of physical aging: aches and pains that don't go away, increasing belly fat, a decline in gym performance, wrinkles and increased pigmentation, grey hairs as well as slower wound healing. Am venturing on this rapamycin journey to see whether it can  slow down the inevitable age-related decline and see how it impacts my aging longer term.

Where I'm at now: I started rapamycin 4 months ago at 2mg once weekly and have been slowly increasing the weekly dose by 1mg each month. Now at 5mg per week. I intend to continue on this dose increase scheme until I reach the highest optimal dose, beyond which side effects become an issue.

Currently have experienced zero side effects, not even mouth ulcers.  I have noticed improvements already in body composition (slight reduction in body fat) starting at the 3mg/week dose and most recently increased gym performance (cardio vascular and muscle strength increase) since being on 5 mg/week.

Intend to progress to 6mg/week in September.

Will at some stage probably try topical rapamycin on wrinkle / pigmentation problem areas as well. In Europe a rapamycin solution (Pfizer) is easily available in pharmacies.

Body pictures from today are attached.

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  • Has anybody noticed or heard about a sharp drop in neutrophils after taking rapamycin? When I upped the dose to around 6mg bi-weekly (2 mg + fresh-squeezed citrus juice) my neutrophils dropped 50 %. No change in lymphocytes or red blood cells.

    When I reduced to around 3mg bi-weekly, neutrophils only dropped slightly.

    Will try papaya fruit extract to bump up my neutrophils. If this doesn't work it seems I have to stay far from the dose I would like.

    There ain't  no free lunch.....

    • chuck stanley Thanks. Were you recommended two capsules a day? Hard to find clinical evidence, but testning it oneself is the ultimate proof...

      I boosted  lymphocytes fairly rapidly with cholera vaccine, but only supposed to take this once a year.

    •  Ulf Rasmusson Yes, 2 per day, but since it contains silymarin I only take 1/d. I've found in the past that too much silymarin gives me diarrhea. 

    • Michael
    • Michael.1
    • 2 yrs ago
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    It's been one year. 

    How are things going with the Rapa and your expectations from a year ago?

    • Michael
    • Michael.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    Was hoping for an update on everyone's rapamycin journey.

    • Michael My rapamycin journey has been bumpy. Initial problems with unbearable itchiness and a big drop in neutophils didn't reappear, but what remains is a 30 - 40 % drop to my already low lymphocyte count on just a 3 mg biweekly dose. The last time I got a small lung inflammation that had to be cured with antibiotics. 

      With a 1 mg dose there is just a small hit to my lymphocytes, but I wonder if this dose can have any effect.

      Am taking Mushroom Synergy, on a hint from Chuck Stanley, to rebuild my lymphocytes and immune system. Hope to get a more definite answer if this and other possible supplements can let me take rapamycin.

      I may be an extreme case in immune vulnerability to rapamycin.

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    • Michael 

      I’ve never noticed any particular benefits from rapamycin. In general my bloodwork tends to be improving but I attribute that more to the other supplements and drugs that specifically target my risk factors.

      My lymphocytes are low, and were even lower at last lab work, testing at 17% . So the mushroom synergy didn’t seem to improve my lymphocyte count. Also my Complement C4a, which may be related to a chronic mycotoxicity from working in damp basements has gotten much higher, possibly suggesting worse. Nonetheless I continue on a high dose.

      I was at 6mg rapa + ketoconazole. Blood testing showed this to be an estimated equivalent of ~35 mg.  Last month I developed a UTI (self diagnosed) which cleared up with azithromycin. Therefore I backed off dosage to 5mg + keto, equivalent to about 30mg, which I take tri-weekly.

      I do worry about the low lymphocytes and high complement C4a, although WBC is in normal range. At my next doctor appointment I’ll see what he says. However, as long as side effects are tolerable, until advised otherwise, I’ll continue at 30mg.

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      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Ulf Rasmusson 

      I experienced the same side effects and ceased Rapa. Thank you.

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      chuck stanley Thank you.

  • A  lowered lymphocyte count promotes aging .....for me it's a tough call to take rapa for it's (probable) anti-aging effects. It's like putting my foot on the gas pedal and the brake at the same time. Haven't given up but will see if I can find a solution. If anyone has ideas please speak up!

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